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Julianas POV
2 months later
I had moved to Indianapolis-it was only 2 hours away from Chicago -I bought an apartment with the money I had left and got a job -one of my closet friends Kelly (I met her at work) she really helped me out ever since living here .

"Whatcha thinking about?" Kelly asked snapping me out of my thoughts
"Nothing ." I sighed
"I know when your lying."
"Mhm." I hummed
"Your thinking about him aren't you?"
"Julie he isn't worth it...you deserve someone better."
"I know I do."
"Okay..... I have a date Friday night and I need your help ."
"Sure thing Kelly."
Lucas approached us -he works with Kelly and i and he has a crush on me , but he won't give up -
"Hey guys."
"Hi Lucas."
"Hi ."
"Listen I was wondering if I could take you out for dinner ." Kelly nudged my arm telling me to accept it -"I'll think about ."
"Okay tell me when you decide." He finally walked away and I sighed in relief
"Why didn't you say yes?"
"Because I'm pregnant and I'm not in a mood for a relationship now."
"Did you not hear what I said? Move on Julie... it's for your own good."
After work I went to the grocery store and done a little shopping
I got home late at night and decided to watch
a movie since I had nothing else to entertain me .
I was halfway through the movie when I heard a soft knock on the door -
As I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes
How'd he find me?
"Can I come In?"
"Baby you never gave me the chance to explain."
I walked towards the couch and he followed me -"I'm so sorry ,that girl she drugged me ,she put something in my drink ...when she walked in she sat on my lap and started kissing me I was about to pull her off me but that's when you walked in....I would never ever cheat on you ... please come back to me I miss you ."
  I wanted to jump in his arms and hug him tightly but then it would be to easy ....
"Corey I don't want anything to do with you."
He reached for both of my hands and held them -
"Please come back to me baby."
"Don't touch me."
"I'm not giving up."
"Corey just go and find someone else."
"No." He replied quicker than expected
"Because your the only person who I actually fell in love with."
"I don't need you anymore."
"You don't mean that."
"I've managed to live two months without you."
"After everything we've been through your willing to throw all of that away just because of one tiny mistake if you really want me out of your life say it now...and I'll go get divorce papers."
"Do you still love me?"
"I don't wanna divorce Corey.. I still love you but I'm so mad at you right now I can't even think straight...when I left I cried myself to sleep every day...was I not good enough for you-"
"Yes you were I never meant to hurt you baby."
"I'm sorry for all the things I said your not worthless...I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you ."
"I'm sorry for kissing that girl...I'm sorry for making you cry."
"It's okay Corey I forgive you."
He leaned in and kissed me gently -
Corey's POV
(Flashback a few days ago)
Juliana had been gone for months now and I still couldn't find her -I'd became depressed and didn't do anything -I never stopped looking for her - Aiden walked in my room -
"Any news?"
"No ."
"So why you still here."
"Boss I'm really concerned..I mean look at you ...your mess ,you haven't shaved ...you haven't showered - what if she came back and we're to see you like this-"
"There's no what if she will come back."
"Yeah i know but-"
"Boss....we've got something ." Jacob bursted into my room -
"What is it ."
"Well the card you gave Juliana she's used it ,her location is in Indianapolis-"
"She was right under our noses this whole time!"
"Anyway carry on ."
"Also she works at a diner and bought an apartment  2 months ago."
"The address?"
"Here." He handed me a piece of paper -
(21 fitz street )
(Door number: 706)
"Okay thanks remind me to pay you extra this month ." I rushed into the shower and drove to her destination- I'm coming for you baby girl ,just wait and see
(Flashback ended)
Julianas POV
"You don't know how much I missed this."
I felt his hands go around my waist pulling me into a hug -" I missed you to ."
"How is it?"
He asked referring to my baby but I decided to play dumb-
"How is what?"
"The baby?"
"Yeah...she's fine."
"Wait...she...we're having a girl?"
"Yeah ,I found out last month." A massive grin appeared on his face as he kissed me all over mine and my stomach-
"Do you rent it?"
"Yeah...I wasn't gonna live here permanently ."
Corey got up and started inspecting the place- we were interrupted by a knock on the door -
"Who's here now?" I muttered to myself walking up to the door - Ughhh Lucas -
"Hey...what are you doing here?"
"I got bored and decided to come over."
"Well nows not really a good time."
I looked down and noticed a bottle of whiskey -
"I'm busy.....Lucas your drunk come back another time."
"Come on let's have a drink."
" no I'm pregnant sorry."
"One cup won't hurt."
I tried to close the door but his hand blocked it -
"Lucas what the hell?" He grabbed my wrist and pressed me against the door frame -
"You know I like you right?"
"Yes but I'm married."
"Well he left you ."
"Lucas stop...NOW !" I pushed him off of me and striked his face -
"Don't ever do that again." I walked back in and slammed the door in his face -
"You okay?"
"Yeah just some guy...I'm fine."
"You hungry?"
"A little bit."
"Wanna get some pizza?"
"Babe....your coming back with me right?"
"What do you mean.?"
"Did you think you'd be here forever?"
"No but I've made some friends I have a house a job I can't just leave it all."
"Yeah,i know but we're okay now...plus i can't be here to long ,I have some things I need to do at the warehouse."
"Have you ever though about it?"
"Thought about what?"
"Leaving all this mafia stuff." He gave me a piercing stare and scoffed -
"Tell me your joking right?" I shook my head
"Well I can't,my dad was one and passed it on to me ,hopefully when we have a son it'll be his turn."
"But I don't want my son to be involved with something that risks his life everyday."
"Well your gonna have to deal with it ."
"No were not."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm having a girl so can we  discuss this in a few years not now.."
"Mmm okay  ."
"I didn't mean to be rude Corey but-"
"Yes I understand -"
" Who said we're back together?I said I forgive you not I want to get back with you."
"What do you mean...where's your ring?" He said looking at my hand -
"In my room."
"You took your ring off?"
"Well when your husband cheats on you what do you expect?" He looked hurt by the words I said -
"I'm sorr- I'm sorry Corey,that was harsh....I just need time to process things okay....I still love you but I- i don't know what to do?"
"So you still wanna divorce?"
"what,baby no ,I don't want a divorce just give me a few days to process this okay baby?"
I hugged him tightly and inhaled the scent of his cologne -
"You have no idea how much I missed you Corey Kingston ."
"I missed you to Baby."

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