Kidanpped part 2

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Julianas POV
A few days later-
The room I was in was so cold,mostly because of what I was wearing and the window was left wide open -
They would just leave me to sit alone in dark -and mostly Santiago would just walk in and rant on how he's going to make me his - I missed Corey and I just wanted to be in his arms -
anyway I need to find away to get out of here-Santiago  walked in -
"It seems like we're gonna have to do it the hard way ,bring it in."
"Wait what are you doing ?" Some guy brought this massive bucket filled with water,he came up to me and dunked my head inside,I couldn't breathe ,I tried my hardest to pull my head up ,but he was to strong ,I felt the life inside me dying as I wanted to give up,I Didn't want this pain anymore ,I didn't want to be in this place -"Pull her out." I felt my head being pulled up -"Leave her in here with me ."
" go away."
"I have finally found a way to make you mine querida." (querida /darling)
"What do you mean ?" He walked up to me and crouched down In front of me ,I could feel ,his hands going up my thighs and I couldn't do anything about it -"I am going to take...your.....virginity."
"How do you know I'm a virgin?" He scoffed
"Darling I know a virgin when I see one."
"Well your can't do that without consent that's rape."
"I really don't care..I can do what I want with you ..but we're going to have a little fun first."
His hands reached my pants and I could feel them going inside-"Don't touch me ." I cried - he pulled them out and put his fingers to his lips -
"You taste good....I can't wait to have you."
-he pulled the chair I was sitting on closer to him -and began kissing me ,he bit my lip every time making it bleed so I could open my mouth ,I tried to pull back but I couldn't -I didn't want to kiss this man-" Your  coming with me querida." He untied the ropes that were on hands and legs ,he grabbed my hand and took me to a different room,must have been his resting place or something  -"SIT!" I sat down as he told me to because I didn't want anything worse to happen "Now there's a good girl." He walked over towards me and began kissing all over my neck as tears were streaming down my face,I DID NOT want this , he pushed me back so I was laying on his bed ,his hands were all over my body ,I tried to push him off,but he was to strong ,I cried and cried and cried-until he finally got off me ,"that's all for today." He said licking his lips n' making me look at him in disgust -he was like in his late 30s and I was only 21-
he walked me back to the room I was being held in and tied the ropes tighter and left -I want to go home , I want to be with Corey, I miss him so much ,his hugs ,his kisses,his voice ,playing with his hair,morning cuddles,watching movies together ,his scent ,his smile
-just please come and find me -
Corey POV
We finally had a lead on who took my girl -Santiago Hernandez- and he was going to pay - but he had so many warehouses it was hard to locate which one Juliana was in -"Maybe he would go for the warehouse that might be right under our noses ."
"We have over 25 addresses ,which one is the closest to here ?"
"The closest warehouse that Santiago owns is the one near that abandoned house ,that's about 15 minutes away."
"But he knows that we know where it is Juliana wouldn't be there ,it's to easy ."
"Maybe he wants us to find her ."
"Why would he ?"
"I don't know , because to Marry her it makes an alliance right - unless Juliana girl was under 18- which she's not ,."
"So what is he planning ?"
"He's obviously wants to marry her ."
"What does that have to do with finding her ?"
"There's only one place where he can do that ."
"The warehouse near the old church ."
"Come on let's go then ." -I have no idea why Santiago would take Juliana there but I didn't  care I just hope she's okay
Julianas POV
I was awoken by someone bursting through the door - it was Santiago-"It's time ."
"Time for what ?"
"You know what." I really didn't he cut the ropes off me with a mini pocket knife and took me to the same room I was a few hours ago-"What are we doing here ?"
"Take your Off your dress."
I shook my head -"Do it now or I'll do it myself !" He raised his voice a little bit making me follow his instructions- I slowly unbuttoned my dress leaving just me in my underwear-" Dios mío ,How can Corey have you all to himself ." (My God )
"Cor-how do you know Corey."
"Please, I know who your boyfriend is ,nothing happens in Spain without me knowing." -he walked over to me and unclipped  my bra -"Wh-what are you doing ?" I muttered
"You know what I'm about to do ." I broke into tears and I felt his cold , dirty hands on my body -he pulled my pants off so I was naked in front of him-"Stop....p-please." I cried
"I need to make you mine and this is the only way how ." He took off his vest and unbuckled his belt-I was so weak,I couldn't even do anything-

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