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Corey's POV
Me and Juliana were at the hospital waiting for the doctor-we'd been here for like 15 minutes-
"can we get Starbucks after this ?"
"Yeah sure ." -
finally the doctor came in -
where the fuck was he?
-"Good afternoon miss Martinez."

"Could you lift up your shirt ."
He's lucky he's a doctor or he'd be dead already
We got to Starbucks but it wasn't even open
"Baby,it's closed."
"But I'm literally craving it."
"Really, your crying because of that?"
"Okay,there are so many Starbucks in Chicago let's go to a different one ,sounds good ?"
"Okay what are you having?"
"Can I have a latte ?"
" No she'll have a hot chocolate,and add a bottle of water to that please."
"Okay, that will be $6.43 cents please ." I handed her a 10 dollar bill
"Keep the change ."
"Thankyou ." I drove to the car park and waited for our order -
"Why are you sulking?"
"Because what ?"
"I wanted a latte."
"Well that has coffee in it and your not having it ."
She folded her arms  and pouted her face
"Juliana,stop acting like a child ."
Julianas POV
It was mostly the hormones that were making me act this way but I was still annoyed
"I'm not acting like a child Corey."
"I don't want to argue with you so quit it ."
The worker gave us our order and Corey started driving -"are you still upset?"
"No." I said with attitude
" well obviously you still are."
"I leaned my head against the car window -
"where are we going?"
"We're going to the store."
"can we get this ?"
"What about the crib."
"Yeah,get that aswell."
"We need a stroller ."
"Hmm." he didn't really pay much attention to what I was saying ,he seemed distracted
After buying everything we needed Rey and I sat in the car and I couldn't help but think that something was bothering him .
"Baby,what's going on?"
He ignored me
"Remember we don't keep secrets from each other ."
"Jules ,I've messed up real bad ."
"What do you mean ?"
"I know why people keep trying to kill you ."
"Someone ,betrayed me and have been working with  one of my rival enemies, that's how they got you in the Spain,the cafe ,that's why I have to marry you ."
"I thought you wanted to marry me because you loved me ."
"No baby, I do love you but your Father  said so himself, it's to create an alliance."
"I didn't think you were actually going to do it."
-I felt tears welling up in my eyes-
"I'm going to die aren't I ?"
"your not going to die , I'm supposed to protect you ,so if this is what I have to do I'll do it ."
Corey's POV
We were back home and I couldn't find Juliana anywhere ,I looked everywhere but I hadn't been upstairs yet , I went in our room and checked out closet she was no where to be found -
Where on earth was she ?-
No answer
I heard in the room next to ours -I walked in and saw Juliana painting the walls grey on a ladder -"Hey baby."
"Jules what are you doing ?"
"Painting ."
"You know we can just call someone to do it ?"
"Yeah,well I want to do it."
"How long have you been in here ?"
"About, 2 hours I'm nearly finished ."
"Okay." She took a step back and fell ,I caught her just in time -"you need to be careful ."
"Now come on let's go to bed ,we'll finish this off tomorrow."
I carried her back into our room and she got into bed .I pulled her waist so she was closer to me -
"Baby you need to stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Sleeping faraway from me ."
"Mkay,but it's fun when you pull me ."
"But stay close to me okay?"
"I'm not going anywhere."

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