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After the beginning of spring, winter snow melted and everything recovered.

The spring blossoms and the grass warbler flies.

The spring of Beijing came earlier than Qingzhou, as if the flowers in the courtyard were in full bloom overnight. Xie Yan received an invitation from Prince's House, inviting her and Xie Xun to visit the house on the first day of March.

As Ling Xiangyun said, they should have known more talents when they first arrived in Beijing. Moreover, Xie Yan was originally a lively person. Attending these banquets was a gimmick for her. When she was in Qingzhou, she was famous in the circle, and she could be with everyone.

Of course, Qingzhou is no better than Beijing.

People in Beijing are more expensive than Qingzhou. They think that they are superior and have a sense of superiority everywhere. Among them, Xie Ying and Xie Yin are even more so.

Xie Yan thought the two were very funny. They thought she could do nothing with her cloth.

Before returning to Beijing, Leng Shi made several sets of clothes for her and Xie Xunxin, all in spring, summer, autumn and winter, all of which are the most seasonal colors and materials. Xie Yi's vision is unique, and the styles and patterns made by people are unique. Even if they are left in Beijing, they are also bright.

Xie Xing ran over to find her, and said rudely, "Sister ..."

Xie Xun was playing with a pink necklace, and Wen Yan looked up. "Huh?"

Xie Xun twitched, and it took a long time to complete the words: "Can I not admire the flowers ..."

Now she stopped and turned to look at her sister, "Why?"

Xie Xing pouted, "Many people."

She said with a sigh of distress, "But if you don't go, I'm alone and weak, I will be lonely."

Xie Xing couldn't understand what this meant, and blinked.

Xie Yan put down the necklace and had to ask, "Do you like three sisters and four sisters?"

Xie Xing shook his head honestly.

Although she was simple, she still understood something. It ’s so easy to know if you like or do n’t like you. She could feel everything from her actions and eyes. Xie Ying and Xie Yin didn't like the two sisters. She felt it from the first day they returned home.

Xie Yan was very relieved: "Yes, the three sisters and four sisters do not like us."

When she was a child, she forgot something, but she remembered it very clearly, just like remembering that the old lady taught her to break his flower. Xie Ying did not like her since she was a child, and did not deal with her. At that time, she was young and could not understand why. She tried to approach Xie Ying again and again, but ended in failure.

Xie Ying is a very strong person. She wants to be the best child in the eyes of her elders. Xie Yan is very smart and can read the books once, so grandfather likes her most.

Coupled with the indoctrination of the old lady and the old lady, Xie Ying, from a very young age, did not look good to Xie Ye.

So she bullied her, pushed her into the snow, tricked her into the rain, and became a daily routine.

Xie Ye finally understood that Xie Ying was not her good sister, so she never touched her again, and she has been to this day.

Xie Yan told Xie Xun: "The more people don't want us to live well, the more we have to live well, Ah Xuan, can you go with me?"

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