Not expected

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Julianas POV
Amber and I were having lunch and she's a really nice person-
"So Aiden told me how you had an abusive ex?"
She sighed
"Well I wanted to tell you I understand what you went through-"
"You've been abused aswell?"
"Yeah... do you know?"
"Know what?"
"Oh never mind."
"That your boyfriend is a gang leader? Yeah, Aiden told me."
"Okay it'll make it much easier.... I used to live with my step dad and he was so horrible he used to abuse me and he tried to rape me but Corey saved me."
"My ex boyfriend beat me until my baby died."
"He killed your-"
"I'm so sorry I should have never asked."
"Have you told Aiden?"
"It's okay you can get through this."
"Thank Juliana i really needs this ."
"Yeah no problem."
Aidens POV
I got to her house and rang her door bell impatiently -
I needed to see her
The door opened and she looked even more beautiful -
"Hey, I was just about to call you come in."
She lead me to her couch and sat next to me
"I'm ready to talk... I wanna tell you everything."
"Okay I'm listening."
"It started when I found out I was pregnant-"
"You were pregnant? ."
"Just please listen."
"He started drinking, he came back home one night and accused me of cheating but he just used that as a reason to beat me ."
How can he do that to such a beautiful girl ?
"He knew I was pregnant but he didn't care ,he liked it when I was upset, I tried to leave so many times but he promised me he would change... one night he came home and was so angry. He put both of his hands on my throat until I fell to the ground gasping for air ,he started kicking me ,I moved my hands on my stomach so he could stop ,but he didn't ,I don't really remember anything else I must have blacked out. I went to the doctors the next day and my baby was dead." She cried
My hands wrapped around her so she could hug me
"Amber I-I'm so sorry you had to go through that.But I promise you I'll never do that to you-"
"What do you mean?" She sniffled looking up at me through her long lashes
"I want you to be mine, and I know this is the worse timing but I can't wait any longer , I see you and then your lips and all I want to do is kiss you an-
She cut me off once again pressing her lips against mine , I quickly reacted kissing her back and locking our lips together . I the. Pulled back breaking the kiss I needed an answer from her before we went even further
"Is that a yes?"
She nodded "yeah, I wanna be your girlfriend, I like you a lot ."
My thumb caressed her cheek wiping her tears in the process "gosh your so beautiful."
Corey's POV
"Corey where are you?"
"I'm coming."
"I don't like being in the dark by myself."
"Go back into the restaurant."
"They've closed."
"Sorry baby I'll be there in 5."
I skipped a few red lights and got to where Juliana was .
She got into the car and kissed my cheek
"Did you talk to her?"
"Yes baby."
"What'd she say?"
"She was pregnant and her boyfriend beat her till the baby died."
"Oh wow."
"Imagine loosing a kid  you didn't even get to meet...that must be horrible."
"It makes me sick how some men treat women."
"I know baby."
As soon as we got home everywhere was dark I turned on the light switch and 3 men in black stood beside Callum -I heard a shriek as I turned to my left -for fucks sake -"Let her go...your rival is with me not her."
"This is the only way I can cause you pain through her ."
"Callum I swear to God im going to fucking kill you."
He laughed as if this was a joke -"Try I dare you ."
"Do i have to remind you I'm a gang leader ."
"And yet I've managed to kidnap your girl -
Julianas POV
"Let me go !!"His hands gripped on my arm tightly as he put duct tape on my mouth and tied me to a chair- the guy had this smirk on his face and kept staring at me-
what a pedo-
Callum walked over to me -"My my Corey you are keep this  all to yourself ." He caressed my cheek sending shivers down my spine
"Stop touching me please?"
Suddenly I felt a stinging sensation on my face knowing I had been slapped-
"Did I ask you to talk?"
he grabbed a handful of my hair making me scream a little bit because of how hard he pulled it-"LOOK AT ME." he lifted my chin up making me look at his eyes - all I saw was hatred and anger -"DONT TOUCH HER!" Corey roared from across the room -
"what should we do with her?" 
"Let's play a game." He pulled a quarter out from his pocket -
"Heads i kill Corey....tails I kill Juliana....easy right?" I watched as. coin flew into the air and fell back down-
"Ooo heads....what a shame."
I shook my head -no- repeatedly  ,I glanced down at was on my hands -Zip ties really?
With all my force I pulled both my hands apart and broke it -I grabbed a vase from the side and smashed onto the guys head making him collapse with a big thump - 2 more men we're headed towards me and I panicked - the only weapon I had was my fists and pepper spray - the next thing I knew Two of the men were dead and one was unconscious I don't remember what I did but one of them was very DEAD -
"I'm impressed." Callum said sarcastically
"D-don't k-kill him p-please."
"Do you promise to leave her alone after you kill me?"
"WHAT? Corey NO!"
"All I ever wanted was for you to be dead."
"Corey d-don't listen to him."
"'s long as your safe that's all that matters-"
"Okay enough with this bullshit." Callum grabbed my hand and pressed his gun on my temple -
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Did you not hear me ? I said I'll kill her ."
"Callum let her go!"
"Make a decision...her or your kid?"
"Callum please April will never forgive you."
"You really thinks she cares ?"
"Your really going to kill a pregnant woman? What type of monster are you-"
He cocked the gun making me flinch -
"Okay that's it."
"I love you Juliana."
"I love you to cor-."
I was cut off by gunshots ,  I felt this sharp pain near my abdomen-
My body rapidly dropped to the floor and I  was choking on my own blood-
he shot me -
that motherfucker shot me -
I heard laughing in the background
"Get off me NOW!"
I felt my body being lifted up -
"Juliana d-don't g-go." It sounded all muffled but I knew it was Corey -
Corey's POV
I carried her into my  car and placed me gently on the backseats - it felt like 2 minutes but we were at the hospital- "I need a doctor right now !"
"What happened?"
"She was shot ."
"I need another nurse in here quick." They wheeled her into a different room and I followed behind them
"We're loosing her......BP has gone to low."
"She needs a blood transfusion."
"Is she stable enough?" I glanced at the flatline and the lines were straight I truly hoped it was my Imagination-
" she's not dead." -
"Baby." I pounded her chest hoping she would come back to me
"I'm sorry Mr Kingston,she's dead."
"No she isn't dead."
"Will the baby survive if delivered now?"
"No ones touching her." I felt someone shaking my shoulder and I snapped back into reality -
it wasn't real
Callum and all his men are going to be dead by the end of the week - I couldn't think straight - he killed my baby girl - I'm not even sure if Juliana survived - I waited impatiently outside the hallway until finally a doctor came -"Are you mr Kingston ?"
"Yes what happened?"
"Okay your wife is very lucky she survived the incident but it might be hard for her to conceive due to-"
"What do you mean?"
"Well your wife was shot more than once so some organs are badly damaged."
"What about the baby?"
"Well I'm very sorry to say this but unfortunately she didn't survive."
"Excuse me doctor ." I stepped aside and pulled my phone out from my pocket and dialed Jacob -
"Yes boss."
"I want Callum dead and all his men I don't care how you do it ....kill his girlfriend....bomb his warehouse.....tell me when the job is done and please make sure he suffers."
"But boss aren't you friends-"
"I don't want any buts do it NOW!"
"Y-yes s-sir."
I cut the phone and went back to the doctor
"W-which room is she in ?"
" down the hall and on your left ."
"Okay  ." I followed his direction and entered the room -" are you?" I saw her hands on her flat stomach-
"where's my baby?"
I stayed silent and didn't say a word
"Corey...say s-something." I saw tears springing to her eyes
".....I'm so sorry....."
She immediately broke into tears as i walked over to her and hugged her tightly
"M-my baby's dead." She cried
"Where is she?"
"In the morgue."
"I wanna see h-her."
"N-no you can't."
"I wanna see her p-please get a doctor."
"I'm sorry baby you can't."
"I want to see my daughter."
"They won't allow it baby.."
I sat beside her as her cries filled the room breaking my heart every second -

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