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Julianas POV
We arrived at Corey's Moms house - it was a nice simple mansion -she opened the door and was the most prettiest person I have ever seen- I see where Corey got his genes from - she too had brown hair but her eyes were blue ,she was shorter than me and looked young about 36 or something -"You came !" She said hugging Corey -"yes ma ."
"And who's this beautiful girl ."
"Juliana meet Nicole ,Mom meet my girlfriend Juliana."
"Hi ."
I smiled she hugged me as well  but more tightly
-"come in."
We walked in and her house was enormous
(picture above)
-she lived on her own -
"Can I use the bathroom?"
"Yeah sure, down the hall on the right."
The bathroom was very big
- I took the test out of the box and peed on the stick and I waited 2 minutes-
The timer on my phone was done -
I flipped the test and saw two lines it one of them was very faint but visible
I'm pregnant-
'I'm not ready to be a mom
I was interrupted by a knock on the door-
"Juliana, are you okay diners ready!"
"Y-yeah everything's fine."
I put everything in my bag and unlocked the door - I walked out the hallway and saw the dining table perfectly laid -"I'm not sure if we're gonna finish this ." I chuckled -
Sitting next to Corey
He glanced at my face and noticed the dried tears -
"Are you okay?" He whispered
I nodded-
"You sure?"
"Yes I'm fine baby."
-I was so bad at lying -
"So did use two meet ?" Me and Corey both stared at each other -"we met at a's not really that romantic ."
"Awww that's so cute,was it love at first sight?"
"Yeah it was for me mom."
"Corey." I said with awe ,
ever since our relationship started he's become so much more open with me -
"I remember when your father and-"
"Can we change the subject ?"
"Corey....don't be rude."
He didn't seem to like speaking about his father -I wonder why ?-
"Anyway son when will I have grandchildren....?"
"Mom the time will come.."
"Just know that I'm depending on you I'm not sure about Caitlin."
"Okay." He sighed
"Juliana do you want to see some baby pictures ?"
"Yeah sure."
I sat next to Nicole and she showed pictures of Caitlin and Corey - they were both so cute when they were younger - my favourite one was when Corey had a bubble bath and bubbles were all over his face - he was such a chubby kid -it was 11:12 pm at night - And I was getting tired -I walked upstairs into the guest room and Corey was asleep-I went to the bathroom changed my clothes and threw everything in the trash can - I didn't know how to tell him -
Corey's POV
-The next morning-
I woke up and looked at the beauty right in front of me -God must have taken his time on her because damn she was beautiful-
I made my way to the bathroom -I rinsed my face with cold water and looked down -I blinked again - I crouched down towards the trash can and reached for a pregnancy test - it had 2 lines -what does that mean?? Is it negative ??
I took the paper out and read it - 2 lines mean positive -1 line means negative -  I doubled check to make sure - But why didn't she tell me ?? I went back to where Juliana was and shook her gently-"Babe ,wake up ."
"Why didn't you tell me ?"
"Tell you what ?"
"This ."
She sat up and glanced at what I had in my hands -"Baby , I'm so sorry for not telling you ,I found out y-yesterday and I didn't know what to do...please don't be m-mad."
She cried -
I looked at her for a moment,I didn't know what to say -yes I wanted to have kids but not now -"Don't worry I'm not mad come here." She wrapped her hands around me and I put mine around her-"we can figure this out together okay ?"
"Y-yeah." I kissed her softly but passionately,I could still hear sobs -" stop crying."
"It's tears of joy babe"
"Juliana,your gonna be a great mom no matter what okay?"
"I know."
She hugged me again but pulled back and ran towards the bathroom and started puking , I pulled her hair back ,and crouched down beside her -"I don't feel to good ."
"I know princess."
I helped her get up and she changed her clothes
Julianas POV
I can't believe it-I'm pregnant-I have a baby growing right inside of me right now -All I knew was I'm going to love this kid no matter what -"Baby,are we gonna tell your mom?"
"I'm not sure,you just met yesterday. Wouldn't that be a little weird ?"
"Yeah kinda."
"Just maybe wait like a month ."
"Okayy." He walked over to me and pressed his lips onto mine ,his hands moved from my stomach to my waist ,he lifted me up so my legs were around his torso -
He instantly stepped back -
"Baby' what's wrong?"
"Show me your legs."
"Okayy what's wrong with them?"
His hands were trailing up my thighs but he stopped the minute he touched my scar -
"Who done this to you?"
"It's always been there."
"No it hasn't I would have knew."
"Yes it has."
"Did you hurt yourself?"
"No my stepdad."
"I don't wanna talk about him."
he raised his voice a little bit making me jump
"Sorry baby."
"I don't really remember it was back in high school but I had to go hospital because I lost to much blood-"
"Is that why there's a scar on your side?"
" i should have had you move out the minute I found out you were being abused ."
"Pleasure It's okay long as I'm with you im safe."
"look at the type of person you've made me become Juliana."
"What do you mean?"
"You've made me all soft and into that romance shit."
I couldn't help but laugh
"It's not bad."
"For you maybe ."
I placed my hands around his neck so I was straddling him and our lips connected ,I ran my hand through his hair as his hands moved down my waist
"Yes baby?"
"Why don't you like to talk about your dad?" He let out a big sigh and ignored me -
"Don't ignore me-"
"Juliana I'm not ignoring you."
"Then what happened...tell me-"
"He died because of me."
"What do you mean?"
"It happened when I was about 7 my dad took me to his warehouse to train...he had so many enemies back then..a group of people walked in and started firing...I could have got shot...but he saved me.....he could have been alive if it wasn't for me-"
"don't say that..he saved you because he wanted you to live....he loved you Corey." I put my hands over this but he shoved them away-
"But I didn't ask him to do you know etwhat the last thing I said to him was?"
"I said I hated him because he wouldn't let me use his gun..and he ended up dying and it's all my fault."
"But it wasn't....your father loved you baby."
"I know but if I hadn't been so selfish he would still be here right see my mom she acts all happy but inside she's miserable,sometimes she would just cry all day thinking I didn't know but I did ....I'm the one who caused her this pain and I hate myself for it."
"Don't hate yourself baby." I held his hand and rubbed the back of it

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