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Corey's POV
Well at least he's dead now.. but I'm not gonna lie that was badass
"Baby he's gone now." I went to hug her she pushed me back -
"What's wrong."
"It's you....I was okay until you came back...I wasn't in any d-danger Corey...you haven't even been here a week and already s-someone's trying to kill me a-again." She said with tears flowing down her face
"What are you trying so say?"
"I-I don't know -"
" I'm sorry  I never meant to put you in any danger....but when you chose to marry me you knew how my lifestyle worked."
"Yeah I know baby."
"You agreed to this...so don't give up on us...please....?"
"I won't." She pulled my collar so we were hugging ,I wrapped my hands around her tightly-
"I'm sorry Corey....I should have never said that ." I sighed in relief as those words exited her mouth -
"But what are we gonna do?"
"Come on we're going back tomorrow"
"We have to."
"I can't leave my friends here,I have a job Corey."
"You don't need one...you just make yourself work harder for no reason."
"Can I at least say goodbye?"
"Yeah sure...but then after we're-"
"Yeah got it." She walked off but I reached for her hand and pulled her back-
"Don't be upset with me it's for your own good babe." She hummed in response and put her head down ,I lifted her chin up with my fingers and kissed her softly ,she got onto the island and continued kissing me ,her legs wrapped around my torso and my hands went to her waist ,I sucked on her neck knowing there would be hickeys after - I smirked in satisfaction as I heard the tiny moans she let out and pulled back from our kiss-
" if you wasn't pregnant right now I would have fucked you so bad you wouldn't be able to walk for weeks ."
"Corey!" She said hitting my arm playfully
Julianas POV
Corey and I made our way into the diner and I was waiting for Kelly to finish her shift -someone caught my eye from a distance,he looked familiar and as soon as he walked into the diner he approached me-
"Hey Juliana."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes
"Look....I'm sorry for how I treated you that day....I was drunk and was having a really bad day....I never meant to hurt you."
"It's okay Lucas just don't ever do that again ...you scared me."
"I hope we can still be friends?"
"Yeah sur-"
"Aren't you gonna introduce me." Corey interrupted-
"Oh Lucas meet Corey...Corey meet Lucas."
"Wait 'the' Corey?"
"I thought he cheated on you."
"Lucas no offence but it's really none of your business."  He seemed hurt by what I said but at this point I don't really care -
"Anyway...I'm came here to say goodbye I'm leaving for a while but ill come and visit soon?"
"Your leaving?!... he paused for a moment knowing he wouldn't win this argument- okay." He hugged me for longer than expected -
"Okay you can let go now."
"Your leaving !!! And you didn't tell me." Kelly shouted
"Yeah I'm so sorry somethings happened and I need to get back to Chicago ."
"Who's that?"
"Corey...the one I was on about."
"You never told me your baby daddy was this sexy."
"Kelly no."
"Chill...when will you come back?"
"I'll try as soon as possible."
"Call me as soon as you give birth."
"I will... I promise."
Corey and I walked out the diner and towards his car
"There good friends Jules."
"Yeah I know.."
We finally got back to the mansion and I missed it -nothing had changed everything was still the same -
"Julianaaaaaa!" Caitlin screamed across the room and ran towards me-
"God i missed you soo so so so so much...I have so many things to tell you...don't ever disappear on me like that again ."
"I won't ." I glanced over to the couch and everyone was relaxing -
"Hey guys."
"Hi Juliana."
"Boss got his girl back." I heard someone say - Adien, Oliver and Jacob all approached me and each hugged me - "we missed you."
"Okay that's enough hands off her." Corey pulled Oliver off me and put his hands around my shoulder- "Your mine and mine only."
"Jeez chill man?"
"Living 3 months without you was torture for me ."

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