He cares

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Julianas POV
My shift had finally finished,but I didn't want to go home ,I realised Corey had waited for me his car for the past 2-3 hrs  -As I walked out the cafe some man approached me and I was backed into a wall -
"What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?" He said running his finger through my hair -
"Let me go please."
"And why would I do that?" His hand slowly went up my thigh giving me shivers
"don't touch me." I felt hot tears rolling off my face
"Just one little kiss for me."
"I said no."
The mans breath smelt like alcohol,he was obviously drunk -he looked like he was just jumped- His hands reached my V line -I could feel it through my jeans-
"Get your hands off me you creep."
"It won't hurt come on baby." He pinned myself harder against the brick wall and 
started kissing down my neck towards my breasts which made me let out sobs - this CANT be happening-
"I think she said not to touch her."
"I'm making out with my girlfriend fuck off."
"Help." I whimpered
he was instantly ripped off of me and Corey punched him repeatedly-"If I see you around here again I'll kill you."
He nodded and scurried off into the alleyway -
"Are you okay....did he hurt you?"
I shook my head-
he wiped my tears away with his thumb and pulled me in for a hug
"It's okay....your okay....come on I want to take you somewhere." He said
"O-okay ."
I followed him into his neon green lambo and he opened the passenger door for me and I got -"where are we going?"
"It's a surprise okay?"
We arrived at some Art gallery or museum -i dont know " what are we doing here ?"
"I want to show you something." He replied opening the door for me
"Aren't we like breaking in or something?"
"Juliana, I own the Art gallery ."
"Oh wow." -so he's rich -DAMN-as we walked in it was so beautiful-" Did you paint all these ?"
"Yeah , in my own time ." -So he's an artist aswell -uhhhh- I always had debates with my inner thoughts and it was so annoying - "This is amazing."
"Dance with me ?"
"There's no music though ?"
"There is now ." He pressed play on his speaker but I couldn't figure out what song it was -but anyway back to what we were doing -he kept twirling me around making me giggle-and I hadn't felt this way for a very long time -
Without thinking I leaned in and kissed him -DAMN GIRL-
"Omggg I'm so sorry I just got caught up in-" he immediately cut me off and smashed his lips onto mine -his lips were soft-he kissed me seductively but gently- He pulled back jut staring at me-" is everything okay ,bad breath?"
"What ,no , I mean you don't have bad breath but-"
"But what ?"
" never mind......I'm sorry, I just literally killed the whole vibe ."
"No,no it's okay ." He smiled and kissed me again -I could do this all day-
-Julianas got a boyfriend
Julianas got a boyfriend
Julianas got a boyfriend-
- my inner thoughts was like having an annoying six year old sister - and I didn't know what was worse -"Do you wanna grab something to eat ?"
"Yess, God I'm so hungry."
"Okay come on ." I held his hand and followed him out of the building
Corey's POV
She smelt so good,she tasted so good and I couldn't wait to make her mine her lips tasted like cherry which was amazing, she was way better than those other sluts -Who just to be with you for money and Shit - I was driving with her beside me "hey can I have your number?"
"No...I don't have a phone." She said with embarrassment
"They didn't give you a phone ?"
She shook her head
"Oh ,then don't worry I'll get you one ."
"No I don't want you to spend your money on a girl you've just met ."
"There only like $600."
"That's like my monthly budget divided by 2 ." She laughed, one of the things I liked about her , was the sense of humour-
"Corey what's the time ?"
"It's 22:13 why ?"
"I'm so sorry but I have to get home right now." She said with fear in her eyes
"Please ,just please drop me off...I'm not sure what he'll do to me.... if I'm late ." She panicked
"You can't live there anymore Juliana."
"Corey... once I have enough money I'll move out but just p-please drop me n-now."
"Okay." I said reluctantly
Julianas POV
The minute I got home ,I quickly kissed Corey and ran out the car , it seemed that no one was home ,the house was really quiet -finally- here we go again-"WHO WAS THAT GUY WHO JUST DROPPED YOU HOME!"
-I'm so tired of this guy ,I finally built up my courage and said "ITS NONE OF MOTHER FUCKIN BUSINESS!" I yelled
I instantly felt a stinging sensation my face and I knew he slapped me "HOW DARE YOU ,TALKBACK TO ME YOU WHORE...INSTEAD OF BEING MY DAUGHTER YOUR OUT THERE BEING A SLUT." He shouted making me cry -"I HATE YOU!" I just wanted to be with Corey ,he's the only person who's made me smile, -he dragged me by my hair and punched my stomach ,making me fall  -and I knew exactly what was going to happen-I was so weak "STRIP." He shouted
"No !" I replied weakly
"I SAID STRIP NOW ." He slapped me again and I took my clothes off only leaving me in my underwear-I could feel my legs being pulled -"NO DONT ,PLEASE STOP ." I cried and screamed as loud as possible- this couldn't be the end for me ,could it ?-I felt him unclipping my bra ,and taking of my pants -I begged him to stop but it seemed like he was enjoying this -causing me pain making me beg-I heard the front door break down,and I saw Corey he ran up to me "Get off her!"
He went over to my stepdad and tackled him ,he punched him ,over and over ,until he lay unconscious on the floor.I had my back against the wall and my head was in my knees
"Juliana....everythings okay now."
"No no no it isn't." He sat beside me against the wall and tried to hug me -but I just gave in I needed this- I gripped on his shirt tightly-
"I d-don't w-want to be here."
"You going to stay with me...but get some of your things."
Hey guys - the song I put has no relation to the story I just think that it's nice to listen whilst reading this chapter - I'll be putting some songs that I found good to listen a-swell
Happy reading :)

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