Why would he do this?

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(Corey's office but with the couch and fridge)
Corey's POV
I woke up and felt someone beneath moving -"baby what are you doing?" I say in my deep morning voice
"You hold me to tight bae,I can barely breath." I chuckled and loosened my grip on her ,and she sighed in relaxation "okay I need to pee." She shuffled along the bed and went to the bathroom-
She walked  back out and jumped on top of me , her brown hair was all up in my face and it smelt so good ,I felt her small hands trying to go around my waist "what are you doing?"
"I wanna cuddle."
"Fine." She moved closer to me so her head lay on my chest -"what should we do today?"
"We have training remember."
"Oh yeah."
"Get ready wear something sporty. "
"Okay if you say so."
Julianas POV
I went downstairs where everyone else was and Corey approached me in a hurry -
"Baby you look good but I'm not sure it's appropriate."
"Whaaaat why nothing is showing babe."
"Turn around." I gave him a quick twirl and heard a group of men talking about me -
"That ass"
"I bet it's jiggly ."
"Boss is selfish ."
"How can he keep her all to himself ."
"I wanna taste."
"No I'm having her-"
"Thats enough!"
Corey yelled so the group of men would stop talking about me -
"Sorry boss."
"Sorry sir."
"Yeah sorry ."
"Good now get back to work."
They all saluted and walked to the training room
-"baby you can only wear these type of things for me-"
"I'm not an object Corey."
"I didn't say you were."
"So stop sayin-"
"Woah....where's this coming from baby? Why are you in a mood?"
I shrugged my shoulders
"Are you on your period?"
I nodded
"So don't take out your anger on me ...I've done nothin wrong."
"I'm sorry." I pouted
His hands couped my face
"It's okay." He said pressing his lips on my
Everyone's was in the training room and Corey was teaching me how to throw a punch -"harder."
I swing my fist around to punch him but he instantly dodged it-
"Baby don't punch like that... do it like this." He positioned himself and punched the air as an example-
"okay now you try."
I did the same exact thing Corey did and got it right -
"Good...very good baby...okay do self defence now....attack me." I tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg making me trip and fall onto the mat -"Get back up...now." I stood up and punched him near his torso but his abs were to damn strong -Corey glanced at me and laughed his head off whilst I stood there in annoyance -
"Corey...I'll find someone else to work with."
"Who?" I scanned the room until I found a really cute guy -"him."
"No you wouldn't."
"Try me." I turned back around to face Corey but I realised he took off his top so his sexy 6-pack was showing and I knew he did it deliberately because there were other girls in the room -
"So is this what we're doing now?" I said walking over to him -
"You can touch it if you like." My hands reached his strong abs I couldn't help it -the next thing I knew I was pressed against the wall and Kisses going down my neck towards my chest
"Baby not here....people are watching."
"Let's go upstairs then."
"But I'm on my period."
"What are the towels for?"
"Fine." I sighed
As we were on our way to the warehouse Corey was teaching me how to drive -" baby, slowly reverse , be careful not to hit anything ." I pressed the gas pedal really hard and the car went back rapidly "Baby stop ." Corey said as I was just about to hit a street lamp -" I think you should drive ."
"Yeah." We swapped seats and Corey just drove to the warehouse - I could see it from a distance and it didn't look like a warehouse , it looked abandoned or something "Baby, are you sure were at the right place ."
"Yeah,it's like this for a reason ,." He said as we went inside -they were so many people, some were smoking , some were in other rooms, some were with weapons and others with drugs but it was nothing new - everyone stopped what they were doing as soon as me and Corey walked in - they all saluted and went back to work - "let's go to my office ." Corey's office was amazing- it had a lounge area and a desk on the other side - there was a bathroom in the corner of his office and he had a mini fridge on the other side -"Baby this is amazing."
" I know ." He sat me down on his couch and walked over to his desk - "you look cute when you work." He looked over and smirked at me - someone knocked on the door "Come in." - some girl walked in , she had a Bob and a slit eyebrow she was taller than me about 5,5 she looked about 20 or something , she wore tight leather skirt and a leather jacket that matched with it and her boobs were basically popping out and I could see her ass from about a mile away she walked over to Corey without noticing me -"Hey boss." -I couldn't tell if she was flirting or not , I just pretended to be on my phone , "what do you want Alyssa?"
"Ethan told me to give this to you ." She moved closer to him handing him a piece of paper - "okay thanks bye ."
"I was wondering if we could talk -" she said trying to sit on his lap - I looked for anything that I could throw at her , I quickly took my shoe off and aimed for her head , making Corey laugh -"OWW ." She groaned
"He's my man not yours." I laughed , she went over to me and slapped me across the face , I just saw red , I kicked this girl near her abdomen area making her crouch down ,I pulled her hair and punched her in the face ,she got back up and punched me again , I felt blood trickling down my face , - why wasn't Corey doing anything - this just made me even more angrier , I stood up and punched her again , "Who the fuck do you think you are ? "
"Shut up, you whore." I carried on punching her over and over again , until some men came in and Corey pulled me away from her - "Dont touch me ?" I shrugged his hands off me and walked towards the bathroom - he clearly saw that girl hit me and he didn't even do anything , he just sat there - and then pulled me off of her ,like he was defending her or something -
God that just made me so furious.

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