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There is no need to answer this time, Li Yu also knows that she is really angry.

But why is she angry? Because he didn't help her? Isn't she always smiling, isn't she angry anyway?

As everyone knows, Xie Tiao loves to laugh again, but also has a temper.

She is a short-serving person, and will never give in to anything that concerns her family. She couldn't just watch Ouyang Yi bully Ah Xun and give her instructions to Ah Xun Yi, then she would be very angry.

In particular, Li Yufei not only stood by her side, but also confronted Ouyang Yi with her enemies, which made her even more unhappy. Think again that he just left himself in the study, went to see the bird with Ouyang Yi, and immediately pushed Li Yu aside, "" Brother Xiaoyu doesn't play with me, I won't play with you in the future! You go away, I want to go home!"

Xie Xun is still crying. To help her sister get angry, she turned her head and stared at the bull dog on the ground, letting her out fiercely: "Don't be proud, we won't scare you!"

The dog, following the owner, not only was not frightened by her momentum, but barked louder.

Xie Xing was timid and cried even more.

Xie Rong calmed Xie Xing, and stood in front of both of them, and said to Ouyang Yi, "Please show your girl to take care of her dog."

Ouyang Yi put her arms on her hips, showing her pride, "It has to be called, how can I manage it?"

I thought Xie Rong would take her for granted. I didn't expect him to roll up his sleeves expressionlessly. "Since you can't control it, let me help you."

Saying that he wouldn't wait for Ouyang Yi to return to his thoughts, he took one of the hind legs of the bull dog and the other hand with a silk silk of Xie Yuan, and walked under a plum tree.

The Baer dog was frightened and shouted loudly, but he emptied himself and was lifted upside down by one leg without any majesty.

Ouyang Yi chased after him, "What are you doing? You return the ball to me!"

If Xie Rongji hadn't heard it, he wrapped the dog's back two times with silk silk, hung it upside down on the plum tree, tied the other end to the plum branch, and tied a knot.

The bull dog struggled with his forelimbs, screamed hummingly, and wobbled.

Ouyang Yi was desperately angry, and she argued with Xie Rong reasonably there. However, Xie Rong remained unmoved, and did not want to put the dog down. She had to turn around and ask for help, Li Yu, "cousin, you have to drive them away!"

Turning his head, he found that Li Yu's face was not very good-looking.

Li Yufang was only pushed by Xie Yi, and he took two steps back. He had never treated her like this, and he was a little hesitant, "Aren't you playing with me?"

Xie Xun took Xie Xun's hand and raised his cheeks to repeat, "Yes, you bully Ah Xuan with her, I won't play with you!"

She was very imposing, showing that she was not very angry, but she did not know whether it was because Xie Xun was bullied or because Li Yu had just left her.

She was so eager to go home that Li Yula couldn't lower her face and stayed, and she refused to walk away before blocking her for a while.

Xie Yuan looked at him for a moment, and walked smartly beside him, and continued to walk outside Meilin.

Li Yu didn't know what was wrong with him, but he didn't want Xie Yi to leave. After all, they haven't seen each other for so long, and they just played well, didn't they? He took Xie's hand and blurted out: "Anyang is going to leave you for dinner, Aunt Leng has agreed."

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