Kidnapped part 3

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(Best to listen with headphones)
Julianas POV-
I was so defenceless,and couldn't do anything, Santiago pushed me onto this bed and was on top off me -"KISS ME NOW!" I was very reluctant to do it ,so I just pecked him on the lips and leaned back ,One of his hands were around my waist and the other was on my breasts-"Get off me!!" I yelled
-he kissed me neck down all the way towards my stomach-"Don't worry querida,it won't hurt ."
He took off his boxers ,and what I saw was disgusting,I instantly turned my head away,not wanting to know what he did next- he aggressively pinned my hands down onto the bed -
why did this have to happen to me? -"touch it NOW."
He strikes my face
-"DO IT NOW !"
"No ,I will never ever touch,you I have a man that I'm in love with,so get your grimy hands off me ." I yelled-
I saw anger on his face ,he grabbed a cushion from the side ,and held it on my face -he was smothering me -I couldn't breathe ,I had no air ,I tried my best to free myself from it but I couldn't,and I just blacked out
Corey's POV
Marco and some other men were busy killing everyone in the floors below me ,whilst I looked for Juliana-this warehouse had 8 floors and I nearly reached the top -I was distracted by three men in black approaching me I grabbed my shotgun and killed them all
- " Juliana?!!"
I walked into every single room but she wasn't there -I reached the 7th floor and killed every single person
(I saw about 30)
- where on earth was she?
,she wasn't in any of these rooms , I went on the last floor ,but there were no men here-
That was suspicious-
I turned the door knob but it seemed to be locked-
I kicked the door down and there I saw him on TOP of her.
Something inside me clicked
My blood was boiling throughout my body
-without thinking I shot his head -
I ran over to my princess and placed my jacket around her -"Jules ,are you okay ." I said as I shook her shoulder
-No response-
-No response-
carefully I carried her and placed her on my lap -
I sat there thinking about the future I had planned for her ,I was going to give her the world, we were supposed to have a family together,
and now it's all gone
"Please wake up."
I glanced at her body and it had so many bruises and her legs had blood  streaming in between-
that bastard
why would he do this to her ? -
I slowly pressed my lips on her plump ones hoping there would be a difference
-20 minutes later-
It felt like hours had passed and she still had no pulse-
I refused to accept she's dead
'CPR might work!'
For once my thoughts were useful
I postioned both of my hands on her chest and started compressions
"Come on baby."
"Come back to me."
"Juliana wake up!"
I heard a gasp
-quickly I leaned back and saw her eyes open-
" Baby ?"
-" You came for me ." She whimpered
-"of course ,I would never leave you ."
I tried to kiss her but she turned away and cried -"he was on me ,and i-I hated it -I can still feel him on me." She cried
"What did he do ?"
-No reply-
"Baby talk to me ."
"He would c-come in every d-day and drown me ,then he would touch my body and kiss me , he f-forced me t-to-"
She had no idea what he did to her-
"I'm sorry you had to go through that ,I love you so much ."
"I-I love you to."
I caressed her cheek and finally kissed her,I missed this so much -I pulled her closer to me by her waist and continued kissing her -I helped her stand up and realised she was naked ,the coat I gave her didn't even help at all -"where are your clothes ?"
"I don't know-"
" don't cry ."
"Why am I bleeding?"
"He did something I'm not sure but when I came you were unconscious and he was on top of you."
Her hand slapped her mouth in shock
"But it's okay now he's dead."
I unbuttoned my shirt since I had a vest underneath-
"put this on ."
She took off the jacket I gave her and quickly put on the shirt -"come on let's get out of here." I carried her out of the building,it smelt like death ,as soon as we left ,Marco dropped a bomb
The entire building collapsed
I placed her in my Ferrari and I drove her back to the hotel
-when we reached our hotel room Juliana quickly ran into the shower
-35 minutes later -
what on earth was she doing?
I walked into the bathroom and heard the shower still on ,I went over to the shower curtains and pulled it aside -"Babe what are you doing to yourself." She had been scrubbing all over her body to hard till the point it looked irritated-I turned the shower off-"Why are you doing this ?"
"I don't want to feel this way baby,You didn't know what it was like ,it was the worst feeling ever ,my body couldn't handle it,I didn't want him on or anywhere near me ." She began crying again-
"shush baby it's all over now ."
I pulled her into a hug and I felt her tears soaking my shirt ,"let's get something to eat ,then we'll go back to your dads okay?"
Whatever Santiago did to her she's traumatised -God i shouldn't have killed him so quickly,I really wanna throw a couple punches-

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