Engagement pt.2

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Juliana's POV
The engagement was fucked up the minute the shootings started. Nicole had been shot and was in hospital, along with Corey but his body lay in front of me . And I sat there utterly useless .
"Why are you doing this?" I asked the man who had just shot my fiancee.
"I was paid a lot of money to do this it was either you or Corey...but because of your condition I decided to let you of."
"That condition is called pregnancy."
"My mistake."
"If you tell me who paid you I'll pay you even more to-"
"The sender was anonymous."
"Just let me take him to the hospital and you can do whatever you want with me."
Why on earth did I just say that?
"Are you really that stupid?He's dead mamita!"
"Your Spanish?"
"Shit ! Just stop asking me fucking questions." He yelled , making me flinch

Another gunshot went off and I was cut from my thoughts
"What the fuck  are you doing!" I screamed at his face .
"Making sure he's dead."
The guy was walking back and forth obviously nervous about something  , but I didn't know what. I need to stop being a Pussy because I know he isn't gonna shot me .
This was all I could hear in my mind , and I gained all my courage , grabbing his ankle making him trip . The gun in his hand loosened and I kicked it away . Climbing on top of him throwing punches at him .
"Let's see if this works." I muttered cracking my knuckles . Both my hands went around his neck and twisted it hearing a crack .
Damon Salvatore has had a massive effect on me
I ran over to Corey and crouched down beside him gently shaking his shoulder to see if he would wake up .
"Wake the fuck up now!"
I glanced around the room looking for my phone, then I realized the dress I wore has pockets on each side .
"Hello what's your emergency?"
"My Fiancée's been shot ."
"Okay and is he conscious?"
"Is there any signs of breathing."
"O-okay ma'am ." -I cut the phone and dunked my head into his chest,hoping to hear his heart beating-it was very faint but I knew that was him.
Everyone was at the hospital waiting with me in the waiting room . Corey was the only person who was in my mind . I blamed myself for him getting shot . If maybe I had told him a few minutes earlier , maybe he wouldn't have been  shot .

"Are you the family for Mr Kingston?"
"Well unfortunately he's had to go into surgery because the bullets hit internal organs-"
"Will he survive?"
"I'm not sure."
"Give me a percentage."
"To my calculations maybe a forty five percent chance of his survival ."
"H-how long will the surgery take?"
"About an 1 hour or two."
"Okay Thank you."
As soon as she left , I stood there in the exact same position whilst tears welled up in my eyes. A warm hand rested on my lower back and I slightly turned my head , to see Caitlin giving me a reassuring facial expression.
"Don't worry he'll be okay." She assured, but that wasn't enough , I had to see Corey myself .
"No h-he won't." I sobbed into her shoulder
"Yes he will Jules-"
"Forty five is not enough ." I shrikes pulling away from her hug and walking towards the bathroom. I pushed the large black door open walking towards the sink .

He can't die !
I need him , I need Corey.

My eyes traveled up to my reflection in front of me and I looked a mess compared to how I was a couple hours ago .
Mascara was smudged beneath both my eyes , so much for waterproof .

They never work
Turning the tap on , I splashed cold water on my face .
I need to stop thinking like this .

A couple hours had gone past , and I was back in the waiting room with Caitlin and everyone else . I sat on one of the chairs , with my head in my hands . 
"Miss Martinez?" A voice Called ,
"Yeah?" I mumbled slowly lifting my head up , waiting for what she has to say .
"Your fiancée's awake ."
A while feeling of relief rushed through me as I shot up from my seat , quickly walking to Corey's hospital room .
A smile plastered on my face as I saw him sitting against cushions that lay behind him .
"Miss me ?" He smirked

I ran up to him wrapping my arms around him and waited till he did the same .
"Your okay." I sighed in relief kissing his cheek
"Can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckled deeply but his eyes traveled across the room as my dad, brother and Caitlin walked in.
 I shuffled towards the edge of the bed so Caitlin could hug her brother 

''Don't you dare do that again you hear me?'' she muttered quietly but i still heard .

"I'm glad your okay ." Marco said giving him a fist bump.
My father nodded in agreement 
"Did you find out who it was?"
" I found out something" I exclaimed attracting everyone's attention
"What?" My father asked folding his arms and arching an eyebrow
"It was Mexicans dad, someone paid them to do the shootings."
"Mexicans huh?" 
"This is why,you can't get married next year it has to be now the longer you wait the longer your lives are in danger!"
"Yes novia,those people who tried to kill you are not going to stop."
"No excuses your getting married." He walked out the room with Marcos behind him , leaving Caitlin, Corey and I. 

''you heard him right ?'' 

''Corey you don't understand its not that-'' i was cut off once again by the door knob rattling and the door finally opening revealing Callum.  

   -"where on earth have you been?" He yelled , it was obvious that he was annoyed

"I'm sorry I've been busy,I arrived at the party but no one was there until I heard you were In hospital." 

You could tell by the stuttering and the way he spoke that he was lying 

''i hope you get better.' he quickly left the room not even bothering to close the door , but instead a doctor appeared walking inside . 

''Mr,Kingston, I have some news , to share.'' 

''what are you waiting for?''

''Mrs Kingston who i'm presuming was your mother has passed away not so long ago, when she was bought into hospital she had already lost to much blood and a blood transfusion wasn't going to work , so me and a few doctor preformed a procedure to remove the bullet which was successful but she didn't survive.''

''w-what?'' hearing his voice break bought tears to my eyes , i had rarely seen or even hear Corey cry which just shows how much his mother meant to him.


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