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Julianas POV
4 days later -
Today was the day of my wedding and I felt so excited- I was with Caitlin and she was helping me get into my dress -" let me zip it up ."
"There we go ." I stepped aside to have a look in the mirror - I wore a fishtail dress that hugged my curves perfectly
(outfit above)
- my curly hair was tied into a nice slick bun- "You look amazing ."
"Thanks you should get ready." -
My dad walked in the room and his eyes widened-
"Te ves hermosa." (You look beautiful)
"Thanks daddy...not to bad yourself ."
"If only your mother was here she'd be proud."
"I know I miss her to."
I walked up to him and straightened his tie .
Corey's POV
I was marrying the love of my life today ,I stood at the aisle patiently and waited for Juliana- Oliver and Jacob were my grooms men and they stood behind me .... there were so many people here -because of the alliance but I just wanted to see her- I immediately snapped out of my thoughts when I saw my queen - she looked.... I couldn't even think of a word to describe her...
-her and Carlos slowly walked down the flowery aisle as Caitlin walked behind them with a boquet in her hand -she finally reached the end and stood in front of me -Carlos walked away and sat down -"you look beautiful." I mouthed to her and she smiled back -"Thankyou." -the priest began -"Dearly beloved , we are here today to celebrate the Union between Mr Kingston and Miss Martinez .Today as you join yourselves in marriage there is a vast unknown future stretching out before you. Through your commitment to each other you may grow and nurture a love that makes you better people . Above that continues to give you great joy and also a passion for living with provided you with Great responsibilities in life,your vows please."
"Today I take you to be my wife and promise you to help create a life for us filled with ,trust , fidelity and love ,to love you not as some idea of you but as you truly are to grow with you , learn with you,and to life out our days hand in hand ." I said slipping the gold ring into her finger ,I glanced up at her and saw tears welled up in her eyes -"My commitment to you  is willingly ,absolutely and without hesitation, I am yours utterly and have been since the moment we've met we are married from this day and always will be." She placed the ring to my finger -"and without further ado I pronounced you husband and wife you may kiss the bride ." I pressed my lips onto hers and the crowd cheered in Joy I depended-the kiss not wanting the moment to end but instantly stopped when Carlos walked up to us -"welcome to the family son." I leaned in to shake his hand but he pulled me in for a hug and walked away-This was the best day of my life -"I love you so much Corey."
"I love you to baby." Caitlin and her boyfriend approached us -"Congrats guys!"
"I can't wait till I get married."
"Err not for a very long time ."
"Corey, don't say that ."
"Don't listen to him Caitlin we're all waiting for him to pop the question ." Everyone laughed instantly but awkwardly
"Anyway guys let's go to the hall."
After dancing ,eating and all that wedding stuff  Juliana and I were driving home -
-"we didn't even pick a name for her ."
I looked at her and felt so bad..I had no idea how to comfort her and it hurt me
"I .....I just wanted to have her in my arms ."
"Jules why are you crying on our wedding day?"
"Because our baby could have been there."
"YeH it's my fault ...everything that's happened is my fault ."
"Don't blame yourself Corey it was Callum's fault....."
"Yeah." I kissed her lips and leaned back-
"So...I was thinking of going back to work-"
"What whyyy?"
"Because I said so."
"But baby I have my own choice so if I want to go back to work,I'm going."
"People tried to kill you remember."
"Yeah but there dead."
"I said your not going back...."
"You can't tell me what to do."
"Why do you want to go back anyway?"
"I don't want to be a housewife who just cooks and gets pregnant every year....I'm young I wanna live my life first ."
I scoffed at what she said
"You think working is living your life?"
"No I wanna travel the world....have parties-"
"So you think because your married you can't do those things?"
"No...marriage doesn't stop me from doing those things it was just an example."
"But it's not safe."
"What do you mean...Callum is dead."
"Yeah but I don't want what happened to you to happen again baby."
"I promise I'll call you straight away."
"What about April?"
"She resigned ages ago so the land owners are looking for a new manager."
"So you want to be the manager?"
"Yes...please baby I promise nothing will happen...and plus I'll be hiring and the cafe needs a makeover."
"But promise me if anything happens you call in a heartbeat OkAy ."
" I promise Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou ."
She kissed my cheek and all over my face -"babe we're here." She got out of the car and walked into the mansion -"Baby I'm going to bed."
"Okay I'll meet you up there."

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