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Julianas POV
Rey had been gone a few hours, and I regretted starting an argument over nothing , he was just trying to protect me , but I couldn't get that.

I sat by myself on the couch in the dark rewatching TVD on the last episode over and over again , so it gave me a reason to cry .

"Stefan! Why would you do that , Katherine's not worth it ." I yelled throwing my box off tissues at the large screen in front of me.

I kept reciting in my head what. I will say to him when he gets back over and over again. Every time I tried calling him , it just went to voicemail, and I'm assuming he either didn't wanna talk to me or his phone was off . I mean I get that but it's been hours .

The guards didn't even keep me company , they just stood there with guns in there hands like statues . I even attempted to jump off the balcony to get there attention . But nothing worked . The front door clicked open and I heard footsteps . I threw the blankets off of me and ran towards the entrance hallway. Jumping into his arms.

"I'm sorry, I should have never said any of those things ." I mumbled wrapping my arms tightly around his neck .
"It's okay."

"I know you were trying to protect me and I was just being a brat about it ."
He lifted my chin up making me look into his dark brown eyes -"don't call yourself that, and it's okay." He replied pecking my lips .
"My guards say that You've been giving them a hard time , is that true ?"
"I was bored , and I missed you , Caitlin hasn't been here in nearly two days , probably out clubbing or something."
"She's twenty one and acts like a rebellious teenager."
"I think maybe she still is one ." I giggled
"Anyway, what have you been doing apart form annoying the guards ?" He asked as we both walked back into the living room
"Watching tvd ."
"Really ? For the eleventh time?"
"My goal is to make it seventy by the time I hit my third trimester, and I can't help it Damon Salvatore just-"
"Shut the fuck up about him."
"Okay." I smiled jumping back onto the couch .
"Did you have dinner ?"
I shook my head
"Why.? Your supposed to be eating."
"I wasn't hungry."
"Put some shoes on we're going to get some food."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I scurried upstairs into our room grabbing any shoes I could find . And rushing back downstairs.

"Hey, I'm calli and I'm your waitress today what could I get you ?" She asked leaning towards Corey with her arms pressed against her sides making her boobs look bigger. By the way she was eyeing Corey I could tell that she wanted him already , but did he's mine .

He paid no attention to her but the menu in front of him
Good boy
. "I'll have just have a coffee ."
"Okay anything else you want ?" She asked seductively biting her lip , but he completely ignored her looking up to face me
"Baby what do you want ?"

"I'll have a burger and fries."

"Are you sure you should be eating that?" She asked leaning back up. And adjusting her shirt .

I scoffed and rolled my eyes -"what are you trying to imply ?"

"I'm not trying to imply anything but maybe you should mind your weight-"

This bitch did not just call me fat

"Listen up Karen, you have no right to be talking about my weight when everything on your body is plastic."

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