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In the distance, two people walked in, one wearing a purple sapphire pattern brocade straight, about twenty or so, with a beautiful appearance and beautiful green and purple.

As he walked, he asked the people next to him, "Who was it?"

The man next to him murmured, without any ups and downs: "It's the third brother."

The Prince smiled, lowered his cuffs calmly, covered the wound on his wrist, and continued to move forward. After they left the palace, they encountered an ambush. More than a dozen dead men rushed out from all directions and tried to kill him. I'm afraid he was too careless in the palace, the third child couldn't help it, so he couldn't wait for his life so much.

He tilted his head and thoughtfully, "What's your opinion on this?"

The man he called Liudi was a fifteen-year-old boy with exquisite eyebrows and sculpted facial features. In recent years, I have been tanned a little, and my skin is light wheat color. It has faded the childhood tenderness and looks more and more vigorous. His height has been violently rising since last year, but now he is only a little lower than Yan Tao.

He is Yan Yu, the sixth prince.

Yan Yu was silent for a moment and analyzed calmly. "The third brother is too reckless to be afraid."

It was exactly what Prince Edward thought. Yan Tao chuckled and patted his shoulder without saying anything.

This six younger brother was only retrieved from the people nine years ago. When he first entered the palace, he had a simple and reckless style of business. He did not expect to be completely personal in just a few years. Reborn, judged that if they are two, you can no longer see the naive shadow from him.

This is a good thing, otherwise he would not be able to survive in the palace at all.

While talking, I saw a man walking out of the main house where Dingguo lived, wearing a white cape, and couldn't see what he looked like. He should be a shy girl. Neither of them paid attention, and when they walked closer, they found that the girl had left too hurriedly, and did not even notice that the papa had fallen to the ground.

Yan Tao stooped to pick it up and touched the fabric. It was extremely soft silk, and a frangipani was embroidered in the lower left corner. There was nothing else.

Yan Tao handed it to Yan Yu, and said with a smile: "Sixth brother is holding this meeting, maybe he can meet the girl."

Yan Yu glanced at it, showing no interest. "What about it?"

Yan Tao bent her lips. "I'm also considered a month old as my second brother."

It was actually the idea ... Yan Yu pulled the corner of his mouth and didn't connect. "Thank you brother for your kindness, I don't need it."

The prince sighed and regretted, "Sixth brother is not too young, there is no woman around, don't you feel lonely?"

At the emperor's house, it was time to contact a woman on the 13th and 4th, but this one not only did not have Jiji, but he did not even have a house. Sometimes Yan Tao took him to a courtier's house as a guest, and Wu Ji rushed in, one more than Liu Yanhua Jiao, but he did not even raise his eyes, and drank his own wine, no matter who he was.

Every time, no one knew what he was thinking.

Yan Tao thought he was insincere, but once he was drunk, but spilled a name from his mouth. The voice was too light, with deep depression, that Yan Tao did not understand who he was calling.

Later asked him, but he refused to say anything.

Yan Tao asked again, "Or do you have a girl you like?"

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