chapter 1

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"p-please l-leave me alone."

"Oh no a pretty girl like you isn't meant to be left alone like this."

I woke up tears streaming from my eyes, it was just 'another' bad dream.

I looked at the time and looked at where I am.

In a luxurious hotel room, I heard voices outside the room. Foot steps coming closer, I saw the door open.

"Good morning mrs. Lee, how did you sleep." The man spoke kindly

I gave him a small smile.

"Good morning too." I replied

"Are you ready?" He asked with a small smile.

"Of course..." I said giving him a sad smile.

"Before we head down there, you should eat breakfast." He walked to my side table bringing a tray beside me.

" No thank you, I don't want to eat." I refused politely.

"Oh ok then." He put it on my side table.

"Before anything else happens you need to change into this." He handed a white oversized polo long sleeved shirt

"Get changed I'll be waiting outside your room."

With that he walked away closing the door.

I stood up feeling a lot of pain in my body.

"Stupid slutty whore!"

I closed my eyes remembering a painful memory.

"It's fine they won't be able to find you now."
I said to myself.

I got changed and looked at the mirror. This is it... I'm selling myself away.

I walked out of the room and opened the door to see the man from awhile ago and with another man.

"Ah you're ready!" He gave me a smile.

"Before anything though you must where this." He came closer to me Channing my neck and hand cuffing my risk.

I winced a bit but just let it sly.

"I'm sorry, it's require-"

"It's fine!" I reassured him. "I'm used to it anyways."

I gave him a small smile.

He gave me a concerned look and then looked away.

"Shall we?"

I nodded and we walked to through the hall.

We went inside a room the hall was big with a lot of people.

I looked through the curtains, but my eyes set on a young man he looked handsome.

I looked back at the man, his eyes were like a dragon

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I looked back at the man, his eyes were like a dragon.

"Hello dear I'll need you to go on the stage." The operator said.


I walked on the stage head hung low.

"Good morning everyone!" He greeted the people in the haul.

"Let us start with the auction."

"Let's start with 20 million."

I looked at the man and the people, he kept on going until....

"350 million!"

I saw no raised there boards except for the guy with  dragon eyes

"Anyone else?"

The haul went silent and looked at the man.


I was then pulled off the stage and was put in a waiting room. 10 minutes passed and the man with dragon eyes came in with the two men.

I kept my head hung low and looked down

This is it.


To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now