They caught her

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Julianas POV
"Baby i thought you said I couldn't come ."
"It's important let's go to my office."
"Okay what is it?"
"Okay in the chambers your stepmother is there and I was wondering wether I should kill her or not."
"She stabbed me when I was pregnant."
"Yeah but listen to what I have to say."
"She said that she couldn't conceive and before they adopted you Jonathan was abusing her. She was Under his influence and was scared to react because he would have killed her."
"Baby I lived in t-that h-house for 15 years and I would still be there if it wasn't for you...I would maybe even be dead."
"So do you want me to kill her?"
"I d-don't know what to do ."
"Stop with the crying everything is going to be okay...she's going to apologise...she won't hurt you in there."
We both went into the chambers and I never knew what death smelt like it made me feel nauseous-the state she was in made me want to celebrate but I still felt bad -
"You've grown into a beautiful young woman-"
-She examined me for a second-
"Your pregnant?"
"I'm not even showing yet."
"Well you have that glow that all pregnant women get-"
"Stop with the motherly were never there for me then so why should I care now?"
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I treated you ,I really wanted to help you but I was scared-"
"Did I ask you to marry an abusive husband?"
"H-he wasn't always like that...he started d-drinking -"
Now I was really getting annoyed she really expected me to feel sympathy for her-
"Corey you can kill her she's worthless to me and always has been and always will be."
"Are you sure?"
"I don't need to repeat myself-"
-A few hours later -
"Is she dead?" Corey shook his head
"I thought you killed her-"
"Baby why are you acting like this....She exclplained why she did what she did-"
" you have no idea what I went she treated me."
"I know I don't but-"
" I nearly committed suicide because of her.....I'll kill her myself." I reached for the gun on the table and was about to walk out until he tightly gripped on my wrist-
"Baby let go off me !"
"I won't....I don't want you to become this type of person baby ,I don't like this attitude...I'm the leader not you so I make decisions of who to kill."
"!" I shouted
"Not until you calm down and promise not to kill her just yet and watch your Tone when talking to me!"
"Okay I promise."
Corey's POV
Why was she like this? She lied to me -
"Juliana!!" I followed her into the chambers-
"Its all an act isn't Corey will let you go!"
"Juliana if you do this you'll regret it."
"You were never a mother to deserve to die." Before she pulled the trigger I stuck the syringe into her neck and she collapsed-it was the only thing I could do -
she's becoming psycho like me and it's all my fault -
-1 hour later-
" what did you do to me?"
"It was a sedative totally harmless-(referring to their child)- I didn't know how to calm you down...why? Why do you want to kill her?"
"She married a man who tried to rape me and acted like nothing was wrong.."-
"Okay I understand one of the reasons but she's apologised,Jonathan used to abuse her to baby....what if she hurt you?"
"She can't she's tied up!"
"No Juliana you have to stop this...stop being so careless your pregnant for goodness don't want to loose the baby again do you?"
"Why would you say know how I feel about it."
I wiped her tears -
"I'm sorry but you need to understand and if you really want her dead I'll kill her myself,
if that'll make you happy."
"No baby I don't want her dead maybe I was overreacting...but don't ever do that again."
"I know I'm sorry but what do you want me to do with her ?"
"I'm sorry to baby...Let her go."
"Are you sure? I mean I'll kill her."
"No she deserves a second chance
"I W-won't Corey." I lifted her up so her legs were around my waist and hugged her tightly -
"I wanna go h-home."
"Okay let's go then."

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