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[12/12, 1:05 PM] .: 86
[12/12, 1:14 PM] .: Xie Liqing couldn't return. All the rest of his work was in his care. If he went back, he wouldn't even have a person who could speak. So I heard Yan Yu ’s plan, and after thinking about it, I asked Xie Rong to go back with him. In the past year, the two have suffered so much that they ca n’t learn anything after staying there. It ’s better to go home earlier, maybe Can also catch up with Yuan Festival.

Yan Yu thanked him for his kindness and turned around to make Zhou Huaizhi prepare to return to Beijing.

Wu Jiang still has some scattered problems, and he has to solve them before he can go back.

In Beijing, Xie Yan didn't know his hands and feet on Gao Ling, and felt that Gao Ling would not come for a while, wondering, but didn't think much.

On the cold day of nine or nine, she had a serious illness.

The windows were not closed at night, and cold wind poured in from the air vents, even if the stove was burning. She had a headache and fever, and was lying sick on the bed for several days, her throat so dumb that she couldn't say a word. Yan Yaoan, Gu Ruyi and others came to see her one after another. Seeing that she was unwell, she left without asking for more interruptions. However, Leng's heart was too painful. He changed Xie Xunlun and guarded her by the bed. She was relieved until she was clear.

Leng's questioned Xie Ye who was on the night that he was ill. The girls looked at each other. You look at me and I look at you, no one is silent.

Finally Leng asked Pisces, and Pisces said, "It's a green shirt."

Jade shirt immediately turned white, kneeling on the bed and begging for mercy. "Mrs. Obviously ... the sister-in-law did close the doors and windows, and somehow the wind was blown away at night. It was the sister-in-law's damn. Please forgive the sister-in-law once. "

Leng's frowns and asked Wang Yan to take her outside to kneel.

Wang Yan took the lead and took the Jade Shirt down.

It was freezing cold, and Cuishan couldn't carry it long before kneeling outside, pulling Wang Xun's trouser legs and begging for mercy.

Wang Yan was so cruel that she knelt for two hours at a stretch. It was said that Jade Shirt was unable to walk on both legs at that time and was helped back. She thought the punishment was heavy enough, but did not expect that she could not get out of bed the next day, and Wang Zheng would let her scrub the corridor outside.

Not to mention how cold the water is on such a cold day, the key is that her knee injury has not healed, should you not kneel when you wipe the floor? Can she still have these two legs?

Unfortunately, Cuishan did not dare to bargain with Wang Ye, and when he raised the bucket, he knelt on the porch and moved a little.

She wiped a corridor for a day, and at the end her hands were cold and she didn't say anything, and her legs lost all consciousness. When she returned, she threw the rag on the ground angrily and began to cry with a grin.

She was the one who encouraged Qingxia to seduce Yan Yu.

At first, she picked the head first, guessing whether Yan Yu would take a break from Xie Wei, and also said that Qing Xia looks good-looking, has a gentle temperament, and will definitely be taken over by Yan Yu.

She is the most fearful of the girls.

Wang Yiping had often seen her as unpleasant, but she hadn't said in her heart. She did not expect that this time she touched Leng's inverse scale and was punished for a good meal. So Wang Xun didn't sympathize with her, but he called her so vigorously that her injured legs were dragged for a full month to see her.

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