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In fact, insomnia is not scary. The scary thing is that you have slept well.

Yan Tao has been in such a state recently, and this feeling is especially obvious when he wakes up at night. Although it was not unbearable, in a few days, the whole person took a lap, and the princess even noticed his abnormality.

Ling Xiangwu looked at him anxiously when he served him in the morning to change his clothes. "His Royal Highness is not very good. Is he not sleeping well at night?"

He nodded slightly, and frowned, "Is it so serious?"

Ling Xiangwu smiled and tied him with a dragon-patterned jade pinch. "It's not serious, it's because the courtiers have looked carefully, and they may not be able to see it for others."

Yan Tao bent her lips and only said that Ai Fei was interested.

In the eyes of outsiders, the prince and the concubine are a pair of extremely loving relatives. The next generation has never seen them arguing. They have always been respectful and respectful and treat each other with smile. But only they know that this is actually not a kind of love, but a kind of obedience with no choice.

The prince is gentle, so it is better for the prince to think far and far, to understand the situation, and to lay a solid foundation for himself early. Many officials of the imperial court were enveloped by the great prince and became his behind-the-scenes, while the prince was one step behind him, and he was in a passive situation everywhere. Yan Tao has done a lot in the past few years. In order to gain popularity, he married Ling Xiangfu, the granddaughter of Ling Taifu's family. Mrs. Ling is an old minister of the Central Government and speaks a bit. In this way, not only can she win the Ling family, but she can also gain a good reputation of respecting teachers, so as to attract more officials.

He won't let go of the good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Facts have proved that his decision was right. In recent years, his wings have gradually become fuller, no longer subject to others, and he is ready to fight back.

His relationship with Ling Xiangwu is not bad. Although Prince Edward continues to send other Ji Xun, he is always polite to Ling Xiangwu. Other husbands can give it to his wife. Because the relationship between his mother-in-law and his father-in-law was extremely rigid, Yan Tao always believed that this was the best way for a husband and wife to get along, there was no argument, only obedience.

Born in the emperor's house, he had long expected no love.

During breakfast, Ling Xiangwu personally sipped a bowl of Chinese yam and wolfberry porridge to him: "I will let my subordinates go down the street to buy some agarwood, and I remember that His Royal Highness used this fragrance to sleep more safely."

Yan Tao had no objection, "It's up to you."

Ling Xiangwu smiled and said yes.

He used breakfast and went out to do business. He said that he would not come back for dinner at night, and Ling Xiangwu stood at the door to see him off. He took the attendant ten steps forward, and when he turned back again, he found that there was no one in front of him, and his prince had already entered the room.

"His Royal Highness?" Sergeant Feng Yi called him.

He went back to his head, shook his head, and continued moving forward.

When I returned from the palace that day, I accidentally saw a couple on the street about to be separated. The man carried his baggage and said goodbye to his wife reluctantly. They both had tears in their eyes, and said each other for a long time, but eventually the man left heartlessly, and did not turn back even after taking a hundred steps.

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