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Li Yu did not lie, he was indeed a boy.

The two were about the same age, he was only half a year older than Xie Yi. Because he is weak and sick from childhood, and the boy has developed later than the girl, he is not as tall as Xie, but a little shorter than Xie. No wonder Xie Xuan wanted to call his sister ...

The truth was clear, and the two little guys were a little awkward.

Xie Xun was still a child. After touching the others randomly, he felt a little sorry, and groaned with his hands behind his back: "Don't blame me, who made you look so beautiful ..."

Li Yu's complexion finally recovered to normal, hearing this sentence again: "You can't ..."

When I was halfway there, I couldn't go on.

He was with the Song family as a guest. He sat bored in the hall for half an hour and wanted to go to the toilet, so he was led out by the girl. Unexpectedly, when I walked out of the door, I encountered such an unreasonable stink girl.

In the end, Xie Xun was wrong. She used to be coquettish and betrayal. At this time, she didn't think so much. She grabbed Li Yu's hand and groaned, "Don't be angry, can I sing you a song?"

With a soft smile on her soft voice, Li Yu realized that she was quite cute. Then he snorted in his heart. What good is it to look good, not touch him the same!

Seeing that he did not refuse, Xie Yuan enthusiastically pulled him down the porch, cleared his voice and began to sing: "Pea white, I will come again, and usually live to chop firewood ..."

This is what she learned on the way to Qingzhou. A group of small children ran across the street. At that time, they were singing this song, and Xie Yi remembered it all at once. She sang softly and nicely. She was born in Beijing, but her voice was softer than the girl from the south. When she dragged a long vocal singing, she sang the hearts of people.

Li Yu's hand was still being held by her, and he was always reluctant, and he did not like her.

At this moment, she looked carefully at her face, and found that her bright and dark eyes were looking at him with certainty, and then she turned red and turned her head.

"Which way to go? Take a river, there are loach in the river ..."

The cool breeze passed through the hall, bringing the falling Joan petals in the courtyard, and the sweet fragrance of milk was accompanied by the fragrance of flowers. Li Yu's neck was sore and she had to turn her head again, and at a glance she saw that she was looking at Qionghua in the courtyard intently. Her face was as white as a peeled egg, unlike the little girls he had seen before. None of them looked as good as her, clear and tender.

Good-looking is good-looking, just a little lacking.

With a tight lower abdomen, Li Yu suddenly remembered the business that came out this time, and wanted to pull away her hand: "I'm going ..."

Go to the toilet ...

Xie Xuan did not let go of him, a little anxious: "You wait, I haven't finished singing yet ..."

I was interrupted just now and I'm going to continue singing.

Li Yu just wanted to cry. Although she sang nicely, he was in a hurry now!

After struggling twice, because she had just recovered, she didn't have much energy, and she still couldn't break away her magic claw.

Seeing this, the girls on both sides were a little embarrassed. The two little guys are the little ancestors of the government, and they can't offend either, so they don't know what to do.

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