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These little girls know each other, and two raw faces suddenly appear, and they will inevitably keep watching.

Xie Xie and Xie Xun were used to such gaze since childhood, but seemed very frank, playing with themselves and being completely independent of their influence. Most of the little girls thought that they were too beautiful to dare to approach. Only Ye Zhiying was instructed by her mother and blushed and greeted them.

I did not expect Xie Ye to be very easy-going: "My name is A Yi, this is my sister Ah Xun, what is your name?"

Ye Zhiying was so touched that he quickly reported his name.

Even if the three little girls are playing together, the others are envious, and one or two walked slowly to introduce themselves.

Everyone has a heart of beauty, not to mention a child who is only four or five years old.

After a while, I saw a large circle around Xie Xie and Xie Xing, and even the two sisters who were entangled in Gao Xuan were stuck in the past. Gao Xie hated the iron and stomped her feet, looking angrily at Xie Xie in the middle of the crowd.

Who knew that Xie Ye looked back at her with a smile, her innocence, as if she had no idea what she was angry at.

She turned her head back to Mrs. Gao and decided not to play with these little **** in the future.

Soon after the banquet time, Xie Xie Xie Xing returned to Leng's side. Xie Xing danced to her and said, "Anyang, auntie, I know a lot of people."

Leng touched her head and asked with a smile, "Who are there?"

She lowered her head and counted one by one with her fingers. "Um ... uh." After a long while, she flushed her face, "I forgot ..."

Xie Yan smiled aside, feeling that her sister was too cute, and could not help but rub her little bun face, "What can you remember? You remember to eat."

Xie Xun asked with conviction: "Does Sister A remember?"

Of course, she remembered that Xie Ye's memory was always good, and she immediately said the names of a few young girls, including their father's official rank. Hearing Xie Xun's eyes for a moment, her gaze turned from dissatisfaction to worship, and she looked at her brightly.

Leng's hugs a baby in one hand, touch this one and kiss the other, love is not the same.

Unexpectedly, this scene was watched by Gao Ling, Gao Ling stood up and asked, "Ayi is so memorable, how about I test you?"

Xie Yan was busy spoiling her in Leng's arms, thinking she was talking to others, and she didn't care.

She looked a little ugly and asked again.

Xu didn't stop her and seemed very proud of this daughter.

Gao Yong is a famous talented girl in Qingzhou. Although she is only seven or eight years old, she can read, write and paint. Even the old gentleman who teaches praises her cleverness, she must be clever.

Xie Yan finally looked back at her, "What do you test me for?"

Gao Yongang raised his head, showing a bit of pride, "Have you learned the Analects of Confucius? What is the twelfth sentence of the fifth volume?"

The Analects of Confucius was only learned by a child her age. Xie Yan was only five years old and had not learned this book. How could she know? Everyone at the scene could see that Gao Ye was embarrassed to thank the eldest daughter of the family, but they were hard to help. Leng's face changed slightly, and he was about to make a clearance for the lamb. He didn't expect the lamb to ask brittlely, "Why did Sister Gao ask me this, because you are also this kind of person?"

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