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Julianas POV
-4 years later-
Throughout these past years I had another kid -a boy and we named him CJ after our initials - he was only 1 year apart from Makayla- and were now expecting our 3 rd kid - yes I know 3rd I blame Corey for this - but anyway hopefully this is my last one  -
"Mommy." Makayla babbled as she waddled into the kitchen
"CJ took my barbie doll."
"Where is he?"
"He's in daddies office."
"Doing what?"
"I don't know mom." I went downstairs and into his office-I instantly stopped when I heard a gunshot-
"CJ PUT THAT DOWN NOW....?" He threw it across the room and I ran up to him
"..Are you okay...are you hurt?"
"No im fine mommy."
"Right there-"
Corey rushed out of his meeting room -"is everyone okay?...what was that?"
"I didn't know Jacob was supposed to look after him ."
"What if he got hurt Corey? Why do you even have guns in our house?"
"For protection."
"Stop being so careless!"
I let out a big huff and I walked away but he pulled me back-
"Okay I'm sorry it won't happen again ." He pecked my lips softly -
"Do you Promise?" I pouted
"I Promise...baby" I felt someone hugging my legs and I crouched down to pick CJ up -
"Are you sure your okay baby?"
"Yes I'm fine mom."
"See he's a strong kid."
"Oh shut up."
"I'll be finished in about 5 minutes."
"Good I'm making dinner."
"Okay ." He kissed my lips one more time and walked back into his meeting-
"Come on kids."
"Mom....why is your belly so big?"
"Because mommy has a baby in there."
"How does the baby get inside?"
"Errr well,mommy and daddy love each other and they cuddle then BOOM there's a baby."
"Ooo can I try?"
"No makayla...you can when your older...not now."
"I'll buy you another barbie doll..will that make you happy ?"
"Okay sit..dinners ready."
After eating dinner I tucked the kids into bed and went back to my room and it was so dark-
I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I instantly turned and kicked the guy in the balls - "oops I'm so sorry baby."
"Damn....my babies."
I bursted out laughing -"are you okay?"
"Yes I'm good." he wrapped his hands around my stomach and kissed my neck  -
"Babe not tonight." I winced in pain and turned around -"baby whats wrong?"
"Just kicking ." I groaned
" you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine." We both got into bed and Corey put his head on my stomach-
"Shit...it might be a boy baby...no girl kicks like that."
"I don't really care what gender it is babe. But after this one no more kids...so you have to stop being so careless and use a fucking condom...got it?"
"Yes baby...I understand...I never meant to cause you no pain."
"Corey...child birth hurts. Like. A. Bitch."
"Okay just go to bed now it's getting late I love you."
"I love you to ."
-The next day-
Me and Corey decided to have a mini date and he took us to the beach -
And the weather was so warm i wore something a little to revealing(outfit above) and I don't think Corey approved -
"Baby you look good but we're in public I can't have people looking at you that way."
"Corey you need to chill it's like 100 degrees and look at what your wearing...can you not see the group of girls looking at you."
"Your so sexy when your jealous." He whispered seductively into my ear - I shrugged of the feeling of him wanting to kiss me neck down and just ignored it -
"Can we go swimming?"
"Sure." He grabbed my hand and ran towards the ocean ,turns out it was colder than expected-that's weird anyway Corey was splashing water at me and I was doing the same -
"Baby you got it in my eyes." I kept them shut. Just for a moment and as soon as I opened them Corey was nowhere to be found-I held my breath and went underwater to see if he was there and he- wasn't-where was he?
"Corey!?" I called out
"Corey this isn't funny!"
"Where are you?"
For some reason I was crying-why am I crying ? I instantly felt someone pull my leg under and I couldn't help but let out a shriek -I looked down and saw Corey,I kicked his hands of and swam back up and so did he- all I heard was him laughing like a lunatic-
"Corey Corey where are you." He mimicked
"Stop I was actually worried."
"Are you crying?"
"No im not."
He just continued with his barbaric laugh and I swam away and walked back to where we were laying
A few minutes later-
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worried okay."
"You scared me."
"It was just a joke I won't do it again."
"I promise." He pressed his lips onto mine and I moaned into his mouth- we both heard a growl and looked at each other bewildered-until we realised it was my stomach -
"You hungry?" I nodded-
"I'll go get you some food wait here."
"Okay." He went away to the food truck and I lay back on my beach towel -
My view of the sun had been blocked must have been a shadow -
"Finally your back." I opened my eyes and sat up to find it wasn't Corey but some kid who looked about 6-
"Do you want something?" I asked breaking the silence
"Your really pretty...can I have your number?"
"Umm sorry kiddo I'm taken..and plus your way younger than me."
"It doesn't matter."
He pulled out a toy phone -Is he kidding me
"Could you please go away?"
"I'll be back and when I'm older then I'll get your number ." I scoffed as he walked away and l lay back down -
Finally Corey came back with our food -
"Here you go." He handed me a burger with fries on the side and all of the sudden I realised I didn't want this ,so I pushed the food away-
"What's wrong?"
"I'm not hungry." I actually was but at this time of my pregnancy I was really self conscious about my body and I didn't want to eat so much in front of Corey-
"Well you was less than 15 minutes ago."
"I changed my mind."
"Come you have to eat something." He said pushing the food back to me - A frown appeared on his face-
"Baby...what's wrong?"
I took a deep breath in -"I don't wanna get fat."
"Where's this coming from?"
"I don't wanna each to much or I'll become fat and  you won't like that."
"What in the world made you think that."
"I don't know just a thought." I mumbled
"Baby I don't really care what your body looks like-"
"Why Do you like me then?"
He chuckled -"well if you had let me finish ....I like you for your personality...your determined....your funny....you never give up in the hardest of times...your a survivor.....you make me happy...and lastly your beautiful no matter what....personally those body rolls and stretch marks you have right now make you even more sexier so don't be ashamed...if you wanna eat ...go ahead ....you have another person to feed aswell it's not all for you."
"Thank you baby."
"No problem." I quickly kissed his cheek and dug into my food -
I'm so lucky to have this man I am really a mafias Queen.

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