Finally safe

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Julianas POV
I was in the car with Corey and we were driving to my dads house -
"I got you something."
"What is it ?"
"Here baby ." He reached for his pocket and pulled out a brand new phone -iPhone 11 pro- Again- "Since your over one was broke , I had to get you a new one ." He said handing it over to me -"Thankyou." I saw him pulling the car over to the side of the Road -"Babe why are you crying ?"
"I'm not ." I put my hands on my face and felt tears on my cheek -I didn't realise-"Come here ." I unbuckled my seatbelt and crossed over the gear and stuff ,I sat on Corey so I was straddling him -"Baby are you sure this is safe ?"
"Yeah,what's my other hand for ?" He put one of his hands on my waist and the other on the steering wheel and started to drive
We finally arrived at My dads house ,I rang the doorbell and waited until someone opened the door "Juliana!! Your okay." Marco said hugging me -Corey and I walked into the house and I saw my Dad he looked frustrated but I didn't care - I ran up to him like a 5 year old but I didn't care -"Papi." (Translation-Daddy)
I hugged him tightly -"Your okay novia."
"te hicieron daño ?" (Translation-did they hurt you?) -I nodded but didn't say anything -
"esta bien ahora cariño." (Translation-its okay now sweetheart) - I let go of the hug and walked back to Corey -"You did good son ." Carlos said - "no problem."
"Juliana tengo que arreglar algo pero volveré." (Translation-I have to go sort something out but I'll be back ."
"Okay dad ." And he walked out the house leaving me , Marco and Corey
Carlos POV
No one touches my daughter - I knew someone was going to die today but I didn't know who - I got in my car and drove off - my destination was Santiago's other warehouse- how could this motherfucker rape her and get away with it - I knew he was dead I was going for his second in command and all his other men -just wait and see
Corey's POV
A few hours later , me and Juliana were back at the hotel cuddling in bed - Every time I looked at her it just bought me back to what happened in  these past 24 hours-that bastard tried to impregnate her
- "Baby what's wrong ?"
"Nothing ."
"Don't lie to me ."
"I should have never left you ,I could have lost you."
"It's okay-"
"No it's have no idea how much you mean to me."
I smiled at him with awe
"Those were the loneliest 4 days of my life."
"I just kept thinking about you."
"So did I ."
"Yeah what?"
"I want to do it." She blurted and my eyes widened -"are you sure ."
"Yeah I don't wanna wait."
"Are you sure sure ?"
"Yes I am baby ."
We switched positions so I was on top of her , we both stripped so we were naked and began kissing each other , I slot myself between her legs making them spread wider ,giving me access to her pussy,
I played with her clit a few times and sucked on it gently-
"You taste so good baby."
The next thing I knew I was thrusting her hard
"O-h f-uck."
" Corey s-stop."
"Baby what's wrong?"
"It hurts."
"Do you want me to go slow?"
"It's only 7 inches."
"7 it feels like 10 to me."
"How do you know what 10 feels like?"
"It's just a figure of speech ."
What a lie
Julianas POV
It was 6 rounds -
and God I've never been so sore in my life - Why did Corey always had to grip so tight on me ? I guarantee this was going to leave a mark-"Baby wake up ."
"Mmm." He mumbled   -
"I need to go to the bathroom ."
I finally felt his grip on me loosen and I wiggled out of my spot -
After doing my business I walked back out into the room
-"Babe what are you doing it's 4 am?"
"my cushion went to the bathroom." He said  ,I giggled and went back to bed - "Can we watch a movie ?"
"No , like you said it's 4 am."
"Please baby ."
- I pouted  and turned my head away- I felt his large hands pulling me closer to him - "Don't ever look away from me okay ."
"What if I do ?"
"You'll get a punishment ."
"What punishment ?"
"This ." His hands slapped my ass hard and I winced in pain "Oww  ." I felt tears springing to my eyes " why are you crying ?"
"Because you h-hit me ."
" I was only joking ,you know I would never lay my hands on you ." He said couping my face-I turned my head so I was looking away from him -"Do you really think that?"
"Do you think I would hit you ?"
"Answer me !"
"I asked you a motherfucking question!" , I didn't mean to get him angry,
",I'm sorry okay."
He pushed me off of him and walked out the room -Damn he's got a temper must be on his 'man' period
Guys I'm sorry sorry , I have no idea how to right smuts I'm so bad at them 😭but anyway I hope you've enjoyed the story so far .
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