Were getting married !!!!

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Corey's POV
-3 weeks later-
We were in the mall shopping and Juliana was dragging me to every single shop - "let's go here ."
"Okay I sighed ." I loved to spoil her but this was to much  -everything she purchased she gave to me so I could hold it because she was 'pregnant'  - she picked out mostly lace underwear -I have no idea why - but I still liked how it looked on her body-
"Baby can we go to one last store ?"
"What?" I sighed
-she pointed her finger in the direction of a baby store and I nodded my head
she walked into the shop leaving me with everything to carry -
I followed her into the girl section-
"why here we don't know the gender."
"Were having a girl."
I scoffed-
"We're having a boy .
"This is sooo cute baby what do you think?"
It was a mini white cami and a skirt
I'll have to admit it was cute but my daughter would never wear this -
-"no baby it's to revealing."
Julianas POV
After buying every I wanted ,we were walking back to our car -"What times our appointment?"
"It's in like an hour ,so we have time ."
he put everything in the car and we were just about to go in when I saw her,running up to me,she had something shiny in her hand - as soon as I felt something piercing my skin ,I knew I had been stabbed
"That's what you get for killing my husband."
I squinted my eyes,I woke up in a hospital-
-Not this again-
I looked to my left and saw Corey ,he looked really worried -
-he shot up from his chair and hugged me -"your okay." He sighed in relief and kissed me -I tried to sit up but my wound still hurt -"Baby,be careful." He reached for something In his pocket -
it was a scan of my baby -
"The doctor said everything's okay,your very lucky."
"I know." I pulled him closer to me so I could hug him tighter -"I'm so sorry Corey."
"For what?"
"For not being strong enough."
"Baby I know this isn't the right time but life's to short."
He pulled back from our hug and got on one knee -
I gasped
"Juliana when I first met you , you was the spark that was missing in my life ,you've always stood by me even in wrong decisions,I'm so glad I met you and I couldn't imagine you being any other person ,I love you so much baby ,so will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry-"
"Yes baby I will...I love you too ."
"You didn't even let me finish."
He slid the shiny ring on my finger and I kissed all over his face -
I'm getting married!!!
Corey's POV
4 days later
I finally proposed to Juliana, I couldn't wait any longer , she was finally getting discharged from the hospital,the stab wound wasn't that deep but I had to take her hospital just in case - I need to find that woman before she causes any harm to my fiancé - "Baby, walk slowly not to fast ."
"Yeah,yeah I heard you ." I helped her in the car and got in myself -
I pulled out my phone and saw a text message: boss your needed at the warehouse-
"Corey,look at the road ."
"I've done this many times before , I'm still here aren't I ?"
"Don't say that."
"I'm just kidding ." -I put my phone down and placed my hand on her thigh and squeezed it -"Coreyyyy."
"Whaattttt." I said mimicking her
"I'm gonna go down to the warehouse later."
"Ok...I was thinking about going back to work,are you okay with that ?"
"You can't work when your pregnant."
"Yeah but know one will know."
"But what do you need the money for when you have me ."
"Babe, I don't always want to depend on you for money , I wanna work for it ."
"Fine,I'll drop you and pick you up okay ?"
"Yes baby ."
I parked my car in the driveway and got everything out the car -"Juliana what are you doing ?" She tried to take some bags out of my hand -"I'm trying to help."
"No ,your pregnant,no carrying things for you lady ."
"Chill." I felt a slap on my back and she stormed into the house-"what's wrong now ?" She completely ignored me and went to the bathroom
She came out and walked over to me -"what's wrong with you ?"
"I just needed to pee." She laughed
"Okay,anyway baby I'm gonna go to the warehouse I'll be back in an hour,if you need anything ask Chris ,or just call me okay ." I said kissing her forehead
I arrived at the warehouse and went over to Jacob -"what is it ?"
"Boss,I think we should go to your office ."
I nodded and we both walked to my office -"so ?"
"Okay , I think we might have a mole ."
"A mole ? What do you mean ."
"Did Juliana get kidnapped whilst you were in Spain?"
"How do you know ?"
"Well, I overheard one of our guys on the phone talking to someone , they were saying how they want your girl and they are going to marry her and shit ,he then went a photo of what Juliana looks like ."
"That explains how they knew who she was ."
"Who's this person?"
"Y-yes boss ." He hurried out of my office and came back in a few minutes later with the traitor -"Wassup  ."
"Don't address me in that manner ,you say boss ,understood?"
"Yes boss ."
"Now,explain ."
"Explain what ."
"Don't play dumb with me ."
"Okay....they forced me to ..they said if I don't they would kill my mother ."
"You should have came to me ."
"But you were in Spain ."
"You should have told Oliver then ,."
"I-I-I'm sorry ."
"Jacob , take him to the chambers , I'm getting out of this shithole ."
"Yes boss ."


Hey, guys I hope you liked this chapter , I'll be uploading more often very soon-
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