Starting to fall for her

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(Corey's mansion)
Corey's POV
I dropped her off at home but I didn't like leaving her alone with her abusive dad- I was just about to drive off when I looked down and she left her coat - I heard screaming from a distance what on earth was he doing to her?
without thinking I sprinted to her house and kicked the door down ,Jonathan on top of Juliana who lay there defencelessly naked
This just made my blood boil and all I saw was red -just as he was about to thrust into her -I ran towards him and tackled him
After about 20 punches the bruises on his face seemed to calm me down ,I scanned the room looking for Juliana and I spotted her against the wall hugging her knees-
"Juliana everything's going to be okay now."
She continued shaking her head-
I leaned into hug her but she flinched at my touch-
"I don't...want to be here ."
"He isn't going to touch you ever again I promise."
She gave in and i wrapped my arms around her protectively -she gripped on my shirt tightly and I could feel her warm tears soaking my shirt
"Your going to stay with me..."
"A-are y-you s-sure?"
Julianas POV
We got to his house and oh my it was gigantic,he lived in a Mansion- I got out the car and walked to his front porch -I felt hands on my waist and I winced in pain
"It hurts so bad ." I whimpered
"What's wrong ?"
"L-last week he punched me and today he kicked me harder in the same place."
"I'll call the doctor right away."-
his house was amazing,had to be 3 story or something, did he actually live here ?
-of course he lived here-
"Do you wanna eat or ."
"I'm tired I wanna lay down."
He carried me up the stairs and into the guest room but I shook my head
"I wanna go to your room."
"Okay come on."
He gently placed me On his bed and left the room to make a phone call -
"Doctor can you get here right away,...mhm......yeah.......I understand...bye." He walked back in and sat beside me , I felt his hands on my face "Don't worry ,your safe now ." He kissed me on my forehead and then my lips,I moved closer to him so I could get in a good position ,his hands  moved down to my waist-
"Corey,I need the toilet ." He looked at me with confusion ""
"Ohhhh." He stood up with my legs around his waist and walked me to the bathroom- "what are you doing?"
"Are you taking a shit or somethin?"
"What ewww no , I need to pee ."he walked out finally giving me some privacy- I did my business ,flushed the toilet and washed my hands
"okay...I'm done"
he walked in with a devious look on his face
"Nothing ." 
"Corey I'm hungry now ." I groaned
"But you just said you wanted to rest ."
"Yeah, I changed my mind ."
"Okay ." We went downstairs and I saw a girl on the kitchen stool eating - "Corey where have you been ?"
"You can clearly see I'm busy ."
"Ohhh mmhm." She sat there and examined me for a moment-
"Hopefully you don't break this one."
Corey rolled his eyes and ignored her
"Juliana meet my twin sister Caitlin ." I saw the resemblance, Caitlin was much more shorter but had green eyes and brown hair , like Corey -"Why are you carrying her?" She asked
"It's none of your business."
"Corey It's just a question chill....has my brother been treating you right ?"
"Yeahhh he's so cute." I replied and Caitlin fell to the floor laughing her head off
"What's so funny ?"
"You called him cute, darling he's everything but that ." I chuckled a little bit and felt Corey's grip on me tighter " Put me down."
"I said!"
"Okay." I found it amusing how he listened to me straight away and so did Caitlin -
"I like her Corey."
- I went over to the fridge ,and was surprised, to see it full - but what would you expect from a rich person - I grabbed out some ingredients to make spaghetti bolognese
"You cook ?"
"Umm yeah I work at a cafe ." He smirked and sat on a kitchen stool ,in front of me
"What are you doing ?"
"Watching you ." He smiled
Corey's POV
Juliana finally finished making dinner and it tasted so good "you should be our house cook ." Caitlin said
"Nah." I collected all the plates and washed them - "The Doctors here ." A guard shouted
"Let him in ."
"Juliana come on let's go ." I carried her into the infirmary wing and placed her on a chair
"Okay let's see ." The doctor  said
"Tell me where it hurts ,okay ."
"Yeah." He slowly pressed on her stomach going down "its hurts there ,stop ."
"She's probably fractured a rib ,which explains the swelling . I can't really do anything because I don't really have much equipment but you should rest, Ice it and painkillers should help."
"Thank you doctor."
"You heard him right , you need to rest ."
"Yeh I heard him ," she replied with a frown on her face -
"What's wrong , come on you can talk to me ?"
"It's just ...after every-....after everything that's hap-happened today-"
"Don't think about what happened today he can no longer hurt you okay?"
"Y-yeah." She sniffled
I couped her face making her look up at me - she was so short ,I'm 6,3 and she's like 5,4-
" I already told you don't worry , I'm here for you okay?"
-I leaned into kiss her but she dodged me -
"what are we?"
"Do you want us to be something?"
"Yea-never mind it doesn't matter."
"Juliana....we've only known each other a few weeks and I don't want to rush into it...are you okay with that?"
She hummed in response but didn't say anything

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