get to know me

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hey everyone! so i figured at this point, i would introduce myself more :)

so uh, hi lol

name: adrien

pronouns: they/them

age: i'm almost 14 (my birthday is next week)

picture of me: i won't include a picture, but i'll just put my profile picture bc it kinda looks like me haha

picture of me: i won't include a picture, but i'll just put my profile picture bc it kinda looks like me haha

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romantic orientation: androromantic (this means i'm romantically attracted to guys)

sexual orientation: asexual (which is why i'm not writing anything super mature, it makes me uncomfy)

how i heard about jatp: i heard an ad on pandora 😂 i thought it sounded cool so i decided to check it out

favorite jatp song: The Other Side of Hollywood for sure! i love the others, but i just vibe with Caleb's songs more

top 3 favorite jatp characters: 1st: Alex all the way! 2nd: Willie (duh) 3rd: Caleb! don't come at me for this, but he's so underrated! he has awesome songs and epic outfits! what's not to like?

favorite jatp ship: willex, but that should be obvious lol

some other random facts: i play violin, i love to bake, and i have a business! i also have 2 younger brothers


i want to get to know you guys! if you aren't comfortable sharing, that's perfectly fine, but i would love to get to know the people that are reading my stories!


-romantic orientation/sexual orientation?

-how did you hear about jatp?

-favorite song?

-favorite jatp character/characters?

-what are some theories you have about season 2? if i hear some good theories, i might use them as prompts :)

-anything else you want to share! you can share how your day is going, something good that happened, or just some random facts about you! 


I want to end this by saying that if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm always here! i might respond a little late, but if you're having a bad day, or just want someone to talk to, i'm always here!

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now