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Julianas POV
Whilst Corey was discussing some issues with my dad - I started to get to know Marco - it seems we were very alike - his mother died during child birth, and he was 21 aswell but he was older than me by 2 months or so - he was explaining to me about how his ex girlfriend cheated on him, turns out she was lesbian-"Well that took an unexpected turn ." I laughed
"I know right ,what a weirdo ..... you know don't think Dad never stopped looking for you he never gave up."
"I know but ,he should give me a choice of who I want to marry ."
"You don't want to marry Corey ?"
"What, of course I do , but I'm only 21 I should be able to live my life first , I don't want to marry Corey like this ."
"Hmm, anyway wanna make churros ?"
"Oh I love them , yes ." We hurried into the kitchen and got out all the ingredients
-35 minutes later -
- Corey finally walked out the room "Come on we're going back to the hotel ."
"Okay just one second ." I ran back into my dads office and gave him a hug before I left -"I'll be back tomorrow daddy ."
"Beuno novia." -okay sweetheart- I smiled and walked out the room -"I gave Marco a hug -  I walked out the house and Corey was waiting for me in his car- I felt someone pull me towards the bushes and I screamed as their dirty hand was covering my mouth - "Get off of me." I mumbled - I turned around and he wore a mask that covered his face ,I punched him and tried to run ,"Cor-" I felt something hard hit my head -must have been a brick- and I just lost consciousness .
Corey's POV
Where on earth was she ,I turned of the car engine and hurried up the front porch ,something caught my eye ,I saw a trail of blood trickling from the bushes ,it was very suspicious, I got back up and rang the doorbell -"Marco is she still here ?"
"Who Juliana?"
" no she left like 20 minutes ago ,because you were waiting for her ,is she not with you ." I shook my head " Come take a look at this ." I pointed to the pool of blood that lay on the floor -"Oh this is bad , follow me ."? We rushed into Carlos office -"Dad check the security camera now ,20 minutes back ."
"She's been taken ."
"Mierda." (Shit)
Carlos turned on his computer and scrambled through the security cameras "there look." He pointed at a man in black attacking her , God I felt so angry and frustrated- I should have knew something like this would happen but I didn't pay much attention- I'm sorry baby- " Marco , I want all my men in my office now MEETING !"
"Yes dad ." He scurried out of the room leaving just me and him -"it's all my fault ."
"No it's mine , I should have had guards the protecting her the minute she landed in Spain ."
"Don't you own like all the Gangs?"
"What no, there are so many rivalries between so many gangs , I'm just more stronger than all of them . We need to find her as soon as possible you never know what they can do to her ."
"Your right ."
Julianas POV
I woke up in a dark room , to find myself tied to a chair, someone walked in and opened the light , my eyes winced in the sudden change of lighting, "So your the girl , everyone's been going on about ."
"Who are you ."
"Santiago Hernandez."
"Why have you kidnapped me ."
"Oh that wasn't me , that was Roy very useful at times."
"Answer the question!"
"I better watch your tone Mrs because you don't wanna see me angry."
I mentally rolled my eyes knowing he wouldn't do anything because of how much I was worth-
"Well, your the daughter of Carlos Martinez,and turns out who ever marries you can join an alliance with him and I need that."
"Really? Because I don't see any ring in that finger ."
"What in the world makes you think I would marry you?"
"I don't need you to like me for you to marry me you know."
"estupido idiota." - stupid fucking idiot -
"I heard that you know ." He laughed walking out the room-
What on earth is he going to do to me???

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