The first trimester

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Corey's POV
(1 week later)
I was awoken by whimpers beneath me -Juliana was crying as usual-
"Baby what's wrong ."
"Corey my s-stomach h-hurts."
I had no idea what pregnancy was like so -
what do I do?
I gently pulled her towards me and patted her back-"do you want to go to the doctors?"
She shook her head
I glanced at the clock-
10:29 am
- "do you wanna go somewhere?"
"No let's just cuddle."
"Okay ." I wrapped my big arms around her ,so our skin was touching,I felt the warmth radiating off her body
After breakfast Juliana wanted to go ice skating  for some reason-but I couldn't say no to my princess could I ?
"Baby can you tie my laces?"
"Yeah sure." I crouched down and double knotted her figure skates -
"Okay baby you have to be careful okay?"
"Yea I heard you.....but can you hold my hand in case I-" she slipped and landed on her butt I couldn't help but laugh -"stop it's not funny." I gave her my hand and helped her up ,
"Have you ever been ice skating?"
"No Baby it's my first time ."
"Okay well you gotta have this." I slowly let go off her hand -
"See your doing great ."
she began skating across the entire ice rink like a maniac whilst I just watched her from afar.
Julianas POV
We were shopping at the mall as usual when we saw a kid from a distance shouting at a woman - must have been his mom -
"I want the toy so buy it for me ."
"Jonathan were in public stop making a scene."
"I'm not making a scene I want the toy."
"Well your not getting it ."
"I hate you mom, your the worst mother I could possibly have!!" He stormed off in our direction and bumped into me
-"you okay?"
"Yes yes, I'm fine baby ."
"Come here you little brat....say sorry to my girlfriend for bumping into her can you not see where your going?!
"I'm still talking and don't disrespect your mother that way ."
"I'm sorry miss."
"Now get out of my sight." The little boy ran over to his mother in tears and I started laughing -"Corey...he's just a kid."
"But I don't like it when people do that."
"The ruthless gang leader has fallen in love."
"Okay enough joking around you wanna eat something."
"Omg yess I'm so hungry ."
"Okay come on."
Corey was driving back home and my nausea had returned-"stop the car please..."
I rushed out of the car and puked on the side road ,I quickly went back since it was raining -
"You okay Baby?"
"I just wanna go home."
"We're nearly there."
Corey's POV
Juliana and I were downstairs watching a movie but she had fallen asleep-
I had just received a text message from Aiden :
'Boss we've found her'
'Found who?'
Stephanie the woman who stabbed Juliana'
'Where is she now?'
'In the chambers with Alexis,she's done some damage'
'Okay I'll be there tomorrow'
I turned the tv off and carried her upstairs
-I changed her into her pjs and gently placed her on our bed-
I got in and lay behind her so we were spooning and I slowly drifted off into the darkness
The next day
"Baby I'm taking you out today be ready by six ."
"Okay...where are you going?"
"I'm going to the warehouse to sort something out."
"Can I come?"
"No baby....not this time."
She hummed in response and went into the kitchen-
"I'll be back soon I love you."
"I love you too ." I quickly kissed her plump lips and walked out
As I walked into the warehouse Adrien approached me -
"Good morning boss."
"Morning...where is she?"
"In the chambers."
"Okay." I went down into the basement and her face was all bloody ,she had a few bald patches and scratches on her face-
"Well...well...well look what we have here."
"Go away."
"Why did you stab her?"
"Because you killed my husband so it was only fair I stab that bitch-"
"Don't you dare call her a bitch."
"I'm telling you now that whore is only with you for the money."
" you really expect me to believe and your son of a bitch husband abused her for years....she nearly died because of him-"
"Do you expect me to feel sympathy for that slut?" I walked over to her and slapped her face
making her spit out blood-
"Why do you hate her so much?"
"Why did you adopt her if you was going to abuse her?"
"Don't make me force it out of you-"
"What did he do?"
"Before we adopted her we recently found out I was infertile and couldn't conceive ,and he was not happy,he used to abuse me ,the same way he did Juliana...I left so many times but he found me and promised he would change and he didn't...when we first adopted Juliana I loved her like my own child-"
"What made you change?"
"I was under his influence..I did regret it ...I wanted to help her but I was scared of what Jonathan would do to me-"
"So you let her suffer for all those years for your own selfish reasons....if so why did you care if I killed Jonathan?"
"Because he was my husband despite all the bad things he had done and I still loved him."
"He nearly raped her....did you not know that.... every time you left for work he beat her constantly since she was young and you didn't do anything...I'm debating right now if I should kill you or not-"
"Please Corey-"
"You will not use my name you address me as mr Kingston understand?"
"Yes Mr Kingston."

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