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Xie Ye didn't tell Xie Xie about this and didn't tell Xie Rong. Even if she said that, it wouldn't help. She was meditating in the room for several days, and after all, she didn't think of any good way.

She wanted to find a national father in the past, and the old lady would promise to help them. However, this is not a long-term solution, not to mention that there is still an old lady stumbling in the middle, which should not be too easy. She remembered that she had bought many precious jewellery and pearls in Qingzhou. Some of them were given to her by the New Year, and some were given to her by the whim of Gao. Most of them were not used. If you could get them off the street, you should be able to change Little money.

Thinking of this, she immediately jumped off the bed and started tossing.

East and west are scattered and scattered. Since returning to Beijing, they haven't cleaned up. Xie Xun took a full time to find out a small box of beads. Don't look at the small box, but the contents are extremely precious. Three jasper pearls are set on a jasper oyster bead and gold owl. It is definitely worth a lot of money.

Xie Yiping often does not use these, it is too expensive, it is better to be a subsidized household.

She called Pisces and Geese and told them about it again, "Tomorrow you take these things to the street and find a pawnshop."

Pisces puzzled, opened a look of surprise again and again, "Why did the girl become these jewelry? You have never worn it at all."

She felt nothing, these were just the tip of the iceberg. There were still a lot of things left in her box. It was imperative to relieve the burden on the family: "Anyway, you don't need to ... place it here."

Pisces took out an emerald fish and hostel and felt a little familiar. "Isn't this from Gao's son on your twelfth birthday?"

Xie Xun touched her cheek and quietly made a snoring gesture, knowing that there would be no one, or she was afraid of being heard, "You whisper ... you must not tell others."

In fact, she was a little guilty. She heard that Gao Ling had stolen his mother's private house money to buy this sister-in-law, and was later taught hard by Zhao Shi. In fact, she also likes this bitch, but the emerald color on it is transparent and verdant, and at a glance, she knows that it can sell for a good price ... She struggled for a while in her heart, but she quietly took the **** back and replaced it with another one. A gold-encrusted jade lantern earring. "Then I don't take this. Don't tell him."

Pisces smiled, "The girl still cares about Gao Gongzi."

She didn't hesitate and answered frankly, "He is my good partner, and of course I care about him."

Of course Gao Ye knew her thoughts well, but she couldn't respond, she could only treat him as a good friend, no matter how much.

After Pisces left, she sat alone in the room for a while and had nothing to do. She took a new silk scarf and began to embroider.

In the evening about two months later, the two returned from the street, holding a carved sandalwood box in their arms, one behind the other and appearing sneakily at the door of the room.

Xie Yi looked at it, and when they just came back as thieves, he suddenly said: "What's the matter with you?"

Pisces came to her in three or two steps, and pushed the box into her arms. "Girl, open it and see."

Xie Yan was unsure, so when he opened the box and saw it, Tankou was slightly opened, and was shocked by a stack of silver tickets inside. Huo Di reappeared, "I can give you so much money?"

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