Meeting her Father

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Julianas POV
-5 hours later -
Everyone on the jet was asleep , apart from Corey and I -"Baby how long left ?"
"About six hours left ."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah sure ."
"Have you ever thought about kids ?"
"Yeah why?"
"Just wondering."
"Juliannaaa."he said in his slow voice
"I just wanted to know Corey."
"Do you wanna have a kid?"
"Well yeah I do...but-"
" I get it."
He kissed my cheek and I leaned against his shoulder -
The next day
-6 hours later -
We were still on the plane - Chicago to Spain is a long trip - I came out the bathroom and breakfast was being served ,I sat back in my seat and saw eggs and bacon - ewww - "bae you not gonna eat ?"
"I'm allergic to pork ."
"Wait what ?"
"Yeah, I don't eat sausages , ham , bacon , ribs and stuff, if I eat any of that it's like I get food poisoning, I've had since I was a kid ."
"Oh I didn't know ."
"It's fine I'll just eat at the hotel ."
"We're landing in less than an hour anyway ."
"Okay great ." I put lay my head on his shoulder and scrolled through Instagram as usual
We finally arrived in Spain - it was so hot there -DAMN-
luckily I bought the clothes I need for the weather- me and Corey were in our hotel getting ready whilst everyone went out to do there thing -"Babe!! Should I wear this one or that one ?"
"Go for that one ."
"Are you sure it's appropriate?"
"Yeah true ,just were the other one ." I put on this black Spaghetti strap summer dress and wore a necklace,I put some sandals on and brushed my hair (outfit above) -Corey came out and he looked so cute -he wore a black short sleeve polo that showed all his muscles and grey pants - "so how do I look?"
"You look amazing baby." I replied as we walked into his car " are you nervous?"
"What ,no " he scoffed
"Then why are you sweating ?"
"Have you seen the weather?"
"Babe , the air conditioner is on ."
"Okay maybe a little,but we're going to meet one of the strongest Mafias in the world, AKA your dad and I'm just a 21 year old gang leader."
"Don't worry you'll be fine ,he won't do anything." We arrived at the address and the house was so big it was like 6 mansions combined -Damn he must be rich -I rang the door bell and patiently waited outside, I intertwined my fingers with Corey,so that we were holding hands - someone finally opened the door -" who are you ?"
"I've come to see my dad ."
"Oh Juliana come in, She's here !" He yelled across the house , someone walked out the room and I couldn't believe it ,my dad I hadn't seen him in years ,I ran up to him and hugged him so tightly-"I thought I would never see you again ."
"You've grown up into a beautiful young woman novia." -novia means sweetheart he used to call me that all the time when I was young -"we have so much to talk about daddy ."
"We sure do ."
"Dad,this is my boyfriend Corey Kingston."
"Kingston....your father and I were allies once ,
May he rest in peace ."
"Thankyou sir ."
"Please call me Carlos .
"Juliana I would like you to meet my son Marco ,your step- brother ."
"It's very nice to meet you ."
"You too ."
"Please have a seat ." He pointed us in the direction of a dining table ,there was so much food on the table that could last a whole year , me and Corey sat next to each other - " how are you alive ." I asked breaking the silence
"Well after the accident, people assumed were we're dead because no one appeared alive ,I had survived but Angeline didn't , you were taken from me by Jonathan - (the sound of his name made me want to puke) - I had searched for you for years , but you were never found , that's why I had to come up with an arrangement-"
"What arrangement."
"Who ever found you would ask for their hand in marriage and by doing so it would create an alliance between me and them ."
"You can't do that, you can't decide for me when I'm over 18 ."
"Well it's already been done."
"I don't want to be in a forced marriage."
"You won't have to ."
"What do you mean?"
"You could marry Corey." I stare at him but he doesn't say anything
Corey's POV
After dinner I was in Carlos's office discussing what had happened -" so yeah that's when I killed him ,I didn't know whether to believe him or not."
"You did a good thing son ,he had no right to abuse her , but people are gonna come looking for her which is why you need to marry her ASAP ."
"I do want to marry her ,but isn't it a bit to early ,we're still both teens."
"Do you love her ?"
"Yea I do but-"
"So what are you waiting for ?"
"I don't know ,I'm not sure if she's ready?"
"Well that's a conversation you need to have with her ,but you still need to get married."
"You've only just met me and giving me permission to marry your daughter ?"
"Like I said , I knew your father we were very close friends , I trust you Kingston."

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