I dont know what to do

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Julianas POV
"Corey, can we go to the doctors now ,I really don't feel well."
"Baby it's 7 am ,I'll call the doctor to come here okay?"
"Yeah." -I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom-
I hopped in the shower and after brushed my teeth - I went into our walk in closet and picked an outfit -
I wore a white short sleeve top and some black joggers - I brushed my hair and added in my curl cream to make it coily- Corey walked in the closet and wrapped his hands around my waist-"You smell good baby."
"Thanks babe."
"Come on let's go to the doctors."
"But you said the doctors coming here ."
"Nah I changed my mind ."
"You need to stop stressing and keep yourself hydrated otherwise it won't be good for you or your baby."
"Okay...I understand." And the doctor walked out -"See baby, you've got to stop the crying."
"It's not my fault ..your the one that got me pregnant."
"Yeah I know-"
"So you did do it on purpose?"
"When we were going to Spain you said you didn't want kids. You should have just told me."
"I didn't really expect you to get pregnant though."
"But I'm kinda grateful."
"Because I won't get my period."
"Is it actually that bad?"
I glanced at him and he looked like he wanted to say something -
"Spit it out."
"Well I think sometimes you over exaggerate."
"Corey what if you had a vagina which was bleeding every month including bad cramps what would you do...and before you say anything else it's worse than being kicked in the balls-"
"How do you know?"
"I just know okay."
Corey's POV
We were driving back home when I received a phone call-"hello?"
"Boss he's escaped ."
"Who's escaped?"
"Callum... he jumped some of our men ."
"How many are down?"
"6 ."
"Mierda...On his own ?"
"Okay I'll be there soon ." I cut the phone and gripped on the steering wheel tighter -"what's wrong babe?"
"Nothing you need to worry about.....I'm going to warehouse I'll drop you home ."
"I-I don't wanna be alone." She had a point I couldn't leave her home by herself -
"okay babe come to the warehouse with me ."
I was in my office With Juliana, she just sat on the couch on her phone and kept smiling-"Baby what are you looking at ?"
"Oh nothing ."
"Hmm,okay." We were interrupted by Aiden-
"Have you found him?"
"No Boss."
"Well then keep looking."
"Yes boss." He turned around and closed the door in his way out -"you didn't have to be mean to him Corey."
" well it gets the job done."
"Hmmm...baby I'm cold."
"Check in that closet there are some blankets."
"Okay." She got up and picked out a blanket -
"If your hungry there's some food in that fridge ,we might leave a little late today okay?"
"Yes babe"
Julianas POV
Aiden gave ambers number and I decided to call her -
"Hey, my name is Juliana I'm a friend of Aidens."
"Oh hi he told me about you."
"I was wondering if we could meet and just talk... you know have like a girls date."
"Um okay...when would you like to meet ? "
"Maybe tomorrow if that's okay?"
"Yeah sure."
"Okay it was nice talking to you ."
It felt like we'd been here for hours-I don't know how Corey did it-I couldn't handle staying in one place like this -I was so bored -"Corey when can we go home ?" He was asleep on his desk and looked so tired -"cone on let's go."
"Finally...I'll drive you need to sleep boii."
"Mmmm." I got in the drivers seat and started the car-I reached a red light and stopped-"baby just go ."
"What! No I'll get in trouble."
"The police won't do anything when I'm with you ."
"Well I don't break the rules."
"Why do you have to be such a good girl?"
He sighed
"You haven't seen my bad side ." I chuckled
we waited patiently for the green light -
"What should we name her?"
"I haven't got any names in mind yet."
"Okay ." As I was driving I felt hungry and saw McDonald's drive through ,I turned left and drove through -
"Hello can I take your order?"
"Err yeah,could I get two double cheeseburgers. Two large fries  and water ."
"Okay and is that all?"
"That will be $8.45 please ."
"Can I pay by card ?"
"Yeah sure ."
I waited for about 20 minutes until my food came -"thanks....babe wake up I got you some food ."
"Jules I'm tired."
"Yeah I know but you haven't ate all day here." - he sighed and sat up from his position-"Thanks baby." He pecked my lips and began eating his food
after finishing everything I rubbed my belly in satisfaction and drove home-
I changed into my pjs and hopped into bed-Corey had already fallen asleep-I kissed his cheek and and lay beside him -

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