An unexpected turn

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Corey's POV
I finally got my girl back and I couldn't be more happier.
Juliana had fallen asleep in my arms so I gently scooped her up and went to find her room,-I placed her on the bed and got in beside her -my hands pulled her closer to me so I could inhale her cherry scented hair-
"Goodnight baby."
-the next day -
"Good morning ."
She turned towards me and she looked so pale-
"Baby what's wrong?"
"I don't know I feel so nauseous like I'm gonna pass out ,my head is really dizzy and it hurts."
"Do you wanna go to the doctors?"
"No baby I'm okay...I'll be fine."
"Okay imma go make breakfast." She got out of bed and lost balance as her head was about to hit the floor I caught her to find she was unconscious-what on earth just happened-
Julianas POV
I woke up with a headache it felt like my head had just been hammered-I stood up and Corey rushed over to me -
"Are you okay you've been unconscious for a few days now."
"Yeah I called a doctor he said everything's okay,but you need to rest."
"I know baby this always happens."
"What do you mean?"
" I always wake up feeling sick."
"I'll make dinner tonight you need to stay in bed it?"
"Yeah I got it ."
A few minutes had just gone by when I heard the door bell echo through my apartment.
"Don't worry I'll get it."
"Corey is everything okay?"  I jumped out of bed and walked into the hallway - my heart stopped for a second
"What on earth is he doing here?"
"Did you miss me." Corey got his hands and put it to his throat -
"Corey stop."
He completely ignored me
Why am I even defending this guy ?
"Why are you defending him ,do you not remember what he did."
"Yes I know baby but I need to ask him something ."
"What if he hurts you?"
"He won't because you won't let him right?"
"Of course baby."
" are you alive?"
"Well I've been looking for you for a few months now-."
"Answer the fucking question."
"Well as soon as I you know I knew Corey was gonna come for me ,I knew he was gonna kill me ,so I had a backup plan ,I left the country 2 days before-"
"But the surveillance camera shown you were at-"
"No that was a clip from another time."
"Okay....what do you want?"
"I need your help."
"You really think I'll help you after what you did?"
"Yes...and I know sorry what fix what I did but I truly am ."
-I walked up to him and slapped his face -
Maybe more than once
" it's important-"
"What ?"
Corey cut him off I glanced at him and all I saw was anger and his facial expressions made it more. Visible
"'s April she's pregnant and she's missing ."
"What the fuck makes you think we care...I haven't spoken to her in nearly a year ."
"Because it's about you." He stood up and slowly walked towards me ,my motherly instincts made me put my hands on my stomach protectively -
I'm not loosing it again -
Corey rushed in front of me blocking my view - "Don't go anywhere near her-"
"What do you mean it's about me?"
"Well the people I made the deal with I owe them money ,or I can trade April for you."
"Well unless you have 12 million dollars in your bank account ,I'm leaving with you."
"Yes It was 5 million  at first but then they increased the price because I haven't paid yet ."
"Well your not having her fuck off."
"Well the Russians won't be to happy about that."
" owe 12 fucking million dollars to the Russians ?"
"Yeah...I just said that."  I pushed Corey aside and went in front of him -
"Well Callum if you didn't know I'm the daughter of a Spanish Mafia no Russians are coming for me anytime get the fuck out of my house."  One minute I was looking at him and the next minute his hands were squeezing my throat tightly-
"c-Callum!" I screamed -
As soon as Corey realised I was in pain he ripped Callum's hands off of me and floored him ,he began punching him in his face until I heard a bone crack-
"Don't ever put your fucking hands on her!"
I walked into the kitchen gasping for air and filled a glass with water -
"Are you okay ?"
"It's okay...."
"stop breaking your promises."
"I know I'm truly sorry ...I'm so stupid to not have suspected anything-"
"Where is he?"
" I knocked him out ."
"Baby....can I not have one peaceful day without anyone hurting me?" He glanced at the handprints on my neck and sighed-
"Does it hurt?"
-I shook my head -
"Just a little sore ."
Not that type of sore
"Juliana I'm sorry for being so weak."
"It's okay I'm alive that's all that matters."
I stood on my tip toes and kissed him ,our tongues were slowly dancing together-
"Look at you two love birds."
"What are you still going here?"
"I don't have a place to stay."
"Then go rent those cheap motels for the night your not staying here."
"What makes you think I have any money?"
"Well that's not my get OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
" need to calm down."
"I can't when he's right in front of me......I h-hate him , I h-hate him so much."
"You heard her get out."
"Come on Corey man we were friends once what happened?"
"Are you really that dumb enough to ask that?"
"You paid some men to kidnap and then rape her-"
"I never told those men to rape her...I told them to make it hurt-"
"SHUT the fuck up......"
and then she got kidnapped again and then was tortured and then you shot her which led to a you want me to carry on?"
"C-Corey get him out of here p-please."
"Ill be back just wait and see...and this time I'll make sure your dead...all three of you."
"Corey give me your gun."
"Give me your gun now."
I can't believe this guy making threats to my unborn child- I could feel my blood boiling
I snatched it out of Corey's hands and the next thing I knew Callum was dead... I don't remember how many times I shot him but he's dead .
"Damn." I heard Corey mutter
"Um I'll get some men to clean this up."

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