Date ruined

606 7 2

Corey's POV
We were driving back home from the cafe and Jules has horrible taste in music
She kept screaming the song at the top of her lungs
"Okay that's it." I said turning the volume down
"Cuz you said forever now I drive alone past your street-Hey... I was listening to that ." l
"Well it's annoying ."
"My singing or the song?"
"you've played this song more than 5 times."
"Can this be our wedding song?"
"Fuck no ."
"Okay." She mumbled
"Hey,I'm sorry-" 
"It's okay."
She sounded really upset
"Are you sure?"
"I think we're having a girl."
"I don't think that'll be good."
"Because I already spend most of my money imagine another you."
Mostly because I wanted her all to myself
She looked at me and laughed
I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw a black car behind us -
I took a left turn to see if they were following us -
"Babe where are you going this isn't the way home."
"Because there are people behind us ,you need to swap with me quickly ." I said pulling a gun form the glove box
"Corey why do you need a gun ?"
What type of question was that?
"Because I do ."
"Okay." She hopped over the gear and I sat in the passenger seat, I pulled down the window and aimed for one of the car tires -
I missed
I hit the windshield of the car to see three men dressed in black and ski masks on there faces .
As soon as I put my head back in the car , the back window was smashed by a bullet- and pieces of glass flew everywhere
" you need to drive faster ."
She pressed on the gas pedal giving the car more speed
-that's my girl-
We got away from them and I smiled victoriously
"What on earth just happened?"
"I don't know ."
"Can you drive ,I don't wanna drive anymore."
She stopped the car and walked out the passenger seat, I just hoped over the gear
"Can we just go home?" She asked closing the door as she got in
Julianas POV
Rey carried me into our bedroom and placed me on our bed He shortly came in after and laid behind me so we were spooning-
one of his hands moved towards my chest and I felt him squeeze my boob
"What are you doing?"
"They've gone bigger."
" perks of being pregnant."
"Why is your shirt wet?"
"Because I have milk in them ."
"Yeah, and don't touch them they're sore."
"I don't know they just hurt."
"You want me to massage them?"
"What's your obsession with touching my boob?"
"I just like it."
"Your weird."
I grabbed his hand forcefully and put it over my stomach-
-and he kissed behind my earlobe -
"Goodnight princess."
-The next day -
I was still in bed , I turned around and Corey was asleep,he looked so damn fine  -
"your staring ." He mumbled
"No I'm not ." -I actually was ,but he didn't need to know that ,I reached for my phone and glanced at the date -
"Baby,we have an appointment today."
"What time ?"
"I can't make it baby."
"What do you mean?"
"I have to go to the warehouse ."
"So is that important than your kid?"
"Baby you can't expect me To go to every single appointment."
"Yes I do that's your job."
"Well I won't be able to."
"Corey are you serious." I said easing my voice a little bit
"If you hadn't got me pregnant we wouldn't be having this conversation... I don't like going to the hospital by myself."
"It doesn't matter I'll take my car ....go to your fucking warehouse....stupid asshole." I muttered turning around to the other side of the bed
"Why you cussin ?"
"You do it every fucking day." I grabbed my phone from the bedside table
"Your in a mood with me because I said I can't go to the hospital with you."
"I can't have you getting upset with me every time we disagree on something baby."
"I know, I'm sorry." 
I felt Him shift a little so he was behind me
"I'll come with you then." He sighed
Crying always works ,he's so gullible
"Okay ."
" why don't you like going to the hospital yourself?"
"You know the doctor we normally have?"
"I don't like the way he touches me it makes me uncomfortable ."
I began straddling him a by and my hair was all in his face -
His large hands moved to my back so I was even closer to him -I always felt safe with Rey and no one else,-
, I can't handle this pregnancy any longer -I ran to the bathroom and did what I usually do,I felt my hair being pulled back -once I was done I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth -
",I can't take this anymore,I hate feeling this way,and it's all your fault ."
"Yes yes you can be mad at me but we both know that your happy."
"Yeah,I know but your not the one carrying it ."
"Your bump is cute"
I couldn't help but let a smirk appear on my face
-Corey crouched down in front of me and lifted my shirt 
"Theo? No baby ."
"I hate that name ."
Corey said knowing I want something
"Can....we do a face mask together?"
"Okay fine."
"Only because I'm in a good mood."
"Yayyy." I squealed
After doing our mini pamper session I was in the closet with Corey
-"I am going to dress you today."
"But I don't-"
" ..put this on." He picked out a grey sweater  blue jeans and some sneakers -it wasn't that bad -I took of my shorts and replaced them with jeans-I unbuttoned my t-shirt ,-which then left me with my bra on -
"Baby pass my hairbrush."

-"Baby where on earth are you going looking like that ?"

"I'm going to see the love of my life so come on." -he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him -"what did you say ?"
"I'm just kidding-"
"We never finished our conversation."
"Corey I'm fine okay."
"Why won't you tell me."
"Because it's not that bad."
"Why were you crying then?"
"Because.... I don't know." I huffed
"Come on please?"
"It was when I was kidnapped and I was so scared that you would come and find me dead and I thought about how I wouldn't see your face one last time or how much I could've told you I l-loved-"
"Babe..I'm here and I'm not going anywhere I would never leave you because I love you and let me be honest when I saw you laying there my heart shattered into pieces I thought you were dead and that's literally become one of my worst fears...but as long as I'm alive I'll do everything I can to protect you." He said stroking my cheek
"I love you to."

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been uploading my chapters , I'll try my best to upload twice every week , Thankyou for 500 reads on this book and all the votes , love you all

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