He cheated

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Julianas POV
I reached the toilet and pulled down my trousers - something caught my eye - it looked red very red -
I leaned in closer -it was blood -
I'm bleeding - but I'm not on my period?
what's goin on? I rushed back into the room -"Corey!"
" I'm bleeding...I think there's something wrong."
"Show me." 
I slowly pulled down my bottoms
"Oh shit that's a lot of blood are you okay ? does it hurt?"
"A little."
"Let's go to the doctors."
"Everything's perfectly okay,in early pregnancy you might get harmless light bleeding-it only happens when your period should have been due,nothing to worry about...but try you keep your blood levels low...your checkup will be in a few weeks."
"Okay thanks Doctor." We walked out the room and into the living room -"baby there's nothing to worry about okay?"
"I just d-don't wanna loose it again-"
" don't think about that right now  it's not your fault ."
"But I-it is C-Corey every single time I think about her it breaks me...I failed as a mother."
"No you haven't we've got another one on the way don't blame yourself  ."
"...I love you"
"I love you to Baby."
1 month later
Corey had went to the warehouse and he's been gone for ages -I was in my car driving because we had an appointment and I didn't want him to miss it
I parked my car outside and walked in -
"Good afternoon miss."
"Afternoon....where is Corey?"
"Err he's a bit occupied."
"Doing what?"
I continued to walk past him but he was so eager for me not to go into his office-what on earth was he hiding? I went into his office couldn't believe my eyes-he was making out with his secretary-my heart shattered into pieces
"w-what I-is this?"
"Juliana it's not what it looks like"
"So is t-this W-what y-you do w-when you come here,make out with her"
"Let me explain."
"Is this another test corey?. We're married for Gods sake can you not respect that....I t-thought y-you l-loved me." -
"Baby listen to me."
"With my husband?"
"You to know each other?"
"She's the one that slept with my ex."
"Im so sorry Juliana."
"Shut up you whore."
"You just can't stay away can't you." I went up to her and slapped her ...it was so hard you could hear it echoing in the room
She rushed out the room in tears -
Corey got of his chair and walked towards me
I stepped back from him
"Corey...why ? Why would you do this I'm pregnant,why would you cheat on me." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I just had to let them fall -
"Baby I love you so much but just hear me out."-
"You worthless piece of shit ...you never really loved me...-"
"That's not true I-"
"Im tired of this...I'm tired of getting my heartbroken....I'm tired of falling for boys who take advantage of me-
"Now you know I would never do that I love you."
"I actually thought I could trust you...remember that promise ring you gave me you can have it back because me and you are done. "
I threw the ring at his face and ran out of his office into my car
As soon as I got home I packed my bags -I didn't want to leave but I had to - I went downstairs and the house guard approached me as usual-"where are you off to?"
"I'm leaving for a few days." He seemed to notice the dry tears on my face-
"Are you okay...if I may ask." I shook my head
"I'll see you in a few weeks josh ." I got into my car and drove off not even knowing where my next destination would be
Corey's POV
I didn't cheat on her, I never would she's the only girl I love -the girl came in and I swear she put something in my drink-must have been a drug or something- I got home and most off her clothes were gone she had left some -I don't know why though - I rushed back downstairs-"JOSH!"
"Yes sir."
"Did Juliana tell you where she was going?"
"No,well she had been crying... I'm assuming she's gone to Spain."
"SPAIN? Let's not jump to conclusions her dad and Marco have gone to England for a business trip they won't be back for another 3 month...call Aiden track her phone."
"Yes boss."
I can't loose her,I won't she's the best thing that's happened to me ,I don't know what I would do if she left me .

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