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Julianas POV
"You need to come back soon okay ?"
"Yes I will I promise." I leaned over to hug Marco and I went over to my dad -"stay safe novia,and call me as soon as you land."
"Yes Dad,I hear you ." I hugged him one last time -Corey went up beside me -"You to yh ."
"It was a pleasure to meet you Carlos." They both shakes hands which made me smile a little -we were meeting. Caitlin and everyone else at the airport-
We finally arrived there and everyone else was already in the jet-we went on and sat in our seats -"hey April,I haven't seen you in ages ,how was your vacation?"
"It was good you ?"
"Yeah." She didn't even know what happened to me -
I felt a little sad
-but anyway it doesn't matter -This trip was going to be long -I leaned my head against Corey's shoulder and scrolled through Instagram on my phone -some people posted such weird things ,I saw a guy in a picture with a kid and she looked so beautiful,I doubled tapped on the post not because of the guy though -
seconds a later a nonification appears on my phone
has followed you -I just ignored the request until another nonfiction popped up-
wizkkd061 wants to send you a message-
I sighed and opened the message -
-hey you cute-
I always forget to put my account on private
-i have a boyfriend go away-
I pressed sent and turned off my phone ,I felt it vibrating -it was another message from this weirdo
-fiesty I like it 😏-
I just blocked him and this time I put my account on private-I glanced over to Corey and he was asleep,he looked so cute- I grabbed the blanket that was next to me and  covered us both n'drifted off to sleep
Corey's POV
-7 hours later-
-I woke up and everyone was asleep I glanced down and saw my baby girl leaning on me - I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead -her phone kept vibrating  and I opened it to see so many notifications-
I unlocked her phone and went on Instagram - some weirdo kept texting her -WHO THE FUCK IS THIS ?- I sent the message waiting for a response -your girl is cute-
-well she's taken fuck off- she didn't even block the person - "excuse me ." The waitress on the plane walked over to me -"yeah sir?"
"Could I get some water please."
"Sure,I'll be back in a moment ."
"Baby wake up."
"Who's this ?"
"Oh some creep ,I blocked him though ."
"No you didn't ."
"Why did you go through my phone ?"
"Because it kept vibrating."
"How did you know my password?"
"Your birthday seriously?"
"So ."
The waitress came back with a glass of water "Thank you Miss ." And she walked away- "I'm going to the bathroom."
"Okay ."
Julianas POV
We were finally arrived back in the US ,and I missed everything my bed ,my clothes , my job,my car - Corey said it got fixed apparently- I tried calling my dad but it went straight to voicemail -he must have been busy or something - I was upstairs in our room when Corey walked in -"My mother wants to meet you."
"What? When ."
"Next week or the week after....Caitlin told her I'm dating a Latina girl."
"I'm actually Hispanic but anyway yeah."
- meeting Corey's mother I felt kinda nervous -
2 weeks later
- I was in the car with Corey and we were driving to California-
where his mother was
- I haven't really been feeling well over the past week and I have no idea why -"Baby,stop the car ." He pulled over to the side of the Road and I puked in the bushes - I went back in the car and drank my water bottle -"Do you need to go to the doctors?"
"No I'm fine , maybe I just ate something expired."
"Okay." -
I reached for my phone in my purse and scrolled through social media at home - I searched on google
-what randomly causes nausea?-
-I read the list on my phone screen and stopped when I saw -Pregnancy - I just realised we didn't use protection and that was 3 weeks ago - oh no -what do I do ??- I looked up and saw a pharmacy in the distance ,and a restaurant beside it -"Baby can we get food ?"
"Yeah,sure." He was about to go through the driveway -"no it's fine I'll go and order ,what do you want ?"
"Whatever your having ."
"Okay ." - I wasn't really going there I ,was headed to the pharmacy to by a test just in case - I purchased my item and walked back into the restaurant and ordered my food-I came back out and into the car -"here."
"Why'd you take long ?"
"Long que ."

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