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Julianas POV
-1 week later-
Corey had gone off to the warehouse to sort out some stuff,whilst I was just at the mall shopping for my baby girl -I had been here for a few hours now and my stomach growled in hunger ,I turned around and saw 'Chick Fila' from a distance,I went there and ordered my food ,I heard two girls behind me snickering-
"Look how much she ordered...probably pregnant."
"Or she's just fat."
I punched her in the face -I think I broke her nose -"Oops."
She slapped my face hard
-"You little bitch." I could feel that it left a handprint -The other girl grabbed a handful of my hair and punched me ,I could feel blood trickling on down my face - the crowd just stood there in shock
-45 minutes later-
Me and those two girls were all taken into custody and they were questioning us one by one -I was first
"Would you like to tell me what happened Miss Martinez?"
I shook my head
"If you don't cooperate we're gonna have to keep you here over night."
I let out a big sigh before speaking
"I was getting myself food at chick f'ila
Until I heard those two girls talking about me-"
"What exactly did they say?"
"They called me fat ,and they called me a bitch-"
"Is that it? You got yourself arrested just because of that?"
"Well I-"
"You could go to jail for more than 5 months do you know that!"
"Why do you care?"
"Because you just assaulted two women at the mall."
"Why are you acting like they didn't do anything."
"I will bring them in for questioning once I am done with you but for now I will have one of the guards escort you out of the room."
The police guard walked in and grabbed my wrist a little to tight but I don't think he noticed-
"You have any family?"
I shook my head
" boyfriend? husband?"
Corey mentioned to me how the police were trying to trail him for gang activity
So I couldn't risk it
"Well I'm sorry miss your gonna have to stay here until we get you a lawyer-"
"It's not like the girls are dead there perfectly fine."
"You broke her nose."
"And what about me? The paramedics didn't check me out I wonder why?"
"Okay come on we're going."
"W-wait please I don't wanna go to jail-"
"Do you have someone who can bail you out?"
"Yes I do."
"The phones are right there."
"Do I look blind to you?"
I walked over to the telephones hoping he would pick up -
I dialled his number and it went straight to voicemail
"Please pickup ." I muttered  on the verge of tears
I tried again
Thank God
"Juliana what's wrong?"
"Are you with Corey? "
"He's in his office wanna talk to him?"
"You wanna talk to me?"
"Yeah...well it's not like that but-"
"Okay what is it?"
"I got arrested and I need you to bail me out p-please I don't wanna spend the night in jail."
"Which jail?"
"Forest hill."
"Okay I'm coming."
"Thankyou so much."
"Anything for bosses girl."
15 minutes later
Aiden picked me up and we were both in his car driving to the warehouse-
"You wanna tell me what happened?"
"Not really."
"So are you single?"
"Woah woah what are you trying to do?"
"No not like that... I only see you as a brother nothing else."
"Well there is this one girl...but I'm not sure if she likes me."
"How long have use been talking ?"
"For about 2 months."
"What's her name?"
"So what's the problem?"
"She's just come out of an abusive relationship so doesn't really trust me."
"Abusive ? Oh wow."
"Yeah I know."
"Can I meet her?"
"You wanna meet her?"
"We both have something in common."
"Okay I'll give you her number."
"Okay thanks."
Corey's POV
-"So tell me who do you work for or another Finger comes off."
"Please...I'm sorry I won't do it ever again ." - the other one was out cold -
"Don't test my patience." I said pressing the knife against his index finger -"Arghhh...I'll tell y-you just stop ."
"Music to my ears.... now spill ."
" was Callum Bryce ."
"Yeah he planned the whole thing ... he's the one who leaked all the other gangs ."
"I-i have no idea ."- I didn't know what to say - it explains everything because Callum had access to every single piece of information-but why would he do this ?-
I stormed out the room and into my office -It was Callum all along ,he tried to kill me and Juliana multiple times- I needed an explanation-
"Yes boss ."
"Bring in Callum ."
"Yes boss ."
He scurried out of my office and went on his mission.
He came back in with Callum and he didn't look surprised -" how could you do that to me...I thought we were friends."
"Friends." He scoffed -I looked at him with confusion-"when I found out who Juliana really was ,I couldn't have you marry her ."
"So why did you do this?"
"Because,I hate seeing you be successful-I was supposed to be the leader of the Serpents-"
"But we're not related."
"Back when our Fathers were alive they both made a deal."
"What type of deal?"
"That one of us was supposed to Marry the daughter of Spanish Mafia ,that was supposed to be me,but I want her dead and for you to see her die ." I punched him in his face -"You fucking backstabbing traitor,and I actually thought we were brothers ."
"You don't get it ,this was my plan all along ."
"Oliver take him to the chambers ,make it hurt ,I'm tired of seeing this filth."
"Yes boss ."
"Boss!" Aiden said barging into my office
"Yes what is it?"
"It's Juliana."
"What happened is she okay?"
"Not really."
"Tell me what happened?"
If my princess was harmed in any type of way-
"She's been arrested-"
"What why? How do you know?"
"She called me."
Why didn't she call me ?
"She wants me to pick her up."
"Okay Bring her here."
30 minutes later
She walked into my office and ran towards me
"I missed you so much-"
"Tell me what happened now."
"I got arrested for assaulting two women apparently,when I just punched her-"
"You fought someone-"
"Whilst you were pregnant?"
"Why didn't you call me ? Out of all my men you called Aiden?"
"He's not that bad ,I kinda like him."
"Answer the question!" I said getting frustrated
"Because you said the cops were trailing you for gang activity I didn't wanna put you in danger-"
"Baby that was months ago before I even met you I'm totally clean...what did the cops say?"
"That I could have been arrested for 5 months."
"Baby this is not a don't wanna know what prisons like...I've seen people get stabbed...killed it's not nice and the women's one is worser you wouldn't survive in there-"
"You've been to prison?"
"Yes baby."
"For what?"
"Aggravated assault."
"I'm sorry baby."
"Stop being so fucking careless...I can't have my baby mama in prison..I need you out here."
She sat in my lap and hugged me
"I am really sorry."
I caressed her check and kissed her temple
"It's okay."
"Can we go home now?"
"But first I need to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"I know who it was."
"What do you mean?"
"I know who's wants you dead."
"Callum it was him all along."
"He was the one that paid Santiago in Spain to kidnap you....the people in the cafe...and he said he's not gonna stop until your dead."
"But I didn't do anything to him."
"He's doing it to get at me he knows how much you mean to me."
"Anything else?"
"Okay he told me that he's supposed to marry you or if he doesn't he'll kill you."
"But I don't love him ."
"I know."
"Ill do it."
"Are you mad!"
"It's better than me being dead."
"Do you think I would let you marry another man-"
"But it'll keep me alive don't you want that?"
"Yes I do but I'm gonna marry you."
What on earth is wrong with this girl ? She really think Callum will actually treat her properly-
"He'll take advantage of you."
"Would it be forever?"
"Until he dies or if he has I'm not letting you go."
"Corey but you have to respect my decision ."
"So you want to marry him...a man that will probably abuse you do you really want to go back to that life?"
"If he does then I'll leave him."
"That's the thing you can't the minute you agree to the marriage there's no going back you'll be stuck together and if you try to leave him there'll be no choice but to put a bullet through your brain....and Even I wouldn't help you."
"I don't understand."
"When you marry him you'll never see me again...we'll have to break up."
"W-what? Can't I-it be a s-secret?"
"Your so stubborn."
"He won't treat you right and if he married you and your pregnant with someone else's kid ....he will wait until it's born and kill it."
"Oh my God ."
Maybe I did over exaggerate but I have to scare her so she doesn't do it
She  grabbed my shirt pulling me closer  -i could feel her warm tears soaking my collar -
"I'm sorry Corey I should have never thought about this....I don't want to break up with you ever."
I kissed her and tasted nothing but salty tears-
"Wheres the bathroom?" She gulped
"Right there."
She rushed into there and I heard puking
-" I thought your morning sickness had finished?" I said walking into the bathroom
"It started again a few days ago."
"Well go to the doctors soon ."
"can you carry me?"
"Sure ."
I lifted her legs so they were wrapped around my waist and carried her back to. My seat
My lips reached hers, but it seemed like I was doing most of the work .
As soon as I heard whimpering I slowly pulled back .
This girl will be the death of me
" please stop with this crying."
"I'm not." She was a terrible liar
-"don't lie to me."
"Am I to much to handle?"
"What do you mean?"
"I feel like I'm weighing you down."
"What made you think that."
"Because every single day you work hard to protect me and I just feel like I'm wasting your time."
"No no no your the best thing that's ever happened to me,you make me happy and I couldn't have it any other way."
"Are you sure."
"And I'm so lucky do you know why?"
"Because my baby mama is the most sexiest, prettiest...Umm-"
Fuck , I messed up
"You couldn't think of better words?"
I shook my head
"That's why I failed English."
"You failed English!?"
"I got kicked out of most schools ."
"Hopefully my children aren't like you."
Key word-'Children'
So she wants to have more kids after this one-
I can make that happen
"You mean our children and they will be."
"No they won't."
"Who's the one that got you pregnant me or you?"
"Are you saying you did this on purpose?"
" no it just kind of happened."
"I think you knew I'd get pregnant so you decided to play dumb."
"Why you hesitating?"
"You know what I just realised? You didn't use a condom."
"You said you were on the pill."
"I never said that-"
"Baby we'll talk about this another time let's go home."

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