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Julianas POV
-3 weeks later-
- I had finally been discharged from the hospital -we were in the car making our way home -"Baby do you want something to eat."
"No ,I'm okay."
"I booked our tickets for Spain well be leaving for Spain tomorrow morning ."
"Are you excited?"
"To meet my dad or go to Spain."
"Umm yeah."
"Baby, be honest you can tell me anything ."
"I just don't know what to feel, should I feel happy ,or mad -I'm just confused."
"You'll figure it out ."
"Okay." -we finally got home and Caitlin ran into my arms "I missed you so much ."
"Girl,you just saw me 3 days ago ." I glanced over the lounging area and saw April and her boyfriend-"Did you miss me ?"
"Juliana,your back !!" She exclaimed running towards me and giving me the tightest hug ever "okay you let go now."
"Oh sorry." She chuckled , I followed her into the lounging area and sat down-"hey Callum ."
"Hey jules." He said giving me a fist bump -i got my phone out and started scrolling through insta out of boredom-Corey snook behind me "BOO!"
"Argh! Corey don't do that." He sat next to me and turned on the tv -"what we watching guys ?"
"I don't know a scary movie maybe ."
"Okay sure ." I watched him flick the channel until he finally found something -"I'll get the popcorn." I walked over to the cabinet and 2 bags of popcorn " yall want any ?"
"Nah." They all said
"More for me then ." I went back to my seat and handed Corey a bag of popcorn -"thanks bae." He said with his mouthful- as we watched the movie I lay my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep
Corey's POV
My alarm on my phone was ringing-8:10 am-
"Baby wake up ."
"Mhmm." She mumbled I kissed her cheek and sat up doing my morning stretch "what's the time baby?"
"Ten past eight,now get your ass off of bed ." I said pulling the covers off of her -"no I'm cold,stop ."
"Bae,our flight is at nine o'clock come on ."
"Fine imma go and shower ."
"I'll join you ." I said following her into the bathroom -I turned on the shower and watched her take her clothes off,she jumped in the shower and I followed shortly after ,she was facing me and my eyes kept looking at her breasts -"baby stop,now can you pass me the soap please." I turned around and reached for the soap,and felt a slap on my butt "hey you do not get to touch my butt ,only I can touch yours got it ?"
"Yeah." I handed her the soap and watched her apply it on her sponge-"okay turn around." She began scrubbing my back and I did the same for her -she grabbed shampoo and started running it through her hair ,she moved near the shower head and rinsed it off ,I stood behind her and slid my hands around her waist,making her turn and place her hands around my neck -I leaned in to kiss her but she dogged me -"I haven't brushed my teeth yet ."
"Yeah so ?" I pressed my lips onto hers and bit it so she could open her mouth, "I know you like it ." She smirked at me and turned the shower off -"we've been in here to long ,come on ." She reached for a towel and grabbed 2, she gave one to me and wrapped the other around her body and stepped out ,we both went into the closet -she wore this red lace underwear beneath that was so sexy-she put on  grey joggers some trainers ,and a black Adidas t-shirt- I decided to match with her - we went back into our room and packed our bags -"ready to go ?"
"Yeah." We walked downstairs and everyone else was already there , Callum and April , my sister obviously, some guards and Oliver - everyone head into their vehicles, we were all meeting at the airport , I glanced at the time -8:49- " shit ."
"Baby aren't we getting a private jet ?"
"Yeah but he's only supposed to be there for a significant amount of time , and to get to the other side of the airport is like 6 minutes- we got out the car and rushed into the airport , everyone else followed behind, we ran and kept running , I glanced at the clock -8:54- , I grabbed Julianas hand making her run faster ,we finally reached the jet and waited for everyone else "I should of used one of my own pilots instead ."
"No it's fine baby we made it ."
Everyone finally reached the jet -"where the hell have you been?"

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