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[12/12, 12:59 PM] .: Although Xie Xun was in the General's Mansion, after all, Zhong Rou saved her life.

After Xie Xun was able to get out of bed the next day, Lengshi took her and a few girls to General's Mansion.

Tomorrow, Gao Yong will go back to the barracks with Zhong Shang, and will go along the way.

Xie Ting and Yan Yu originally wanted to return to the Sixth Prince's Mansion, but Xie Ting changed his mind midway and wanted to find out who actually wanted to hurt Xie Xing and followed.

At the General's Mansion, General Zhong and General's wife greeted him personally in the hall. Jiang felt guilty and condolenced Xie Xing several times, still very unhappy. Jiang told Zhong Rou to lead her and Xie Yuan to the backyard. He and Leng arrived later, leaving Tangwu to speak to a few men.

It was late autumn, and the backyard was a bit cold. The octagonal pavilion was covered by curtains, and two stoves were set up, which was barely warm. The girl brought some cakes. Xie Xun was sick these days. Leng's didn't let her eat anything, so she couldn't eat after seeing the snack. She took a piece of yam cake filled with bean paste and took a bite. Can't help but take another bite.

Seeing her buried in her food, Xie Yan couldn't help laughing, "If you let Anang know, I can't spare you."

She devotedly sucked up the bean paste inside, only then realized the seriousness of the matter, picked up a snack and put it in front of Xie Yi, and pleaded kindly: "Sister Don't tell A Niang ..."

Actually know how to bribe.

Xie Yan didn't answer, took a bite in her hand, and bent her lips to look at the opposite Zhongrou: "I'm not alone here."

Zhong Rou was originally watching a movie, and was suddenly named. He coughed and turned his head.

Xie Xing heard the meaning of the words, simply pushed a plate of snacks down in front of her, her long eyelashes flickered, "Sister Zhongrou also eats."

For a girl who puts food first, this is probably her most gracious invitation.

Xie Xing was a bit impressed by what happened that day. Although she was in a coma, she still remembered that someone rescued her from the water. Afterwards, Xie Yi told her that Zhongrou had saved her, and she was always grateful to Zhongrou. He Zhongrou is different from ordinary girls. He has a kind of British spirit, which makes people dare not approach. Xie Xing took a lot of courage to say that sentence.

Fortunately, Zhongrou didn't seem to be so difficult on the surface. She took a snack and thoughtfully said, "You eat it."

Xie Xun smiled and nodded again and again, "Uh-huh."

So there was really no scruples, and he sat silently holding up his snacks, and from time to time he put a piece in Xie Tiao and Zhong Rou's plate and let them both eat.

Xie Yan was worried that she ate too much at once, which was bad for her stomach, and could not help reminding her: "You eat less, and your stomach will be rounded in a while. Anang will find out."

When she heard that, she hurriedly stopped, looking down at her flat belly, and felt relieved when there were no bulges.

While she was eating snacks, Xie Yan asked Zhongrou: "I don't know how Sister Zhong investigated, did anyone see it then?"

Zhong Rou shook his head and yelled, "After you left the day before yesterday, the girl-in-law came to tell me that the place where the six girls fell was just behind a willow tree. Not many people cared, so no one saw it."

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