Makayla Kingston

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Julianas POV
-4 months later -
Caitlin was officially getting married in approximately two months after Jason proposed to her and I couldn't be more happy for her . And I was finally near to the end of my pregnancy but I could barely walk or do anything at all .
"Baby...can you help me?"
"Sure." He grabbed my hands and pulled me up from the couch -
"Are you sure you can walk on your own?"
"Yes ,I'm not disabled ." I snapped, being near to the end of my pregnancy caused my hormone levels to just increase , Luke these last couples days I've just been moody .
I went over to the kitchen fridge and looked for my snack -"Baby where are the pinapples...I thought you bought some more?"
"Yeah I did 2 days ago...but I guess you finished them."
"But I need them...they were the only thing i craved." I whined as I felt tears blur my vision
"Seriously....your crying over that?"
I nodded
"Okay how about I go to the store and buy you some ?"
"Can I come?"
"What if your water breaks?"
"Okay I'll stay."
As I watched the movie jumanji Corey was beside me on his phone -
I needed attention
"Baby I wanna do something fun."
"Like what?"
"Like this." I smiled unclipping my bra , I threw it at him.
"Yes baby."
"Okay turn around ." He demanded
"The other one baby." I preferred missionary than any other position

He flipped me over so I was on my back .
He quickly took of his pants then his boxers.
I on the other hand made it a lot easier for him by already being naked beneath this oversized shirt aside from my bra .
Corey as usual was such a tease till this day but it turned me on so I didn't have a problem with it .
I felt his tip rub against my clit causing a couple moans to escape my lips .
"Please." I begged
"Tell me you want it baby."
"I want it ."
As he entered inside me I winced in both pain and pleasure .
"Fuck ." I heard Corey mutter
"Be rough with me baby."
He pinned my hands above me hard on the bed and interwined his fingers with mine.
As he soon increased his pace-
Suddenly I felt this liquid come out of me
"Baby you didn't tell me you were gonna come."
"I didn't babe."
I felt himself slow down "so what is it then ?"
"My water !" I winced I-I think my water broke."
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yes it hurts."
He leaned back and saw the bed sheets drenched in water
"Baby I think your in lab-"
"Aarrgghh!" I screamed
"Baby you need to start pushing."
"I'm not ready."
" lemme call our doctor."
"Hello she's in labour.....I'm not do you do long....mmmm...yeah okay bye."
"Corey I can't."
"It h-hurts baby."
"I know babe shush." He caressed my cheek and kissed my temple -
"You can do this baby."
"No we need to wait for the doctor."
"No...he told me what to do he said he might get here later than .you need to start pushing ."
"N-no I caaaaaanntttt."
"Yes you can...come on do it for me can tell she wants to get out what are you waiting for ,I'll be right next to you the whole time."
"O-okay." I took in one deep breath and pushed -
"Come one baby." I pushed again and squeezed Corey's hand tightly-
"You can do it baby." He said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear
I took in one last deep breath and pushed -but I didn't hear no cries -
" what's wrong."
"I don't know Baby."
"This is why we need a doctor.."
"Juliana you need to push one more time I can see her."
"N-no I need a break I need to rest baby I'm to tired."
"You don't get to rest until she's last final push and you can relax."
"I need an epidural."
"For God sakes get a grip and push the baby out."
"You can do it baby."
He whispered into my ears
"Come on princess."
Corey's POV
"She's okay right?"
"Yes baby look at her ."
"She has your eyes Corey."
"You did so good babe....I can't wait till we have baby number 2."
"Corey I just gave birth not now please...and can you get me some clothes."I glanced at her and she was still naked -
" you still look beautiful." I handed her a robe and
the doctor finally arrived -
"babe I'm gonna have to fire him."
"Sorry for being late Mr Kingston-"
"You fired get the fuck out of my house ."
"Your so horrible."
"And yet you married me ?"
"That's different-"
"Hush...what should we name her?"
"No baby that's my exes name."
"I didn't need to know the details ."
"Okay how about......lilian?"
"That's another one baby."
"Shush she's sleeping."
"What's your bodycount?"
"Why you asking."
"I need to know."
"You sure?"
"Okay.....about 15" I mumbled
"You have slept with 15 women AND YOUR ONLY 23.."
"Baby I used protection for every single one."
"I find that very hard to believe."
"When did you loose your v-card?"
"Ummmm I was 14 I think."
"God what type of man have I married." She muttered
"Okay enough with the questions what about you?"
"Well my body counts only 4."
"Okay when did you loose your virginity?"
"16 at a house party."
" let's name her makayla."
"Makayla Kingston I like it ."
"Okay baby..she's fallen asleep pass her to me." She went and placed her into the crib- I felt the bed dip behind me and I turned around -
"Baby talking about all that has made me hard."
"You seriously want to have sex after I've just given birth?"
"Well if you want to-"
"No im mad at you."
"Why are you mad?"
"Because you've slept with so many women who knows how much baby mamas you could have out there."
"Woah woah woah ....I told you I used protection...your the only person who I've got pregnant and I'm glad.
"Are you sure?
"Yes baby and I'm going to make beautiful babies with you and only you."
"I promise."
"Good." I pecked her lips and felt my bulge hit her thigh
"Okay maybe next week."
"...I'll put a reminder."
"Goodnight...I love you."
"I love you to ."

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