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The second elder is coming back, and the Dingguo government has been fully prepared.

At this moment, the old lady and the old lady led the big, three, and four-bedroom people to sit in the hall and waited. The servants communicated every quarter of an hour and reported where the second grandfather was. Until noon, I heard someone say, "It's here, it's already at the door!"

The old lady couldn't sit still, holding the cane and went to the door to greet her. The old lady coughed gently, "Then come in quickly."

The next man heard the words and rushed to meet outside the door.

Not long after the sound came from the courtyard, everyone looked at Helu and Chunchun's shadow wall together.

Xie Liqing and Leng's walked in front, followed by Xie Rong, followed by Xie Yan and Xie Xun two little girls. After years of not seeing, Xie Liqing was more matured by Qingzhou's terroir, and darker than nine years ago, but more like a man in the sky. Leng's next to him did not change much. This is the best reward for a woman from heaven. A woman in her thirties still looks like a girl in her twenties. Zhu Liphao's teeth and white skin are like snow, and I don't know how to maintain it normally. No wonder Xie Liqing loves her.

This family has a good skin, parents are neat, and children are naturally seductive.

The most eye-catching thing is Xie Yang who is wearing a white embroidered fox fur cape. There was a smile on her lips, and she looked inadvertently forward. The face of the goose and the egg, under the radiance of the sunlight, seemed to be a beautiful white jade. Xie Xun said something to her, and she bowed her head and smiled. At that moment, there seemed to be blossoming sounds around.

She has a sweet smile since she was a child. No matter how angry you are, as soon as you see her smile, you lose all temper.

This beauty is an innate wealth, and others can't imitate it, only envy.

In fact, Xie Yan didn't say anything funny, she just asked: "Where is this?"

When she left Beijing at the age of three, she had little impression of it, let alone remembering the Dingguo government. This is too strange for her. Although she is magnificent and has carved beams and painted buildings, she is still not as good as the small mansion in Qingzhou. Qingzhou's home is small, but more like a home.

Xie Xuan looked at her, pinching her tender cheeks: "Stupid stinger, this is the state government."

Xie Xun did not know where the Gonggongfu was. She heard Leng said that they also had a home in Beijing, where grandfather and grandmother lived, as well as an uncle and uncle. She looked up and saw that there were many people sitting in the main hall, and everyone's eyes were looking at them. She was born timid and hid behind Xie Yi.

Xie Yi shook her hand and said to her, "Don't be afraid, they won't eat people."

Xie Xun was still young and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but Xie Yi knew it well.

When she left, she was five years old. The ordinary child had long forgotten what happened at this time, but she remembered it clearly. It was probably that she was so impressed at that time that she couldn't forget it now.

Just thinking, people have arrived at the main hall.

Everyone hula la stood up to greet him, grandfather Guo said with emotion: "Can you be back? How have you been in Qingzhou these years?"

Xie Liqing bent down respectfully and saluted the two. "Everything is fine, and my father cares."

The grandfather asked about the situation in Qingzhou again, and then stopped.

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