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Corey's POV
(2 weeks later)
The day had finally arrived-
The day when I bury my mother -
I had this feeling of emptiness inside me , and honestly it made everything ten times worse.


I waited patiently in the car For Juliana, but she was taking forever which frustrated me . She walked out the house looking beautiful as ever , her eyes met mine through the windshield and she hurried when she saw the annoyed look on my face .

"It's gonna get better baby I promise." She said reassuringly and leaned in to kiss me but I instantly dodged making her peck my cheek
"I don't need you to comfort me ,I not some child." I snapped
She muttered something but it was to quiet for me to hear
After the funeral Caitlin and some other family friends were came over to have one of those family gatherings whilst I isolated in my office
I loved my mother and she was taken away from me , after my father had died she stepped up and took care of us both , Caitlin and I . She was my pride and joy . And now she's gone.Both my parents are.

Getting annoyed of being locked up in my office I ventured down the hallways and towards the kitchen but I stopped by the door when I heard familiar voices .

"I don't think he loves me anymore."
"What why?"
"He doesn't talk to me anymore-"
"Jules this is his way of grieving, you need to understand that."
"That doesn't give him a right to treat-me like shit ."
"Hey don't be upset." Caitlin's voice spoke
"I don't know what to do ? What should I do ? Is he gonna break up with me-"
"Jules don't you dare blame yourself , okay ? I know he still loves you , he just needs someone to knock some sense into him ."

Hearing her cry, to my sister made me regret everything I did to her, yes I lost my mother but I shouldn't have been such a dick .
I still love her , I am in love with her , but I didn't want her comforting me , like I couldn't handle shit myself . She needed to understand that .
Juliana's POV
After everyone had left ,I had a quick shower and went straight to bed -
I turned the TV on after trying countless times to sleep but it never came
I heard the door open it was Corey
I let out a big sigh continued watching my movie-
I felt a dip on the bed and I looked to my right-
"Baby why are you crying?" He said caressing my cheek
"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled
I left the room and Corey had followed me downstairs-
"Are you mad at me?"
What type of question was that?
Of course I am
"No...I'm have no right to treat me  like that...could you not feel a little sympathy for me ?
do you have any idea how you made me feel ? All  i t-tried to do was c-comfort you...but you pushed me away."
That honesty felt good to let out
" You have to understand my mother died-"
"I lost my mother too I know what your going through. You should be able to talk to me..not go out with your friends or go to the warehouse to work...we're getting married this how your going to treat me every time someone you care about dies...
I'm so mad at you I can't even think right made me feel like the death of your mother was my fault -"
I broke into tears right in front of him -
damn these hormones -
I was cut off the a hug and I wanted to pull away but I couldn't.
"You were so horrible to me and I hated It."
"I'm so so sorry princess."
"I missed you Corey.." I muffled into his shirt
"I don't want you to ever feel that way because of me."
"It's okay."
I wrapped my hands around his neck so I was staring at his emerald eyes and he was staring at my amber ones-he kissed me softly this time- it was with more passion and emotion and different compared to those other ones
Corey's POV
-flashback 4 hours ago-
(After Juliana had spoken to Caitlin she stormed into my office like a lunatic and just stood there -
"So your giving me attitude to huh?"
"What do you want Caitlin ."
"Corey....your baby mama is out there right now literally crying her eyes out because of how you've been treating her....she told me how you don't talk to her-"
"listen I'm not in a mood for one of your lectures."
"Corey if you want to marry her don't treat her this way...she's pregnant for Gods sake...cut a little slack she's trying to comfort you....I can't have her crying everyday because of you...I love her like a sister so go sort out your mess....unless you want her to leave you ?"
"She wouldn't do that...I know her....I guess I have been a little harsh on her-"
"A little ?"
"Okay...but I need some time to myself Mom. Died and we just buried her today."
"I know but she lost her mom younger than us  she was 5 years old...imagine how hard that must have been...and then she got put into a foster home with abusive parents Corey....your supposed to make her happy not make her cry...because if you don't by next week I guarantee you'll be sleeping with those whores again do you want that?"
"So go and talk to her."
"'s getting late so I gotta go."
"Say hi to Jason for me."
"I will ."
(Flashback ended)


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