Birthday girl

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Corey's POV
Juliana fell asleep in my office and I decided to go check up in our prisoner - "Hi boss."  Oliver said - he was one of the guys in the circle of trust - he always tortured prisoners for fun - "how's our prisoner doing ?"
"Come see for yourself ." I walked into the chamber and he looked horrible "leave me alone , so I can talk to him ."
"So , how do you want to die ." He laughed
"You don't know who she is do you ?"
"Yeah , a girl you've been abusing for years ."
"No, do you know who's her father ... Carlos , Martinez ." - I knew it- Carlos Martinez was one of the strongest Mafia leaders in the entire world , he basically owned all Gangs in Spain - or maybe he was lying?-
"Do you really think I would believe you ?"
"Think about it , she basically royalty , she thinks her parents are dead , one of them survived ."
"So what gave you the right to touch her ."
"Do you know how much she's worth, she doesn't know it yet ,but people are coming for Juliana -to ask for her hand in marriage , and by doing this it will join forces with the strongest Mafia in the world ."
"They'll have to get through me ." I yelled -could this be true - or maybe he was chatting BULLSHIT - I pulled the trigger and blood splattered everywhere - BULLS -EYE ,I walked out the room "Oliver clean this up for me ."
"Yes boss ." - I went up into my bedroom and hoped in the shower -
-3 weeks Later -
Julianas POV
It's my birthday , I'm finally 21- i sat up and got out of bed - and went to the bathroom, , I put on some black jeans that were ripped at the knee part and a white crop-top that revealed my belly piercing, I carefully put on my fluffy sliders and made my way downstairs, Corey was no where to be seen- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Caitlin screamed in my ear , we had gotten closer over the past days , and she was like the sister I never had ," Thanks , have you seen Corey?"
"Nah , but it don't matter bc We're going shopping then I'm taking you out ."
"Okay, ." I walked to the kitchen and saw 5 pancakes with syrup on them and candles on top -"I tried ." She squealed
"Thanks,it looks delicious."
Corey's POV
It was Julianas birthday and I felt bad because I didn't say happy birthday to her , I was busy buying her gifts such as Gucci , Victoria secret, Pandora and all that girly shit - and lost track of time - I parked my car in the drive way and walked in -"I'm home ."
"We're over here ." Caitlin yelled I walked over to the kitchen "Happy birthday Jules,I didn't know what you wanted so I bought you all of this ." She looked at me with a massive smileon her face "Thanks Corey."
"I got you a new phone aswell." I pulled out the IPhone 11 Pro from my pocket ,she jump of her seat and hugged me - "Thankyou."
"Err hellooo I'm right here ."
"Caitlin ,your ruining our moment, fuck off and go find a man ." Her mouth opened and shaped it into an O - "shut up my time will come !"She yelled and walked off -Juliana was about to say something but I cut her off ,when I smashed my lips onto hers , she instantly stopped and pulled back -
"Corey what are you doing...we're not together."
"But I want us to be Jules....I've gotten to know you over the past months and I hate it the way my men look at you...knowing your single....and I hate the way they talk about you lustfully -I want to make you mine..I want to be able to kiss you whenever I chose to...I want to be able to hug you and I want to be your comforter...I just want to be with will you be my girlfriend ?"
"I didn't know you were such a poet- she chuckled - I would love to be your girlfriend Corey ." Her hands wrapped around my neck and her lips and mine connected- our tongues were fighting over dominance but she let me win- I pulled back making her pout
"There's one more thing I have to give ." I pulled out a velvet box - and got on one knee " Don't worry I'm not proposing,
I give you this promise ring , I promise to make you happy every single day from today, I promise to love you and make you feel loved , I promise to protect you from any danger , I promise to make sure you feel safe , and I promise that our relationship will last forever." I slid the ring into her finger and looked up at her amber eyes Which were a filled with tears -"Thankyou so much Corey."
"I'm sorry to break the moment but ,it's important I neglected to discuss with you ."
"What is it ?"
"It's about your father ?"
"He's dead , what about him ."
"Did you know he's a Mafia Don ?"
"Yeah, when I was young ,, what do you mean he's?"
"Your fathers alive."
-I looked at her and saw distress-
"How long have you known."
"Just a few weeks."
"Why w-wouldn't you t-tell me? I haven't seen my dad since I was a k-kid , you know how much I miss him ,Why Would you do that?" Her voice broke as she said this ,she got off the kitchen stool and walked out
-I felt really bad for not telling her , I just ruined her day
I went upstairs into our room , and heard the shower just turn off -I waited for her to come out
"Juliana...I'm sorry I should have never hid this from you-" she walked past me and into the closet-
"I'm trying to apologise."
"Corey....Please - she sighed- just leave me alone."
"I'm not going to leave you alone.... im sorry for hiding this from you but we wasn't even together so I didn't really know how you'd feel... so it's not really my fault-"
"Are you being serious right now? Corey I still had a right to k-know."
I sneakily put my hands around her waist and hugged her -
"Don't's your birthday....I'm sorry I never meant to make you cry."
"Y-your s-such a hypocrite...your promises didn't even last 24 hours ."
-I heard a chuckle which made me smile -

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