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Corey's POV
I was in my car, driving but I didn't know where I was going - I was so mad - why would she think that's I would hit her - I had to blow off some steam-
  So I drove to a bar -
I sat on the bar stool and waved my hand so the bartender would approach me
" un tiro y que sigan viniendo."
(Translation- a shot and keep them coming."
He nodded and walked away - some girl walked over to me and sat next to me -"hey papi." She said moving her hand up my thigh towards my dick -
"Fuck off ."
She looked at me with shock and scurried off -
'Bitches be bonkers.'
A few hours later-
I walked out the bar and went to my car -to find the same girl - "what do you want ?"
"I want you daddy." She pulled me by my collar and kissed me , she began tounging me and I pulled back - "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ? Do you know who I am ?" Of course not were in Spain -"Err I have no idea , but your sexy and I want you to fuck me ."  This girl has no respect for herself-
As much  angry I was at Juliana I would never cheat on her , no matter how bad the situation was- "Don't you fucking touch me ever , or I'll blow your brains out." She nodded and ran off - what a slut-
I need to sleep man , I'm tired
Julianas POV
Corey had been gone for ages , and I missed him , I didn't mean to get him angry - but it was kind of his fault , if he never slapped me ,we wouldn't be in this situation- The hotel we was in was like a mini apartment -so I was in the kitchen making dinner for us -when I heard the door open -and Corey walked in -"Baby I didn't mean to upset you okay I'm sorry ,I'm making dinner." He just walked our room and totally ignored me -I hurt me so much -I went into the room and walked over to Corey-" you not love me anymore ??" He continued on ignoring me ,I started crying in front of him and he acted as if I wasn't there-he was just overreacting -why was he being like this ?
",please talk to me I'm sorry."
"Do you want dinner? I made pasta??" I got annoyed and went into the bathroom and locked the door-I pressed my body against the wall and sat down -and cried and cried and cried .
It felt like I was in here for hours -I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, my makeup was ruined -my mascara was smudged and my eyeliner was everywhere-I unlocked the door ,but Corey wasn't there anymore he must have gone out -I went into the kitchen and saw him eating the pasta I had made ,it put a smile on my face -I walked over to him "Bab-" I cried again for the millionth time today-I'd given up I began walking away when he grabbed my wrist pulling me back to him -he pressed his lips onto mine and started tonguing me -
"I'm sorry for the way I acted ,I was in a crap mood,but I would never Ever lay my hands on you baby, your to precious to me and I love you to much,I'm sorry for making you cry."
"It's okay Corey." I leaned in and hugged him tightly -we both let go and were staring into each other's eyes -"The pasta was nice."
-I chuckled "Thank you ." He wrapped his hands around my waist-"Please don't ever cry because of me." He was so cute when he did this -I nodded and kissed him more softly - "come on let's go bed."
"Mkay." He lifted me up bridal style and carried me into bed,he was tickling me making me laugh -"baby I'm out of breath now ." I felt his hands scooping me up so I could rest my head on his chest -"were flying back to America tomorrow ."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah we've been here to long ,we'll say goodbye tomorrow okay ?"
"Yes baby ." He kissed my forehead and I drifted of to sleep

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