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Julianas POV

After painting the nursery we had finally decorated it and let me tell you I loved it . Corey did most of the work since he didn't want me moving around a lot. Even though I was only in my second trimester.

I stood by the changing section re-organising a few things since I didn't like how Corey placed them .  The door slowly opened and I turned around to see Corey with a frown on his face .

"What happened now ?" I asked crossing my arms whilst facing him

"I hate to leave you but I have to go to the warehouse today."

"I thought we were gonna spend tonight together? At home ?" I said raising an eyebrow

"I know I can't , it's important ."

"When will you be back?"

"Around 11 or something."

"Okay." I muttered

"And besides , Caitlin downstairs watch a movie with her or something."

"I will."

"Okay bye." He said pressing his lips against my forehead. And I smiled in response .
Caitlin and I sat together in the living room huddled together as we watched a horror movie . She knew I hated them , because I would always get nightmares after .

Every sound I heard in the house made me either scream or jump , and Caitlin was getting annoyed .
"Do you think he's gonna die?"
"What no Jules ,he's the main character." She scoffed
We were both interrupted by a window being smashed . My head snapped towards Caitlin  and she had the same look on her face as I did .
"Did you hear that ?" I whispered
"Yes I did ,what should we do?"
"I don't know you've lived here longer than me !" I whisper yelled
"In situations like this Corey would Erm." She paused for a moment and thought to herself, which irritated me because people broke into the mansion .
"The safe room , let's go."

As we as scurried down past the basement I could hear footsteps  above us and men Yelling .
-I grabbed my phone and rang Corey -
"Corey?" I whispered
"Yes what's wrong, and why are you whispering?"
"Someone's broken into the house."
"Fuck !" I heard him mutter-"Jules you need to listen to me , I have a safe room go there with Caitlin-"
"I'm with her now and we're going there."
"Okay, I'm on my way ."
"Okay bye."

And with that call ended, I watched as Caitlin opened the door and stood aside for me to go in .
It had been about 10 minutes since I last spoke to Corey on the phone , and I began to get scared as I heard thuds on the door and I knew someone was trying to break it open .

I paced up and down the room biting my nails and flinching every time I heard a thud . Caitlin   Reached for weapons that were hidden everywhere in this room . 
"Okay." I heard her sigh
"Caitlin what are you planning ?" I asked sternly
"Juliana I need you to jump out that window , it's not high and run as fast as you can ."
"What! No I'm not leaving you-"
"I can fight off a few men and plus to you are carrying my niece or nephew , so I need you to be safe ."

I smiled in awe whilst looking at her -"are you sure you'll be okay ?"
"Yes , now go !" She snapped

Corey's POV
As soon as I got home with my group of men I sent them to Search the perimeter to see if those men were still here .
I walked past the kitchen and stopped the minute I saw blood painted across the white tiles .

Someone killed these men .
But who ?

I snapped back into realists as Juliana entered my mind and I rushed to the safe room. And heard screaming but it didn't sound feminine.

I opened the door and a slight smile appeared on my face as I saw my sister slicing knives across one of the men's chests leaving blood to ooze out on its on .

"What the hell are you doing ?"

"Erm torturing these people who tried to kill your baby mama . Can I at least get a thank you ? "
I chuckled and ignored her statement-
"You killed their men upstairs?"

"Yep." She said focused on carving something into the mans chest . My eyes travelled to the other one and he was knocked out completely.

What the hell did she do to him-
"Where's Juliana ?"

"I told her to run out that window , and I'm presuming she's probably found the cabin ."

"In the dark , whilst it's raining ? Seriously Caitlin ?"

"What ? At least she's alive. " she said shrugging her shoulders, I shook my head whilst walking towards the window and climbing out of it .

After walking which felt like hours I had finally reached the cabin . And the smell of blood filled my nostrils .

"Fuck." I muttered whilst rushing up the creaky stairs and kicking the door open . My eyes widened .

"Jules ?"
"Oh hi." She smiled

I glanced at what was in front of me and saw two dead men laying on the floor surrounding by a pool of blood .

Well I'll be dammed .

"Don't be mad , they attacked me I guess they followed me and I killed the-"

"Why would I be mad ? You've  finally killed someone ." 

"Your happy ?"

"Well that's not the word I would use but- anyway are you okay ? Are you hurt?"

She shook her head -"who are these people ?"

"I don't know , but I'll have information by tonight ."


"And I'll call the cleanup team to get rid of these bodies." I said reaching for her awfully cold hands . "Your freezing ." 
"Well I'm not properly dressed."

My eyes trialed down her body and back up and my tongue licked my lips.
I stared at her lustfully  whisky annoyed at her for wearing this . "Why are you wearing this ? It barely goes past your ass?"

"I was at home  what do ou expect me to wear ?
Turtle necks ? With sweats-"

"No but something that covers your body more ." I said as my voice softened
"Anyway can we get out of here ? The smell of blood is making me nauseous." 

We started walking back to the mansion and the moon was our only source of light. Which was. A pain in the ass as there were so much branches that you could accidentally trip on.
I felt the grip in my hand loosen as I heard a thud and I turned around to find her unconscious body laying on the floor .
I heard a thud
Does this girl have passing out syndrome?
She has to have something syndrome because she is not okay
After the doctor had checked up on her everything was okay . Just stress as usual. I don't even know what she stresses about . Apart from the recent events that had happened.
Women's bodies function so weirdly
I sat beside her as she slept and decided to check on the men that my sister had tortured.
-"so have you got any information?"
"Yeah,and your not gonna like it ."

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