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Outside the Pisces called two times, and no one agreed.

At first she thought that Xie Yi was talking to Li Yu, but she didn't go in, but after a while, they never came out of the house.

Then she felt something was wrong and followed her into the room.

"Two girls?"

However, there was no one in the room. Looking around the screen and looking at the inner room, Xie Yuan and Li Yu were not seen at all!

She panicked and looked inside and outside the room.

How could it be that she just watched the second girl come in? Why is it gone in a blink of an eye! She then noticed that the bed was a bit messy, the windows were slightly open, and it was clear that someone had just left.

Pisces busily walked out of the room and chased outside, "Second girl, little boy Li!"

The people in the temple were busy fighting the fire. No one noticed the situation on her side. She didn't dare to delay, and rushed to the front to inform Xie Liqing and Leng Shi.

Unfortunately, it is too late, Xie Yuan and Li Yu have already been taken away.

Xie Yan was carried on his shoulder, and a rag was blocked in his mouth, so he could not even call out. The man who carried her walked on the rugged mountain road, causing her stomach to ache for a while. She was terribly afraid, but she didn't dare cry, for fear that she would kill her if she made a sound.

She went to Li Yu's room to find him just now. When she walked into the inner room, she could not cover the situation, so she covered it with one hand from behind.

That hand was rough and dry, with a thick cocoon, obviously not Li Yu's hand.

She was struggling, and when she saw another person picking up Li Yu, she stared at her severely: "If you dare to cry, you will be killed."

Those eyes were so fierce that she scared her and shut up.

Li Yuda didn't expect that she would come over. He was calmer than her, but he was still a child and couldn't help shouting at her: "What are you standing for? Not running away!"

Xie Xie did not hesitate to break away and then ran away.

She thought that if she ran away, she could ask her father and mother to save her brother, but she didn't want to die here.

But before she ran to the door, the person carrying Li Yu regretted it, raised her chin to her accomplice, "Bring her up too, and solve it together."

So Xie Yan became the situation now.

The two people who carried them were all in black clothes, covered their faces, could not see the five senses, and could only feel that they were martial arts perennials by virtue of their figures, and their skills should not be bad. They all carried a child and came to the middle of the mountainside. They wanted to solve the problem on the spot, but they felt that they were too close to the temple and could be easily seen by others. They simply walked for a while and went straight to the other hill.

Xie Yan's breakfast and lunch were all turned out by them, and they stopped and threw her and Li Yu to the ground.

Xie Yi's back was pinched on the trunk, and her upper and lower teeth touched her, just biting her tongue, which made her tearful.

She sobbed, holding back without crying, and reached out to grab Li Yu subconsciously.

Li Yu is better than her. At least she was not injured. She quickly got up and stood in front of her. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the two men in black. "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

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