Pregnant? again??

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Julianas POV
-"Corey can you unzip my dress?"
"Yeah sure."
I felt kisses going down my back giving me tickles-"Babe stop ."He completely ignored he what I said and twirled me around so I was facing him-my dressed fell leaving me in my Lacy underwear-"Did I tell you how sexy you look." He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me aggressively and seductively-
"Babe."I groaned
"What can I not make out with my wife?"
-the fact that he acknowledged me as his wife was so cute -"yeah but-"
"what's stopping us...come on it'll be quick."
"Okay." I sighed
Corey's POV
Soon later ,I lay in bed with Juliana next to me
She shook me slightly-"Baby I need the toilet let me go ." I watched her get out of bed and walk into the bathroom -"Why you walk like that?"
"Because of you ."
"What did I do ?"
"You always make it hurt ." I chuckled in response but hid my face so she didn't see me -"Oh I'm sorry baby ." She got back into bed and lay beside me
"When I tell you to not be rough you still do it."
"But we both know you enjoy it-"
"It hurts know how tiny I am...I'm surprised it can even fit in me."
A couple of laughs exited his mouth
"So what do you want me to do?"
"I dunno."
Julianas POV
-Three weeks later -
I waited 2 minutes and flipped the test over - I'm pregnant- but it does explain all the crying, mood swings,morning sickness and having to pee very fucking 10 minutes- Corey knew this would happen and I'm so happy- tears of joy blurred my vision and I let them fall freely
It felt like I had been in here for hours -
Corey had gone out to the warehouse and Caitlin moved in with her boyfriend -
I barely had time to socialise or make friends because I had to deal with so much personal shit -
I was all alone apart from the guards downstairs-
I went downstairs and was ready to leave until a gurd approached me -
"Are you okay miss?"
"Yes I'm fine...tell Corey I'm going to the store."
"Would you like me to drive you?"
"No I'll be okay....thanks Chris ." I walked out the house and into my car .
"Baby where are you it's midnight."
"I went to the store then I went to get some food."
"Lemme guess....chipotle?"
"One point for you." I chuckled
"Well get home soon I miss you ."
"I've only been out for like 4 hours."
"Yeah I know but-"
"I'll be home soon....I love you."
"I love you too baby."
As soon as I got home Corey had made dinner for me -"Baby what are you doing at this time?"
"I made dinner for you."
"Aww thanks."
"Here." He handed me a glass of red wine -
I was about to take it but I wasn't sure if it had alcohol
I wasn't sure so I declined
"No I don't want wine."
"Baby come on one glass won't hurt."
"I can't."
"Because what?" He said with a little bit of frustration in his voice
"Because I-."
"Why are you stuttering?" I didn't know how to tell him ,he seemed angry with me for no reason-
"I'm.....pregnant Corey."
"Your p-pregnant?"
"You had no fucking reason to shout at me."
"I'm sorry baby-"
"But you always d-do that."
"I'm sorry I just got annoyed ."
I let out a big huff and walked away,until I felt him pull me back -
"Don't be angry." His warm hands reached my waist and he kissed my cheek
"Julianaaaa?" He said in a singsongy voice
"Yes baby?"
"Don't be mad I said sorry ,I promise I won't shout at you ever again."
"Okay ."  He crouched down in front of me and lifted my shirt up,I felt kisses going all around my flat stomach-
"Your pregnant?"
"For the millionth time take a look." I handed him the pregnancy test I used -
"Oh my God."  He instantly lifted me up into the air and twirled me around-
"I promise baby nothing will happen to you this time,I swear on my life.....I love you."
"I love you to baby."
"Come on let's go to bed."

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