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Corey's POV
I pulled Juliana back from Alyssa , because she had done to much damage - she shrugged my hands off her "Don't touch me ." She walked to the bathroom and shut the door "Baby open the door what's wrong ?"
"How can you ask me such a question ,you saw that girl hit me and you didn't do anything about it ."
"Okay first of all , her names Alyssa-"
"Why are you defending her , you should be defending me ." She cried
"Baby, don't cry ."she opened the door and her face was so bloody - "Look at me , I'm going home , I've had enough of you ." She pushed pass me and got her car keys of the table - she walked out my office and I followed her she walked over to Jacob- "hey you , do you know how to drive ?"
"Good your dropping me home ." Out of all the guys why did she ask Jacob anyway , I didn't care -"Baby let me explain !!"
"I don't wanna hear it ." She replied walking into the car - "Jacob get back here now ."
"Yes boss ." He ran back into the warehouse
"But you don't know how to drive !"
"How could you do that to me Corey ." She shut the drivers door and drove off - I didn't expect it to get this bad - I'll talk to her when I get home
Julianas POV
I couldn't barely see where I was going because of the tears in my eyes - I was trying to remember what Corey told me about driving - but I didn't even want to think about him , he hurt me so badly- I grabbed my phone from the passenger seat and saw 8 missed calls from :hubby💍♥️- but I didn't want to answer- I scrolled through the texts he had sent me :baby I'm sorry
:please answer me
:let me explain
-maybe I was a little bit harsh-but no I threw my phone back on the passenger seat and looked up - and saw a massive lorry driving towards me -I was in the wrong lane - I tried to swerve but I didn't know how to - What do I do ???- i unbuckled my belt , grabbed my phone and got out of the car - God this isn't happening-I have no idea where I am , I hate to say it but I really need Corey right now - I wobbled to the pavement as I dialed Corey's phone , but it went straight To voicemail - I instantly felt something strong collide against my waist and it hurt so bad - Why am I so unlucky today -I got hit by a car , just great , I felt my body hit the pavement and I couldn't even move -"Omg someone get her an ambulance." I hard someone say - and slowly I drifted off into the darkness
Corey's POV
I parked my car in the driveway and realised that Julianas car wasn't there - I rushed into our bedroom and it was empty, I went back downstairs and into the living room "Caitlin , has Juliana come home ?"
"No not since this morning."I was really worried because she wasn't at home and the car wasn't there - I turned in my phone and saw 3 missed calls from her - I received a call from a private number - "hello ?"
"Is this Mr Kingston ?"
"Well, the recent vehicle you have purchased has been in a incident , so we were wondering if your insurance-"
"Wait accident, what do you mean ?"
"The person driving that vehicle was in an accident and we was wondering your if your insurance is-"
"Yeah, the insurance will pay for the damage bye." I cut the call and rushed into my car ,- I was speeding but I didn't give a fuck about that , I just hoped Juliana was okay - I got to the hospital and went to the reception -"Hello has anyone by the name Juliana Martinez been bought in ?"
"Yeah she came in a few hours ago , she's in room 509."
"Okay Thankyou ." I rushed up the stairs and walked into her room -she was connected to so many machines - it made me feel so bad - she glanced at me and turned her head away "Baby please don't do that ."
"Please talk to me , I'm so sorry , I didn't want for any of this to happen , when you said you wanted to to come to the warehouse I , had to test you , that girl ,she's a trainer - to see if you could handle her and you did -"
"Yeah." Why have I become so soft ?
"I don't believe you ." She turned her head away,making me frown- "Just kidding." She giggled -and I sighed in relief - I went over to her and hugged her ,I looked at her and kissed her gently-"you need proper driving lessons."
"I definitely do ." She chuckled

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