Our first 'i love you'

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(Julianas birthday outfit)
Julianas POV
- we were laying in bed and I glanced At the clock
-17:32 -
"Get dressed I'm taking you out on a date ,wear something nice."
-I made my way over to my the closet and I picked 3 dresses one was curvy , the second one was tight around the waist and loose at the bottom, And the third one wasn't even an option -" baby ,which one should I wear?"
"That one ." He said pointing to the red one  , I tripped over a shoe and lost my balance, Corey quickly rushed over to me ,and caught me before I hit the floor
"I got you baby."
He said and I smiled , he lifted me back on and sat me on a chair -" You gotta be careful okay ?"
"Yes babe." I nodded, he kissed my forehead and walked out -
-45 minutes later -
I had finished applying my makeup , and I looked amazing, I curled my hair ,and wore red lipstick so it matched with my dress , -"Baby ,can you zip up my dress ?"
"Oh....my....fucking....God ....you look-"
-he paused for a moment and licked his lips -
"Thank you ." I chuckled
He stood behind me and zipped up my dress, I felt sloppy kisses down my neck ,which made me tickle- I turned around making him shift a little-he continued kissing down my neck "babe,stop now."
He groaned which was even more sexier -
"can you help me put my shoes on ?"
I sat back down on the stool and he gently placed my shoes on , I just wore my fluffy sliders ,because they matched with my outfit
We arrived at some fancy restaurant-but when we walked in no one was there "Babe are you sure it's open?"
"Yeah it's reserved for just me and you ." He replied pulling the chair out for me
"Thank you."
"Anything for you princess."
"What would you like to order?" The waiter asked
"Can I have ,the tortilla espańola and red wine please ."
"Okay, and what about you sir ?"
"I'll have the same as her but a scotch." 
"Okay, your food will take about 20-30 minutes."
"Yeah thank you."
"Baby , can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah sure ."
"Are you 100% Spanish or?"
"No my dad is from Spain and my mom is British, she married my dad before I was born and they moved to Chicago."
"What about you?"
"Well I'm Half Mexican and Portuguese."
"Oh wow."
"Is it okay if we, go to Spain, I have some serious issues I need to discuss with him ."
I stayed silent for a moment -I wanted to see my dad , ,I had forgotten what he sounded like ,but I'll never forget his face- I Nodded in desperation -
"I miss him." I said
"Don't worry baby,we'll see him soon." He replied holding my hand tight -and I smiled back when he pecked it -God he was so FUCKING cute -
"I love you Juliana... and it's okay you don't have to say it back but just know I love you so much and I would do anything for you."
"Really?!" I exclaimed
"Yes princess."
"I love you to Corey." -I really did love this guy ,he's one of the only people who care for me- we both leaned over the table and our lips connected
"here's your food sir ."
The waitress said
"And for the beautiful lady." I smiled back at him ,but I noticed Corey's glare-and he walked away -
"Also your coming training with me tomorrow ."
After dinner,Corey was taking me somewhere but I couldn't tell,since it was so dark -"Babe,tell me where we're going ."
"It's a surprise okay." I sighed and looked out the window making him let out a laugh "it's not funny."
"Anyway were here now." He got out the car and quickly rushed towards the passenger seat and opened the door for me -I reached for his hands c and walked out the car -I finally knew where we were -his art gallery-"baby what are we doing here ?"
"Like I said it's a surprise." - we both went in -I saw a trail of roses leading to the back room and decided to follow it - "This is amazing babe." I gasped-the trail lead outside behind the building and there was this beautiful mini picnic,with a fruit basket and chocolate covered strawberries and candles surrounding it in a heart shape -we sat down -" don't sit there sit here ." And he moved closer to me so I could lean my head on his shoulder - "Thanks for today baby."
"Anything for the birthday girl ." He said kissing me , I lifted my dress up so I could straddle him comfortably,I felt his hands going down from my waist to my butt ,he squeezed it so hard -"COREY!"
"Can I not touch my girlfriends ass?"
"But you always do it to hard." He bit my lip making me open my mouth, as he slid his tongue down my throat -I pulled back making him groan ,I sunk my head into his chest ,as I felt the cold atmosphere hit me ,Corey took of his coat and wrapped it around me " Thanks babe."
"Baby I have one more surprise ." He reached for his pocket ,it was keys for a Range Rover which had my initials on it -"Baby are you serious?"
"But you've only known me for like four months ."
"Soo,I love you and you love me to ." I looked up at him and started kissing all over his face "Thankyou ,thankyou ,thankyou . I love you so so so so so so much ,but baby can we go home now it's getting cold ."
"Yeah sure. thing."

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