Morning sickness

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(What their bedroom looks like)
Julianas POV
The next day
I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and I turned my head and saw Corey peacefully asleep -I felt something gushing up my throat and I immediately ran to the bathroom and let it all out
-Morning sickness sucks -
- I crouched back up and rinsed my mouth as usual- when people say the first trimester is bad - I didn't expect it to be this bad - but as long as my baby was healthy I didn't care - I looked at myself in the mirror -
And I was a mess-
I walked out the bathroom and Corey was already awake
"what are you doing ?"
"Looking at a girl on insta."
"Haha very funny." 
"No I'm serious."
"Don't fucking play with me right now."
As he showed me his phone I could see a girl from a distance,I walked closer towards him and realised it was me -
I looked so hot in that picture
"Why are you posting such a sexy picture?"
"Why are you so controlling?"
"Why do you think I'm controlling?"
"Why are you always interrogating me ?"
"enough with the why's."
"Okay Corey."
Saying his name sounded so weird
"What'd you say?"
"I said Corey."
"You don't normally say that unless your-"
"You don't like it?"
"Nah I'm just used to my nickname."
"Rey or baby?"
"Both." He smirked
I turned around to walk into the closet -"wait,stop ."
"Go back to that position ."
"Your showing baby ."
"Are you calling me fat?"
" no,your not fat ."
"I have gained a little wait don't lie to me ."
"I wasn't lying-"
"Before I was pregnant I used to weigh 136 pounds and now I'm like-"
"That's not bad."
"Your just saying what I wanna hear."
"Come sit here." He said patting the bed
I went over to him and leaned against the headboard-
"If you call yourself fat one more time your gonna have the most nastiest punishment coming your way." -
" what's the time?"
"Shit I'm late."
I got to work but I was outside with Corey "call me the minute you finish so I can pick you up okay ?"
"Yes babe."
"I love you ."
"I love you to ."
I hugged him and walked in -
" hey April I'm so sorry I'm late ,I'll close once after I've finished my shift ."
"It's alright ,Juliana."
"No,it's fine really I can do that ."
"Okay... the keys are in the cabinet."
- I started my shift and began serving customers -
I missed doing this
- sometimes I would be at the till and taking peoples orders or just cleaning tables .
-2 hours later -
- it was finally my 45 minute break and I was so tired ,I just wanted to rest -
I took out my phone and texted Corey -
Me-hi -
Corey-hey you okay ?-
Me-yes I'm just really tired-
Corey -when does your shift finish?-
Me-in about 3 hours -
Corey-wow that's long -
Me-I kinda regret picking a long shift ,I just wanna sleep-
Corey-want me to pick you up ?-
Me-no I'll be fine."
Corey- you sure baby?
Me-yeah I'm sure
Corey- 100%?
Corey -okay I'll be right outside once you've finished-
Me-okay -
Corey-ill talk to you later -
Me- okay bye-
i scurried off to the bathroom and puked my guts out -
As I walked out the cubicle I heard a little girl crying -
" hey sweetie ,why are you crying ?" She looked about 4 or 5-
"I've lost my mommy."
I picked her up and carried her on my waist-"Don't worry I'll help you find her ." I went out the bathroom and scanned the area , the cafe was really big -"can you see mommy ?"
"N-no ."
"Don't cry sweetheart...what does your mommy look like?"
"She has blonde hair,glasses..and gween eyes and has a computer."
"Oh look there she is."
I carried the girl to her mother who had a look of distress on her face -
"Thank you so much ,I was really worried."
"No problem ."
"I'm having a feeling you'll be a great mother one day."
"Thank you miss."
"Please you can call me Angie."
I had finally finished my shift and I was waiting for Corey to pick me up , I closed the cafe ,and it was freezing outside -
where on earth was he ?-
I should have bought my own car
I turned on my phone and texted him -
Me-Corey where are you , I don't feel well , it's cold and it's dark -
Corey-,I'll be there in like a few minutes-
Me-, please hurry up -
Corey-I'm coming -
I could feel my toes freezing-
He finally came and I rushed towards the passenger seat -"Hey ." I said pecking his lips
"How was work ?"
"It was good."
"What about you?"
"I don't really feel well ." I sighed
"What do you want me to do ?"
"Im kinda hungry ."
"Any food place...pick and I'll take you there."
"Okay...can we go to McDonald's?"
He said turning the car around - maybe if I ate something the pain would go a little -
The jeans i wore felt so tight around my waist
so I unbuttoned it and sighed
"Oh that reminds me I got you something baby."
"Yeah,it's at the back." 
I turned my head around and saw a Pandora bag ,I reached for it and took a box out of it
"Baby what's inside?"
"Open it and see."
As I opened the box my eyes widened
It was this bracelet with a tag that said
*love of my life*
At the bottom and the day we started dating -
"Thank you so much baby I love it."
"No problem princess."
"what do you want?"
"Umm I want a cheeseburger and fries please ."
"Okay.....could I have the 20 nugget share box , large fries and a coke ."
"Babe,I don't want nuggets."
"Well,I need to make sure my babies eat properly."  -
I could feel butterflies fluttering their wings in my stomach
He payed for everything and we got our food
"how do you feel now ?"
"I feel good thanks ."
"No problem."
Slowly my eyes began to close and I drifted of to sleep .

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