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Corey's POV
"They've been sent by the vipers ,there's a hit on her ."
"How much?"
"5 million dollars."
"Fuck!" I yelled turning to the wall behind me and slamming my first right through it . "Caitlin,go let me speak to them."
"night ." I said pecking her cheek as she made her way out -
"Tell Lorenzo ,he's gonna pay for this ." One of them chuckled making me walk up to them and punch their face -
"Fuck you ."
He spat on my shoe and snarled

The disrespect he had for me was unbelievable-I grabbed the gun from my back pocket and shot him the bullet went straight through his thigh and his agonising scream filled the room .
My eyes darted towards the other guy , and I watched as he stared at the wall behind me not making a sound .

What the hell did Caitlin do to him ?
Julianas POV
I woke up with this pounding headache making me feel dizzy and nauseous . I turned my head over to Rey and watched as his chest moved up and down and his Mouth was slightly open

I felt his hands slightly grip on my waist tightly and I knew that it would bruise after .
"Corey." I whisper yelled tapping his shoulder
"Hmm?" He hummed still half asleep
"Too tight ."
"Sorry baby."
I felt his grip loosen and I let out a sigh of relief . My hand tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I pulled the blankets off my body , and got off the king sized bed .

I stood in front of the large mirror and held my stomach. My eyes trialed up and down my body as I began to realise I had gained wait .

A lot of it

I didn't necessarily feel insecure because I kept reminding myself that it was just pregnancy, and that after I have this baby I would loose weight and go back to my normal size.
I walked back into the room with a large fluffy towel wrapped around my body. And one around my wet hair .
"Morning ." Rey said turning his head towards me as his Mack book rested on his lap .
"Morning, what are you doing?"
"Just checking emails."
I arched my eyebrows and corded my arms over my chest -"since when do you check emails ?"

He chuckled whilst closing his laptop and walking towards me . "I guess I just felt like it ." He whispered placing a kiss onto my shoulder .

A smile grew on my face as I felt his warm fingers move up my thigh and the next thing I knew I stood naked in front of him .

His hands wrapped around my waist tightly and our lips connected. They moved in sync with each other slowly until I pulled back .

"My body craves you , right now." I whispered heavily.
"Then give it to me." He replied lifting me up so my legs went around his torso.

He threw me into our bed and crawled on top of me pressing his lips against mine , and this time more aggressively.

"Rey." I breathed

"Yes baby?"

"I want you inside of me."

"Just be patient Jules ."

I felt his fingers working his way towards my sex . His mouth still kissing my neck and biting my shoulders. Making me let out quiet moans .
Tingles of heat lashed down at the base of my spine . I loved the way he made me feel. Rey finally sank his fingers into me and I felt like I was going to explode. Usually it would take a few more minutes for me to come , but I already released all over his fingers . I wanted him to carry on , I didn't want this to end as I felt my heart pounding out of my chest .

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